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Everything posted by Charism

  1. First season was good, brilliantly shot, but sometimes messy and overwritten story with too many 'fractions' blocked this shows' bloom. But season 2 is doing right what first can - characters are glowing, story is simple, yet nice and dark and everything is simply better. Great thing to watch late at nights. Did I mention how beautifully it is shot, designed, costumed, scenographed and acted?
  2. Great show, but I don't know if season 3 is necessary. Hopefully they came up with something good.
  3. Maybe because of this silly prostetics on Depps face. I get that vibe too.
  4. Isn't it that hard to write some intelligent script to go through bom site and save every page? I'm totall zero on programming, but it shouldn't be that hard...
  5. Maybe even less, Prometheus has that cave with impressive interior actually build, few monsters, and probably lot more cgi than Martian will.
  6. That's simply awesome. Have you seen anything in Shakespearian age english pronunciation?
  7. Was screened at Cannes. Apparently, not every opinion is possitive: Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152732588091541&set=a.314298756540.158572.727016540&type=1&hc_location=ufi
  8. It'll be hard, because they all live in different ages, with around 6000 years of difference. http://www.pixartheory.com/
  9. Badly edited trailer (with good using of music), but massappealing looking movie. Could be even decent. ... if it wasn't a Sandler/James movie. Jesus, they are so bad I want them to evaporate from this planet.
  10. Acting in this show is terrible. Reina, Bobby, Cara, that duplicationg Inhuman lady and on top of them - Jaying. All horrible. Cal was very bad, but had his really good moments. But final was great, even despite that incredible acting 'skills'. Can't wait for next season! Also good set up for Civil War ('we need to stay anonymous'). And that last two scenes - fish oil montage (great editing btw), and Fitz slippery causing Simmons being eaten by rock. Awesome.
  11. I love her eyelid movement in the middle of that trailer. I put in on a loop for like 10 times. Love that small little things.
  12. Second one is better. Looks interesting, very climatic, but not scary. Buuuut.... is that a music from NOAH? It totally put me off from those trailers. I hate when they put a music from one movie to trailers of another. Just like Requiem For a Dream in LOTR Two Towers...
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