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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. Isn't 37 pretty much the same increase from true Friday that GOTG 1 had, the only other Marvel movie of this size to release in true summer? That's a fine number. Puts it on pace for like 115-120. That's about 20m higher than I had it, tbh. Should clear 300 pretty easy.
  2. What other possible interpretation is there? It's not that complicated. He said that WW and Spider-Man have double features. Then he said 34 spidey tingles, which pretty clearly means 34 as a number. There's nothing else it could mean. No offense, but I think some people are reallllly reaching. If it does more, oh well, I hope I am wrong - I liked the movie pretty well, more than most MCU movies, and I like big numbers. But I just think that's denial tbf. It makes total sense as a number. No other MCU movie has opened in July except Ant-Man, and this is a much more well-known character. Everyone is off school. Lots of people took a whole week off for the holiday! Spider-Man has a significant fanbase. And even with all of these factors, it'd still stay flat pretty much from true Friday. That makes sense to me.
  3. I mean if you think it's doing over 40 that's all well and good but I wouldn't base your arguments on Rth, considering, again, he flat out said 34 directly. This some grassy knoll bullshit.
  4. It's the sixth Spider-Man movie and like the 50th MCU movie, and everyone is out of school now. It makes sense it'd be pretty frontloaded. A hugely popular character for fans in a second reboot in a massive cinematic universe, kinda traits that make a movie drop a bit on Saturday. It does seem significantly low but honestly it's pretty close to true Friday so....not that implausible at all?
  5. Logan and SMH should be the future of the superhero genre. I didn't even quite love Logan like everyone else, but they represent where these movies should be going: placing superheros in the context of different genres and deconstructing them, instead of making superhero movies in the traditional sense. We've seen that so many times, though WW at least supersedes it with a period setting and genuine reverence for its hero. Spidey in a high school comedy? Fun! Spidey is a glowing orb battle to save the world? Borinnng. Wolverine in a neo-western, awesome, but fuck seein another big X-Men team up movie like Apocalypse. I want the next Batman movie to Sherlock Holmes meets Halloween or something, a horror detective film.
  6. MCU is picking between the most boring possible directing choices (Derrickson, Russos) and some genuinely thrilling ones (Coogler, Waititi) so it kinda evens out. I'm seeing SMH at 3 so I'll let my opinion of Watts known then, but is the consensus that he's babysitting a good script and cast, or actually elevating material?
  7. Doctor Strange is the hardest one to rewatch by far. BvS and Suicide Squad are memorably disasters. Apocalypse at least has a few decent sequences. Dr. Strange is bad and incredibly boring. Within the first 20 minutes, he's introduced as an egotistical doctor, loses his ability in a terrible accident, exhausts tons of options to fix it, travels the world to find a cure, discovers a mystical temple, accepts the existence of inter-dimensional magic at face value, and becomes a wizard trainee. Ten minutes later, he's now some super powerful wizard. One of the most egerious examples of bad pacing and character development in modern movies.
  8. Between BvS, Suicide Squad, Apocalypse, and Doctor Strange (yep), there was a reason I was so negative about superhero movies going into the year. Just fucking awful. Everyone is on the whole mocking of "superhero fatigue" but it kinda helps that every superhero movie this year has been extremely well-received and ranked in the upper echelons of the genre. The Western probably would have survived if every movie was The Searchers, too.
  9. Apocalypse is gawd-awful in every way but DOFP in probably a top six superhero movie ever so it evens out I guess. The Russos are the platonic ideal of bland ass superhero directors to me. I actually like both their movies pretty well, but whatever they're doing is the opposite of elevating the material. They kept those two movies from being really great, in the top ten superhero movies ever type quality. They have the aesthetic and stylistic sense of a C-level Netflix or Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. director. Everything they do feels like a TV episode, except with super cartoony action. Anyway, I'm not too optimistic about IW. CW and Winter Soldier at least had hooks and structure that made them fun directing-aside, IW bears no interest to me.
  10. Well if it followed that off a 13mill preview it'd do 139.92, which ain't happening barring a miracle. GOTG1 is the best comparison, where it does exactly 110 pretty much.
  11. Don't love most of the comps in July for this. Most July heavy hitters have been Batman/Potter (uber frontloaded) or animated flicks/Mission Impossible, not frontloaded at all. I like Ant-Man okay as a comparison, but that should be less frontloaded. The best bet is Star Trek Beyond. That was a very established franchise that still had a good previews to weekend multiplier because of the audience - older adults, whereas SMH has kiddies. What did that do in previews? I'm gonna use that as my comp tomorrow.
  12. But if you don't win, donate to the forums anyway. I finally got my money up and I'm going to. This place is great and every @aabattery post makes the bandwith costs skyrocket.
  13. Here's your key for interpreting the numbers 10-11.5: Mild disappointment 11.5-13.5: Expected, flame wars ensue 13.5-15: Excitement, but measured 15+: This shit gone be big Under 10m: Meltdowns Under 8m: Mods form a suicide pact
  14. That's great, much more like it. If that holds, and it hits anywhere over 110, I'm supremely impressed all things together. Spider-Man probably has the second most built in box office clout of any superhero beside Batman, and that would be proof positive. I include Supes, WW, and RDJ Iron Man in there, even though RDJ Iron Man is in this. I don't really think RDJ in this is some huge draw - it's clearly Spidey's movie (domestically - he's a big hand worldwide).
  15. Right. We don't really know - Batman and Superman are the only other superheroes with this many film appearances and the only major superheros to switch actors. Mixed data. Could just be both together.
  16. If this disappoints, and I'm not saying it will, it needs to be the easiest what went wrong discussion in board history. It's a very well-reviewed Spider-Man movie with a ton of marketing, an empty release date, and Iron Man in it. If it doesn't live up to expectation, the reason is what it always has been: people are sick of this rebooting Spider-Man shit. It's become a running joke for a reason. I'm glad this movie is apparently excellent but I think apprehension about it is very, very fair.
  17. That Deadline number is obscenely early but also outside of BATB they've been hella accurate with similar calls around the same time so.....I don't know. I still am seeing this landing somewhere in the 90s. But it's starting to pick up presales and sell outs all over.
  18. SMH is picking up, it might make that paper paper paper. If it breaks out big that's my second week in a row I fucked up, I way overshot DM3 last week and overcompensate by maybe undershooting this. We'll see though. The rest of the summer has been a good look for me so far, but the losses are more memorable than the gains.
  19. It's because they shoot everything inside a parking lot in Atlanta these days. Compare that shit to 2005 King Kong or something.
  20. I'm not talking crowd experience here. I'm thinking something bigger, more intangible. These movies are now essentially a patchwork of quips and Easter Eggs stiched together so you better have an opening crowd going wild. That's pretty much the purpose of how these movies are now constructed.
  21. I tend to think it would have set a record that DMC wouldn't have caught, and even Spidey 3 would have barely eclipsed. Might have stood a chance of standing until TDK. Then again, if Sith had released on a Friday, it might have had a TDK level opening that doesn't get beat till Potter. This is why I wish they had opened on Friday - we'll never know.
  22. I hate that Spider-Man 2 and TASM both opened mid-week. I generally hate that unless it's Xmas. Makes it impossible for me to put the numbers into context, because I can't really tell what they would have done over a three day. Would SM2 have hit 130? Would TASM have hit 110? I mean I wouldn't use them for comparisons years on but still they'd provide valuable context like "A Spider-Man never did under 114 OW until TASM2" something. Frustrated me in my earlier days on BOM with Transformers 2, HPB, and Eclipse, too. Just open on a Friday!
  23. I might try to fit in a rewatch of the Raimi movies Saturday morning before I see this. There's something intangible about those movies I can't put a finger on. They feel like BLOCKBUSTERS. The tone, the music, the style all blend together to create an epic, truly blockbuster cinematic experience. I can't explain in words why, but they just feel bigger than movies do today. The way they create a universe and stakes combined with how they were shot to feel like the biggest thing you'd see on screen in years. That's my problem with the MCU, DCU, SWU, XU, etc...even at their very best, they feel kind of like high-end TV episodes instead of large-scale blockbusters, despite their budgets. This is probably the biggest compliment I'd pay Wonder Woman, for what it's worth.
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