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About SilverShark

  • Birthday 12/19/1991

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  1. Ok thanks, so maybe I can do some fillers for Year 1 in the next weeks. Another question: I just saw that directors are limited to one big movie and one or two smaller ones per year. Is it possible that we can track who´s used already too often or something like that?
  2. SpellForce (as always maybe I can tell the whole saga this time ) Gothic Series
  3. Ah it seems that I´ve missed quiet some time here I really got lazy over the past years but I think I´ll try to start a comeback as well. As I have seen we won´t use franchises which are currently in development or just had a film right? So byebye WarCraft But what about "our" own movie world? As always I´ll take the SpellForce rights (will post in the franchise rights thread afterwards) but is it ok to start stuff like that again? At last I just can say I´m happy that we start again... I won´t have the time to write massive amounts of movies or reviews and stuff but hell I loved this game. But dang I have to learn english again Edit: is it okay to re release some of the stuff we wrote in "vanilla" section? OFC with some tweaking and stuff.
  4. Wow... this game is pretty dead I know I also failed to get my things done. Maybe we should try a complete restart with new rules which make the whole process easier? I guess most of us just don´t have the time anymore to write massive stories. So cut it down to idk 200-300 words or something like that? I don´t know really but I somehow miss this game very much.
  5. Ah hell I´m in.... my hopes: $ WW realistic: around 600.000.000 $ WW otherwise I´ll blame the marketing team
  6. Why do videogame movie trailers always get such weird music placed into it? First Warcraft now this... Well I would choose WarCraft over this but I'm simply more into fantasy stuff. I just hope both will do fine so they won't be the last big budget adaptions.
  7. I won´t be able to write anything before early Feb tooooooo much to do for the study... december completly filled with stuff and things....:(
  8. same problem here, i have about a quarter of the new SpellForce... but not enough time to finish before new year or even february.
  9. I think the series gets better and better with each new episode
  10. Oh so we have a nice showdown again like my last SpellForce flick against Creators monster That will be fun. And yes it was about time... but still it´s a new storyline... so we´ll see how that turns out
  11. Update: December 18 - SpellForce: Shadow Wars (Fantasy epic, dir. Rupert Wyatt)
  12. July 24 - Dominion (dir. Jonathan Nolan) (Sci-Fi/Adventure)
  13. December 18 - Shadow Wars (director TBA)
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