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Everything posted by kowhite

  1. I have faith Marvel will convince me yeah this is what I want to see! Cant lie, right now it’s Marvels Solo. But shit, I liked Solo well enough. Didn’t think I would would. And yes I loved Last Jedi.
  2. Ok, Farewell was a pretty great movie. Liked it a lot. But can I say...I went to a free screening, pre-bought out by god knows who...and it was 80% empty. Like, walk up and you’re in. Then, I saw another screening like that. No I didn’t go. But, it’s a good movie. Watch it!
  3. It still lost money. Kinda bombed? I want this one to make the money. Kinda wanted Blood Diamond to do that too, solid flick. Expecting this to be better.
  4. Im just hoping I’ll watch something I want to watch again. Not since Casino Royale. If this can deliver more than enjoyable but forgettable I’ll be pleased.
  5. Possibly. My guess, he’s not even in the first act. Dies in the beginning of the third act. TWIST: He dies in the 4th act and this movie is truly creative? Oh who am I kidding.
  6. But, let’s be real... The Mutli-verse is real! I think, to be confirmed in a future movie, crow put on ice for later. I’ll get back to you when it happens. BTW, your cap locks is broken.
  7. Arnold is a supporting character in this, isn’t he? How much is he even in the movie I wonder? That’s not even a bad thing really, nothing against you Arnold. Granted they better make his time good.
  8. In all fairness, Poppins will probably be slightly profitable. Dumbo, slightly unprofitable. Not that anyone is going to be excited about either performance.
  9. Given the word on it... Im guessing they’re just being funny. And know it’s not gonna do THAT well.
  10. Maybe Bohemian won for editing cause he made an enjoyable movie out of a mess of footage? You know, it was a solid movie. Sure. Fine. Ok. Yeah.
  11. is it me, or is Bond the most enduring, long lasting, important franchise I just watch once, and immediately forget about? Barring Goldeneye, ok Casino too...and yes I’m talking movies that existed after I hit puberty... Looking forward to this, but I’m totally gonna watch this in theaters, buy it on 4K, and never watch it.
  12. Probably to a certain degree but I think if it’s good, it can still maybe do better than Last Knight (well, only domestic). It still has to carry the burden of Last Knight though and the whole franchise.
  13. I heard it comes out in March. And that Tim Burton directed it. Sorry, I’m annoying sometimes. I had to.
  14. Ok, I’m out on a limb here ...but maybe massive reshoots mean..,he made a good yet not marketable movie? No, I am not saying Snyder Cut was good or even existed. Or that even happens. Ever, even here. Just stirring the pot. But what if...Josh Tranks Fantastic Four wasn’t terrible? M Night would like to know.
  15. Ok interesting question...will this be the Avengers of the Unbrekable thingy franchise? Or will it just...make less than Split cause nobody really cares about Bruce Willis anymore? Or, like, almost as much as Split? I’m kinda feeling...it’ll do well, but mostly riding off Split. Even if it’s amazing. How many of us are really Unbreakable nerds?
  16. Dumbo...Aladdin...Lion King. Its possibly too much too fast. I feel like one will be like...yeah, pretty good...one will be like...hmmm I don’t know...and the other will make bonkers money. Yet all will be profitable. But one...bonkers money.
  17. Lets be honest, half of Zimmer scores are people pretending to be Zimmer. Heck that’s half of major motion pictures. Yes, hyperbole. Whatever, bring me that Wonder Woman theme.
  18. I don’t care what anyone says, love this movie. Excellent Mad Max ripoff. It ranked well even the Mad Max legacy. Sure, Road Warrior is better, Fury Road stomped it...but it’s solid entertainment and the money...it’s on the screen. I can see it and I love it.
  19. I heard this got good response at...Sundance? I think that’s where.
  20. 1) most movies make a loss cause they’re not profitable 2) I don’t think you understand how residuals work. Hint...you can’t dodge residuals based on costs...they’re not part of the calculation. Ever. Ok, maybe some taxes.
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