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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. Which part was scary? The fact that frothing anti-Semities can't order Mein Kampt from a publically funded institution in the largest Jewish county in America? By nuance to free speech, I meant that public funds and private business shouldn't become a platform for open celebration of bigotry. I obviously do not believe in government led suppression or arrest of anyone, if that's what you think.
  2. Nope, this is a strawman argument from both of us, frankly. I shouldn't have threw out any numbers. But here's what I'll say: I'm not from Jordan, or from Canada, no offense. I'm from the South. My dad was raised in a shack in East Texas. I live in Miami now, but I grew up with family in Central Florida and the foothills of North Carolina. I know the South enough to say that alot more than 2% of the South thinks of the Confederacy as a great lost cause of a glory age that must be brought back. Just because a largely black district in New Orleans voted against David Duke one time doesn't mean that the South still isn't a hotbed of open racism and institutional violence.
  3. Maybe it was an exaggeration, but it's a hell of a lot more than say...20%. It's a scary number.
  4. Right, I think we're doomed to repeat the past regardless, my friend, but we should be taking efforts to at least try to mitigate that. My family is from the South. They don't consider this a failed war. They consider this a "lost cause." That's dangerous. Yep, and the Bible and Quaran have also led to millions of charities and spiritual organizations that have helped tons of people. Some of my friends who I know were in the Christian Varsity organization at GW are flying to Houston right now. Religion and political ideology are whole different ballgames. Also, I can give a shit about Islam, I barely give a shit about my own religion - I wasn't even bar mitzvahed. I care about the outright oppression of Muslims and Jews in the United States and the equal right to follow non-violent traditions and worship.
  5. Do you feel as if your rights to enjoy culture are really being suppressed because you can't say the same stupid South Park ass jokes anymore? Good! Now imagine thinking that everytime a police officer pulls you over, you're gonna get shot in the back of the head for reaching for your registration.
  6. I'm fairly certain that if you put a ballot initative making slavery legal again up to vote, a majority of white southerners would vote yes on it, or at least close. For all the talks of the dangers of banning and taking down statues, the alternative hasn't helped when people celebrate this as a great era for the South that needs to be brought back.
  7. That's a whole other ball of wax. It's an interesting argument, but religious texts open for interpretation and rooted in spirituality aren't the same as books saying "All Jews are heathens that deserve to be mass exterminated" that people read and said "Yep, let's do that" as recently as 1945.
  8. The Germans took down every Nazi statue and probably don't show Triumph of the Will in theaters. Have we wiped Nazis from the history books yet?
  9. Also, man the free speech/white identity crowd is such a bunch of "triggered snowflakes:. Acting like one little ass theater banning some four hour long Clark Gable romance is the same as actual oppression. Give me a fucking break.
  10. Here's what you need to know: they put millions of black people on boats, shipped them to America, and kept them in chains as slaves for hundreds of years before proceeding to start an unbelivably deadly war to keep those slaves. That's all the context you need.
  11. My mom works for the library, and her department refuses to lend out shit like Mein Kampf and Protocols of the Elders of Zion without a clear written reason from a school or historical society. Rightfully so, too. They aren't just words when they're open celebrations of an ideology that led to the murder of millions. We have to be able to contextualize a difference between book burnings of "degenerate Jewish authors" and not having people wildly whooping in applause in celebration of the Confederacy.. They aren't the same. This zero-sum Reddit ideology regarding free speech gotta go. It's a debate with nuance.
  12. There has been a protest planned to change street names in my hometown that's expected to draw thousands for months now, and that's in liberal South Florida. It's certainly a hotpoint across the whole south. This has been an issue for years. What an ignorant thing to say.
  13. You can't erase them, but you shouldn't celebrate them with flags or memoralize them with statues. They belong in a museum and in history classes.
  14. Damn right they should have. Movie is a celebration of slavery and the Confederacy. It's a disgrace. It should be watched in American Studies classes like Birth of a Nation, not shown for pleasure and profit. Oh, and those statues and flags should all be burnt to the ground at once.
  15. Yea, I'm gonna wait and see on this one. Geraldo Rivera opening Capone's vault had more credibility than these guys. I still think it finishes rotten or in the 60s. Officially put me on board for about 65m OW, though.
  16. If you arrange the tracks in the right order, they spell BRAN IS THE NIGHT KING
  17. This happens with every horror movie, I ain't reading much into it at all. These horror site writers would give a 5 star review to a two hour video of Jason taking a huge steaming dump if it meant getting a good seat at the junket.
  18. Still predicting 50s/60s on RT, but yea this shit is doing 60 mill opening weekend. I've come over to that side. Reading the book now, one of the few Kings I haven't read.
  19. Perhaps I'm just wondering why he would shoot a man, before throwing him out of a plane.
  20. I'm a GOT apologist in the face of it not being "cool" on the internet, even if the pacing is a bittt too quick this year (only these last two episodes did it really hurt, tbh - first four were terrific). But....if it just turns out that the White Walkers/Night King are just evil dudes who are evil for no reason and are returning now for plot convenience reasons that will be lame as FUCK. If I wanted to just see a bunch of CGI battling with a faceless identity-less monster for reasons of "bringing about the ultimate doom!" I would watch any blockbuster out today. Even if it's not Bran we gotta get some deeper lore/motivation. There needs to be some sort of swerve. The idea of a CGI evil army squaring off against dragons for the entire final season for world domination would go against what I love about both the books and show.
  21. Tyrion has had like 1000 times more to play with than last season, when he just sat around Mereen doing nothing. Love the Dink but no idea how he even got an Emmy nom. Personally I think this is his best season since 4.
  22. I liked this alot! It has the typical Sheridan problem of "characters going into extremely meaty existential monologues about society and life" that are wildly out of place, but those are also awesome for giving the actors so much to chew on. And they do great - cast is terrific, with Renner and Olsen both doing their best work in years after being trapped in the shitty franchise machines.. It looks beautiful, it's very well paced, and the emotion sneaks up on you. And that third act standoff was a shock - I could tell it was those guys from the second they popped up, but I didn't expect shit to pop off so quickly. I thought they would find some clues. The pacing of the movie helps there - the third act actions starts when alot of these kind of movies are just getting going. I do think it was kinda weird to have this specific story and commentary through two white characters. I get it with Olsen for sure, but Renner's character could have just as easily been a Native American with a few tiny writing tweaks and not changed much at all in terms of his role, while keeping the commentary. But it wasn't anything intensely problematic, and the movie is respectful to a fault.
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