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  1. Gogo2025 is a known Wicked hater for some reason. He's been spewing xxx all across the forum. He doesn't care about Moana, he's only looking for a way to downplay Wicked.
  2. It had the best Saturday increase in the top 10 last week. I can see it challenging KFP and GB:FE. Deadline's WE drop fro it seems Off.
  3. Dune has been a shitty Tuesday (discount day) player, with lower increases on normal Tuesdays. So I wouldn't read too much into it in comparison.
  4. KFP4 hasnt opened yet. these are advanced screenings.
  5. Does PLF/IMAX availability heavily impact family movies? Deadline mentioned 1/3 for Wonka's OW rev. Does the PLF/IMAX share typically reduce for subsequent weekends?
  6. Thats a strong Saturday.
  7. SO we're looking at top 3 all time. Nice.
  8. The Aladdin Monster continues
  9. Do as much as you like, I also enjoy reading them Following Aladdin's run has been awesome.
  10. WIY is having better evening result. should pull ahead of TS4's first Saturday. still a bit disappointing.
  11. Yeah, not looking forward to the drops. It will be a disaster.
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