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Everything posted by ban1o

  1. wait is this a sequel or a prequel. And Kristen Stewart isn't in this? What is it about then?
  2. Loved the trailer! The only stuff I didn't really like was the tape stuff. I thought it took up to much of the trailers time. I think this could make 200 million
  3. I think I was like 14 when the first one came out and my brother was obsessed with it and watched it all the time. I had to baby sit him a lot I got so tired of that film. I must have seen it like 10 or 11 times and I hated it lol.
  4. lol that's just his nickname. Cassie isn't really like Katniss. I just mean she's really tough. She has to be because she basically travels all by herself because most of her family is dead. (This isn't really a spoiler In the very beginning of the book you find this out)
  5. yeah I wonder, the premise and the book are really interesting. Why would they bother making it if they are going to dump it anyway?
  6. alvin and the chipmunks? lol those movies are awful.
  7. The books is actually really good. It's about an alien invasion but it's different from most alien books and movies. It's told from 2 perspectives Cassie (who is a pretty tough girl kinda like Katniss or Tris) and Zombie (who is a soldier being trained to fight against the aliens). If they actually put effort into this to make it a good film, I could see it appealing to a broad audience. But Sony sucks at marketing anyway so whatever. And the January release date makes it look like they are dumping it.
  8. A- very good film, but I thought the human characters were underdeveloped. Keri Russell had nothing to do in the film. The apes were definitely the stars. Andy and Kobe did a very good job in their roles and I thought blue eyes was a very interesting character.On a side note, am I the only one who didn't see oldman's character as a villain. In the trailers it made it seem that way but to me he didn't seem like a villain at all. He gave Malcolm 2 days to fix the dam thing peacefully and then the apes suddenly the apes attack for seemingly no reason. Innocent humans were dying, so based on what he knew, blowing up the tower was an appropriate response.
  9. lol it's a line from the movie. But yeah it's a pretty good movie.
  10. but that just might be for promotional purposes. I guess we'll wait and see. From what I've heard Carell and Tatum are both very good in this film and they might try and maximize their chance of nominations.
  11. omg this deleted scene from CF was hilarious. I wish it was in the film. (I know this is like totally unrelated )
  12. lol dw that's doesn't sound bad. I actually liked Maleficent but I see your point about wanting quality movies to win. But honestly if I have to choose between Transformers and Maleficent to win the summer Maleficent wins by a mile.
  13. Frozen, CF and Gravity weren't summer films. The Heat was basically the only film last summer that starred female characters. Stop acting like women aren't severely underrepresented in blockbusters.
  14. Would Tatum be put under lead or supporting for Foxcatcher? I assumed Carell would be put under lead so does that mean they would push Tatum to supporting?
  15. Mmm really. Then how come out of all the blockbusters this summer only one film stars a female character? (Fault in our Stars isn't really a blockbuster) Women make up 50% of the population
  16. I seriously don't get why people continue to act surprised that films starring female characters are doing so well. They acted surprised with Frozen and CF and they are now surprised with Maleficent. Although it wasn't that great of a movie, I kinda hope Maleficent wins the summer just so it will encourage studios to release more blockbusters starring female characters.
  17. you can't worship someone who hasn't made a movie in like 3 years Obviously theyll come back when they have a successful film.
  18. LOL it's funny too cuz it's not even in the movie.
  19. yeah Avatar did a really good job with the the over arching plot and I really got the sense that it was planned out. But It's probably easier with animation to do that.
  20. That HTTYD2 number is horrible. I really hope it can bust out some late legs. My prediction was 300 million. (before it came out of course)
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