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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. Excellent atmosphere, great tension, strong performances, and a fascinating examination of the incredible ambiguity between sanity and insanity. The ending rubbed me the wrong way until I thought about it more and then it really brought it all together. Do recommend.
  2. There's probably alot more people living in George Colony than people who will see Tomorrowland, really.
  3. 1) Will Poltergeist have at least 1.5 mill in previews? Yes 2) Will Poltergeist have an opening day of more than 7 million? Yes 3) Will Tomorrowland be number one for the 4 day weekend? No 4) Will Tomorrowland gross more for the three day than Poltergeist does for the 4? No 5) Will Pitch Perfect 2 fall more than 45%? Yes 6) Will Max fall more than 40%? No 7) Will any film in the top 10 increase for the 4 day (compared to last weeks 3 day)? Yes 8) Will Avengers have a Saturday increase of more than 60.5%? Yes 9) Will Home remain in the top 10? Yes 10) Will F7 get past 350 mill after Monday, so Monday's gross will count for this question. Yes 11) Will Mad Max have a better Thursday drop % wise than PP2? Yes 12) Will Age of Adeline have a better drop % wise than Woman in Gold? Yes 10/12 3000 11/12 4000 12/12 7000 (I think the questions have a good degree of difficulty this weekend. Question 13: Another all or nothing question, but with a twist. Here are four questions. If you go for these four questions, and you get them all correct, not only will you score 25,000 points, but you will have the opportunity at ANY POINT IN THE GAME BEFORE AUGUST 1ST, to challenge any two players to four of these very questions. If they get your questions right, they will receive a 30,000 point bonus, if they do not, they will lose 20,000. The reason they will receive such a high score for being correct is that the pressure is on them. Now, keep in mind, you NEVER have to use this bonus. It is not mandatory. But it will be there if you choose to use it,. All contingent of course on you getting all four questions right this weekend. And of course, if you are correct and at some point of the game you choose to challenge someone, all questions must be in the spirit of the game and they MUST BE APPROVED BY ME. If you are unclear on any of this please let me know. Now of course, if you do not get all four questions right, you lose 20,000....all or nothing. 1) Will Home increase more than 71.3% on Saturday? 2) Will any of the top three films on Thursday, fall less than 10%? 3) Will Avengers have a Friday increase of more than 100%? 4) Will Mad Max have a Saturday increase of more than 25%? Good luck!! Bonus 1: What finishes in spots: 6 Hot Pursuit 8 Home 9 Blart 12 Ex Machina 3000 each and a bonus of 3000 if all four correct. Bonus 2: What will PP2 and Tomorrowland combine to make for the 4 day? 5000 75.24 Bonus 3: What will Age of Adaline make on Saturday? 5000 1.04
  4. There are still massive misunderstandings in culture about what "rape" actually is, and portraying it in a fashion like GOT did can trivialize it and make it hard for a progressive discussion to occur. Millions of men don't consider what Ramsay Bolton did to be "rape" (even though it clearly was), because it was a husband doing something with his wife. So putting that scene up on screen in that fashion can lead to more confusion and more toxic discourse. Murder isn't like that. Murder is cut and dry. Everyone knows what murder is and that it's a bad thing. There's no way to trivialize it or complexify it- showing murder is just murder. Rape is a whole different ball of wax. I certainly am not mad at GOT for it- even though it had some icky sociocultural issues, I do think that it was not intended wrong and really was just a good way to further show that Ramsay Bolton is an evil, sadistic fuck, honestly. It did make me root for Sansa even more to kill the guy.
  5. Outside of the horrendous scenes in Dorne (which I didn't really like in the books anyway, pointless to me), I've loved this season because it has put focus on characters that have thus far been a bit shortchanged- Stannis, Sansa, and especially the ones at the Wall. Plus, the cinematography, framing, composition, music, sets etc. are by far the best they've ever been, and it's still exceptionally acted.
  6. 1) Will Pitch Perfect make at least 20 mill more than Mad Max? No 2) Will Pitch Perfect make more than 49 mill OW? Yes 3) Will PP have previews of more than 4 mill? yes 4) Will PP have an OD of more than 17.5 mill? Yes 5) Will PP be number one this weekend? Yes 6) Will Mad Max open to more than 30 mill? Yes 7) Will MM have previews of more than 2 mill? Yes 8) Will MM drop more than 25% on Sunday? No 9) Will Avengers drop more than 45%? Yes 10) Will Avengers increase more than 58% on Saturday? Yes 11) Will Age of Adeline fall more than 25%? No 12) Will the top three films combine to make more than 115 mill? Yes Question 13: This is an all or nothing question. If you go for it, you must get all four questions right. If you do not go for it, you get 0 points. However, if you do not get perfect on this question, you will lose 20,000 points. Getting it correct means you get 20,000 points. All or nothing. If you are not going to attempt this question, just say #13: Abstain. 13 Abstain Bonus 1: What finishes is spots: 4 Hot Pursuit 7 Furious 7 8 Home 11 Cinderella 12 Longest Ride 2000 each correct, 5000 bonus for all 5 correct. Bonus 2: What will PP and MM combine to make this weekend? 4000 96.44 mill Bonus 3: What will Avengers make on Sunday? 4000 12.04
  7. Oh in the past I absolutely said some rash and stupid things. College changes you, as does becoming more a part of the political experience. it's why I won't argue with guys like Alpha and Ethan Hunt- Even sharp political minds like mine don't really know jack shit until after a little bit of life experience and higher school. It's not "ageism"- it's just a fact. You become more reasoned and knowledgable with age and education (even if my economic views have shifted far left it doesn't mean my worldy outlook has shifted that way).
  8. I don't assume that at all. I study political science and work on political campaigns for a living. I know all there is to know about various wings of both parties. I wrote my fucking term paper in a class this semester on the differences between the Tea Party and the establishment and how the disparate wings of the GOP affects American politics. My oldest brother, my hero, is a Republican. I understand the differences probably better than Republicans do. Don't lump me in with other people, bruh. You don't know jack doodly squat about me or what I do. And there's a huge difference between lumping together the views of a political ideology (which I believe is wrong, yes) and lumping together the views of those opposing a social movement. Not all people who oppose feminism are conservatives. In fact, many are quite liberal. So stating an argument against those disparate parts who are presenting facts contrary to your side does not equate to lumping all conservatives together when on the attack (which again, I think is dumb.)
  9. One fundamental flaw in this entire debate is how many people are lumping "feminism" into one unified, constructed group with the same ideologies and practices, which couldn't be less true. Different feminists feel very different ways about how sexuality and gender should be portrayed on screen. It'd kind of be like if people lumped all black people together into one construct for strawman's sake.....oh, wait.
  10. 1) Will Hot Pursuit open to more than 20 million? Naw son No 2) Will D Train open to more than 2.5 million? No 3) Will Hot Pursuit have an opening day of more than 7.5 million? No 4) Will Avengers fall less than 58.5%? No 5) Will Avengers have a Friday drop of more than 70% from last Friday? Yes 6) Will Avengers increase more than 50% on Saturday? Yes 7) Will Avengers drop more than 8% on Thursday? No 8) Will F7 fall more than 40%? No 9) Will Age of Adeline make more than F7? No 10) Will Hot Pursuit and F7 make at least 25 million combined? No 11) Will any film decrease more than 50% besides Avengers? Yes 12) Will any film have a Saturday increase of more than 65%? Yes 10/12 2000 11/12 3000 12/12 5000 What films finish in spots: 4 Adaline 7 Cinderella 8 Home 12 Longest Ride 2000 each and a bonus of 3000 if all four spots correct. Bonus 1) What will Avengers gross for the weekend? 5000 82.44 Bonus 2) What will Hot Pursuit gross for the weekend? 5000 13.12 Bonus 3) What will the weekend cume be for Blart, F7 and Cinderella? 9.42
  11. 1) Will Avengers make 600 million domestic? NO 2) Will Avengers make more than F7 internationally? NO 3) Will Avengers make more than F7 in China? NO 4) Will Avengers make more than F7 in any of these countries: Brazil, Columbia, Portugal? Yes
  12. 187 users viewing this topic right now for me, what a cowinkydink! Look, of course in a vacuum, it's an incredibly amazing number that shatters anything we thought possible ten years ago. But standards have changed. In 1960, Paul Blart 2 would have had record-shattering numbers- that doesn't mean it's just a mediocre gross today. I know that's a bad analogy but it's fair for people to be disappointed when expectations and box office trends have clearly been pointing in one direction. yes, perspective and everything, I agree, but from most people's perspective in 2015, that's a bit of a letdown. Not meltdown worthy, but a letdown.
  13. BKB, I gotta say, much as we argue, you've taken this loss like a man. No spin and no excuses (minus the Rth thing). Took your punches like a champ. And no matter how much we disagree, I do respect the hell out of a man who can take his loss like that. Props. 'That doesn't mean I'm not still happy as shit to change your name after Neo, barring this growing miracle legs and pass TA1 domestically. Jordan4HumanTorch here we come!
  14. Oh wow, I thought the Saturday number was still 59/60 mill, not 57. So yea, under that logic, they are already giving it a better hold than I thought. I still think it could uptick a mill or two- yesterday was HUGE for sports fan.
  15. I think there's a chance it hits 190 and the attitude on this board turns around considerably. I think Sunday is being underestimated. I think the fight, in combination with game 7 AND the Derby, hurt me than people think. CNN's front page yesterday said "Sporturday!" for God's sake, and that's at a time where shit is actually happening in the world. Every sports fan had been hyping this up to be the greatest single sports day in a LONG time- and with sports being such a major part of Americans identity (no matter how much this board pretends they don't matter sometimes), that's huge. People will stay home for the king of all sports days. And looking at social media metrics, crowd reports, and preliminary buys/revenue info, turns out the fight was even bigger than I kept arguing it would be. So yea, Sunday is going to bounce back big.
  16. I guess that 10 page argument I had with Neo and others about whether the fight would have an impact turned out to be merely annoying and boring instead of completely pointless and stupid. I've messed up enough in the past year to celebrate that I finally picked the right cause to champion, even if it was a mind-boggling lame fight.
  17. Well, at least it looks like I won't be eating crow tonight. Maybe even dishing a little out. I wouldn't, but after that boring ass fight, someone needs to dish SOMETHING out.
  18. But we've had the argument 100 times. Me and a couple other dudes say that it will, everyone else says no way, nobody cares about boxing, and no side can convince the other. it's pointless.
  19. This not only got the biggest reaction at my AOU screening but one of the largest reactions for a trailer I've ever seen, so take that for what you will.
  20. BKB saying that he won't believe RTH's credible projections and calling every other estimate bullshit until he hears it on FOX fucking News explains quite a bit.
  21. Yea, I kinda find it hard to imagine that, because it doesn't really make any sense. Unless you're just riding the two extremes of the range just to be contrarian. But hey, more power to you, I guess.
  22. Wait, didn't you say it was doing 230 million yesterday? Or was that someone else? Arguments are really starting to run together in this topic.
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