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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. Never turn your back on family.....even when they do. *piano slowly comes in* It's be a long day, without you my friend...
  2. Pink I want you to know that I've been mean lately because really I'm sad I'm not in D.C. and we can't hang out, so I'm trying to create distance by starting beef with you. My ethers come out of love.
  3. My nieces love Lab Rats. Thank you Tele for bringing joy to my family. Also, sellouts/sales in the two areas I track (Miami/D.C) are strong tonight, but not near CW/Rogue One levels. However, given the presales and what I'm seeing in terms of seats sold, something like Suicide Squad's previews (19) doesn't seem out of the question at all. 14 seems low.
  4. I actually think legs will be fine after this weekend, I'm more talking about it having a frontloaded weekend IM.
  5. IDK I think Beauty and the Beast is gonna be alot more frontloaded than people think. These Disney fanatics are going crazy for this and I can see it bringing in alot of the same midnight crowd as Harry Potter and Twilight. 14 would kinda be disappointing if it performs like a relatively frontloaded movie and not a kids movie.
  6. I got about 20 minutes into Sing Street until I decided it was like a shittier version of The Commitments (which is awesome).
  7. JonathanLB is like if the phrase "My dad's a lawyer!!" became a sentient human and started posting on the internet.
  8. Speaking of that JonathanLB guy his ads are EVERYWHERE since I mentioned him a post once. Holy shit. At first it was just this board, then it was on Youtube videos, now there's banner ads for JLB media for me on ESPN, Twitter, and Facebook. I can't escape it. I went to listen to a song by Future and I get banner ads for ole Pitch Perfect is for gays Media.
  9. The worst is that there seems to be a growing contingent of people who legitimately will not even consider liking or seeing a movie if it doesn't make at least 100m. These people are the easiest to put on ignore for me. GTFO with that dumbass attitude.
  10. There's a massive contingent of posters who apparently get really fucking mad if the big sci-fi movie of the year doesn't win Best Picture, so really I'm prepared for everything post Blade Runner to just be an endless potential of shitpost.
  11. I mean they're silly dumb movies but I will stan for F8 because how much those movies embrace the Miami and hip-hop culture I grew up in. Those shits speak to me on a personal level. If no one else is gonna be a crazy fanboy that weekend, I volunteer. Dale!
  12. Every thread has the potential for so much shitposting this year. If Apes and Dunkirk are good we'll probably get 1000 posters telling us how overrated and pretentious they are. The inverse of that for Transformers and The Mummy, tbh. And POTC is just gonna turn into a big argument how whether Johnny Depp is a shitty shitstain (spoiler: he is). Every animated and Disney movie brings out some weird subgroup of users who obsess over these movies and I am pretty sure want to fuck animated cars/animals. Alien Covenant is probably the best hope for a thread without much shitposting.
  13. If Spider-Man: Homecoming does bad iJack might just write the next War and Peace. Underrated contender for worst thread IMO.
  14. Wonder Woman is gonna be the worst easy. If it opens to anything less than 150 BKB is gonna launch 100 posts in bold saying that it's because Wonder Woman's tits weren't big enough.
  15. All I know is I checked the Beauty and the Beast thread yesterday and all it was was a bunch of dudes talking about how critics just don't get it and have it out for fans of this film, with a couple of other dudes giving a play-by-play analysis of Emma Watson's nude leaks. Shit was weird af and I'm worried for tomorrow.
  16. I'm just trying to rack up as many likes as possible before tomorrow when this thread turns into hundreds of posts talking about how elitist Rotten Tomatoes is and how Le Fou is part of Hollywood's gay libtard agenda.
  17. Good idea! I've had pretty good luck so far with tattoos, so I can take a risk. I got a rocket ship on my back and going in there was like a 95% chance it would come out looking like a giant dong on my spine, so I don't want to press my luck too much.
  18. I have a $100 gift card to get another tattoo and I was hours away from getting the quote "I believe that, like me, the people behind these crimes are extreme athletes, using their skills to disrupt the world financial markets" on my chest. I thought this was the funniest idea and told all my friends about it for weeks. Then I decided "Wait a minute, what the fuck am I doing with my life?" Maybe I should have done it, idk.
  19. I'm pretty sure everytime I saw Jayhawk/Pink I spent 50 percent of the time complaining how much I hate the fucking cold. They need to come visit me in Miami and see me in my element.
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