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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. Man, after 1 mill previews, that number fucking SUCKS for HB2.
  2. I despise this recent spate of cheesy reimaginings of classic stories in shitty form.....but this doesn't look even half bad IMO.
  3. I wouldn't call Imitation Game extraordinary, but it is a very-well done biopic. Cumberbatch IS extraordinary.
  4. It was very enjoyable and I had a wonderful time despite the criticism. That being said, it did feel alot more like an exceptional long TV episode than an exceptional movie- it didn't really have a beginning, middle, end structure or arcs/character development. It felt like DH1 in that it was a very, very well-done holding pattern that was very good despite barely moving the needle. It didn't feel boring or draggy, though, and it had some exceptional scenes (like the dam scene, the climax, and the bombing). Francis Lawrence- man, what an inspired choice he's turned out to be. The tone/ambiance/FEELING of this movie is so dark and authentically war-wrought that it's great. Excellent dark, poetic tone. Lawrence shoots the hell out of these movies. Cast was great except Hemsworth who was LOL. Dude's a block of wood. Otherwise, great. It was very enjoyable, even if it did feel more like the world's greatest trailer.
  5. I'd have no real beef with Cumberbatch winning. Saw it last night and he was pretty spectacular.
  6. I just saw Imitation Game and it was very much by-the-books and exactly what you said....but why does it matter? It was done exceptionally well, so who CARES what it supposedly represents or what style it is if it's well-made and enjoyable? That should be the only criteria. You should love something because it's a good movie, not just because it breaks the mold or if it's different.
  7. It's a movie with black people in it, obviously it's gonna be the Butler! Jesus H Christ. That's like comparing Lincoln to the Aviator or some shit.
  8. Wait, are people seriously saying that Jlaws nudes had any effect on this drop? Seriously, now?
  9. I loved the movie. Expertly directed and one of the most unique pictures of the year. Moves with a kinetic energy with fantastic dialogue and great themes. That being said, Keaton is GREAT.....but one of the best ever? Don't see it. Just for this year, I'd put Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler and Hardy in Locke above him, with Imitation Game coming tomorrow. A very compelling performance and does a great job controlling the movie, but I feel the direction moves the picture more than Keaton. He's certainly Oscar nom worthy, but I'm not sure I get the annointment of him as the clear best. That being said, having not yet seen Simmons in Whiplash, Norton WOULD be my best supporting actor if voting was today. THAT is a powerhouse performance. Unbelievably compelling and insanely watchable. I'm ashamed to admit I'd forgotten how talented he is. Would have no beef with Stone winning, either. Amazing job by her.
  10. Between the two looks realistic. I'm feelin 130. This IS more of a weekend movie than those franchises.
  11. I post on a box office message board several times a day and I loved Catching Fire, yet somehow I still kinda forgot this was coming out this week until I checked Fandango yesterday. The buzz just isn't there. I know this sounds like revisionist history already, but last year, I knew a ton of people seeing CF at midnight, and I went with a big group. This year, nada. Not a peep from most people I know. It just seems like deflated hype, and I think it is entirely because it is a part one. Period. It completely and totally drained my anticipation for this movie, even after the great last one. I don't care to see it for at least a few days.
  12. Brilliantly acted by the three leads, fantastic cinematography, genius directing, and a master of technical elements. Also, one of my least favorite films of the decade so far. Hated it.
  13. Wonderful number for Dumb and Dumber. 36 seems like it might be a little low, actually. I could see it doing 38+
  14. I predicted I think 32 million and I think that's reasonable. It certainly still has a big fanbase.
  15. For what it's worth, Cooper is also getting mega praise out of AFI Fest, too, though not quite as much as Oyewelo. I'd say that Oyewelo, Keaton, and Cumberbatch are locks, with Redmayne and Cooper maybe the favorites for the last two at this point. Carrel, Turner, Gyllenhaal, and O'Connell may end up on the outside looking in.
  16. TONS of praise for Oyewolo coming out of AFI Fest. I'd say he's looking like a strong contender.
  17. When Matt Damon popped up out of the blue, someone in my audience decided to shout out the Team America "MATTT....DAMON," so his casting was worth it for that laugh alone.
  18. In my top three of the year, and it'll end up in the top eight somewhere. Brilliantly clever and deliciously original. Don't see there being five better performances this year than Gyllenhaal by a long shot. Lou Bloom is a wonderful and potentially iconic character in a Travis Bickle way. I haven't stopped thinking about it for a week, which is one measure by which it absolutely kills it.
  19. I think I predicted 68 last month for Interstellar, so it does look to open under that, but as baumer said, it is in line with other reasonable comps. Interstellar does have space and it does have MM, but Inception had MORE going for it. Not only was it a summer release, but DiCaprio was and is the biggest movie star on the planet. As much pub as McConaughey has gotten over the past year, he just isn't on that level yet. Inception also had much cooler trailers- this had alot of abstract talk about space and love, while Inception had the iconic music blaring and people flipping upside down and fighting in a hallway. Also, "Inception" pretty much immediately became a pop culture term. People I know still use it all the time when they talk about slyly convincing people to do something or what not. It's an iconic movie and an iconic CONCEPT. Interstellar doesn't seem to have that HOOK. I haven't seen it yet, so who knows, but yea.
  20. This thread made me look up the "Trick or Treat......Muthafucka!" line and all I can say is my life is now complete. 10/10
  21. Lot of bad reviews on here. I thought this movie was................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................ alright, alright, alright.
  22. Very, very fun movie. Loved the way it was shot and directed- artistic bent, but not in a pretentious way. The action was shot incredibly clear and exciting. I hate to use the word the RT consensus used, but "kinetic" is just the perfect way to describe it- the pace, the music, the colors, the captions, the cinematography all lent to a unique style. Excellent job with world-building too. Really interesting establishing the hitman underworld without any real exposition. Keanu was great, of course. It's simple, but I didn't mind- someone kills Keanu's dog, Keanu kills everyone else. The final fight/climatic battle is a big let down, though. The nightclub scene and house scene are two of the best action scenes I've seen in a long time. Do recommend.
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