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Spider-Man (2002)

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This is one of the movies that got me into box office and also that of the superhero genre. What was amazing is that it is the first movie unadjusted to make over 100 million in its opening weekend in North America which was pretty impressive. 100 million openers used to be rare but are now common because of Spider-Man.

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5 minutes ago, That One Guy said:

A superhero movie based on a comic book?  LMAO what a flop waiting to happen.  No one even reads comic books. X-Men is the exception, not the rule.  And getting the guy who made Evil Dead for this?  What the fuck?

"Who's Tobey Maguire? Didn't he bomb in Pleasantville? It won't make a nickel, and he'll never work in this town again"

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The Avengers still haven't managed to touch where Spidey was in 2002. The movie was a major home run and the general public interest in Spider-Man was at an all time high. 


This run is also really impressive just for its PTA and screen average. On its first Saturday it made $43.6M from 3,615 sites which translates to a $12,067 PTA. That adjusts to about $18,000 today without adding on for the usual 3D that accompany movies today. And it was on 7,500 screens, a few thousand less than what most big films release on now.


For a blockbuster to match that Saturday volume of money per screen on a 4,300 release on 10,000 screens it would need an $86M day.

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17 minutes ago, Jay Hollywood said:

Waited in line 3 hours opening night with my Dad, waited around the block, theater manager gave a speech before the film. I was 9 and this felt massive. 


What were predictions like in the day for OW? 80 -90? 




Looks like Box Office Guru was expecting 80m




Edited by John Marston
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Still remember seeing this in a theater so packed on opening night that people were literally sitting in the aisles.


I'm inclined to think the general mood of the country following 9/11 contributed greatly to its success. As much as I hate that Chad Kroeger song, the ads set to "Hero" probably did wonders.

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On 2/4/2017 at 2:43 PM, Joel M said:

It was def expected to be a big hit, and i think most expected to be much bigger than X-men, but destroying Harry Potter's OW record and beating the new star wars movie by 100m? No one saw that coming.


I don't recall anyone seriously thinking Potter was in play, but most people assumed it was a shoo-in to take the #2 slot ahead of The Lost World. 


I still remember my jaw hitting the floor when I saw that first Friday figure come in (something that can't be replicated these days w/ early estimates). 


Definitely the biggest shock in all my years of box office tracking, and then the first $100m OW, the 2nd/3rd weekend records, and a $400m+ final tally. 

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8 minutes ago, CoolEric258 said:

Question to those following BO back then:


What was your first reaction to seeing that $100M opening? Was the thought of it breaking the century mark even a possibility in your mind?

I wasn't on movie forums then but I was a big time box office follower (definitely have fond memories of reading Box Office Guru's articles back in the day) and remember my jaw hitting the floor at the Friday number that Saturday morning, even after never seeing a theater more packed then it was when I saw it that Friday night.

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I did a double take when I saw that it had made $114 million on the Sunday night news. I wasn't following box office online at the time (I usually waited until the next Friday to see the listing of the previous weekend's numbers in the Seattle P-I's weekend entertainment insert), but I remembered that Harry Potter held the previous weekend with $90 million. Considering that I felt like Harry Potter was so much more hyped, I was shocked that Spider-Man went so much higher.

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I remember the hype for this. Spidey coming to the big screen for the first time...on top of that the movie was actually good. This was HUGE at my local AMC Aventura. Longest lines I've ever seen for a movie(besides TDK & Avengers 1 & TFA).

Not too OT but I just find it funny how this film was the 1st to break 100m OW and then approximately 10 years laters Avengers was the first to break the 200m OW.

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