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Everything posted by Travod

  1. In the 8th grade she made everyone sign this petition saying that Janice was a - DAMIAN PLEASE!She's a life ruiner. She ruins people's lives.
  2. The "Lacrimosa" music scene with the universe <3
  3. The Help over Dragon Tattoo? You cray cray.
  4. This is the fertility vase of the Ndebele tribe. - Does that mean anything to you?! No?
  5. When I said Supporting Actress I meant for Scottie. I know, impossible
  6. My brother's 21? It's the tiny scene where the kid is standing with 2 friends and Buddy starts calling out to him. The kid was one of the friends He was in the yearbook and everything for it xD
  7. Zooey <3The dancing scene with You Make My Dreams.Chloe Moretz.
  8. It's weird how he's born a wrinkly baby then gets bigger while still being small... Like when you get to 90 years old I don't think you turn back into a baby :PWhoever his wife is was the best person. I love the scene about "If one thing had gone differently..."
  9. Edward Norton speaks Japanese which makes me go すごい! really anime-ish.Helena Bonham Carter was my favorite.
  10. Such a weird movie that's so completely unbelievable. It's so out there I can't even. My God.
  11. The only good part is the montage of the universe set to opera music. I watch that scene frequently.
  12. I love Brad Pitt when he's crying at the end :POH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD. -picks gun up- -puts it down- -puts it back up- -shoots a few times- -shoots more-
  13. I don't know, my mind is clouded by the actual event. "Hello mom, this is your son, first middle last name. Mom do you believe me?"
  14. The thing with the hand/eyes was a let down because it looked cooler in still photos/posters.And Ophelia deserved to die, what an idiot.
  15. I love it. SPAGHETTI! And apparently a kid from my brother's grade in middle school was in it for like 5 seconds.
  16. He gets owned by Hoffman. And what happens to the girl is so unexpected.And the ending was really disappointing.
  17. *2nd most quotable movie ever.But I still quote it all the time. I don't hate you because you're fat, you're fat because I hate you.
  18. Much better than Vol. 2, though that is good too. Best chapter... I don't know, I love the fight in the beginning.
  19. His 2nd best movie :DThe guy who plays Arthur Leigh Allen is amazing for the part (and it's funny because he's so different in Fargo). I like long, slow, and dark movies for some reason. Toschi is great. And the opening scene. Basically every murder scene.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9Q1vM2vPIkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPFUFfK6fkYyes.
  21. When they do speak, it's in English. Also all the props have English. It's also about Hollywood.
  22. Yea, the best part of Rango is the actual animation. Rio also had great animation and the story was great. So colorful.
  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_submissions_to_the_84th_Academy_Awards_for_Best_Foreign_Language_Film^The selections by country. 13 Assassins came out 6 days too early to be eligible
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