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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. Wish they went with someone like Jon Stewart- I love NPH, but his abilities lend more to song-and-dance numbers and softball joking around with celebrities like most of the past few hosts. I want someone to actually tell jokes.
  2. Whoa, quite the number for Fury, all things considered. 30 million looks likely. Great marketing campaign.
  3. The redirect this morning said it was just working out some kinks and would be back very shortly. Probably just a placeholder to link to IMDB.
  4. Not bad, not spectacular. One thing I know: there's at least one TV spot for Dracula during every break of football, RAW, baseball, and the Daily Show. Plus, the trailer has been attached to everything. It may not look GOOD, but at least people are looking at it. Great marketing. Wouldn't be surprised if it did Immortals numbers.
  5. A: Domestic top 15: 1) Hunger Games- 405 2) Interstellar- 285 3) Hobbit- 280 4) Unbroken- 210 5) Exodus- 190 6) Penguins- 185 7) Big Hero 6- 180 8) Horrible Bosses 2- 150 9) Annie-135 10) Museum-125 11) Fury- 115 12) Gone Girl-108 13) Taken 3- 113 14) The Interview- 110 15) Into the Woods- 100 16) 17) B: Top 7 Domestic OW: 1) Hunger Games- 160 2) Hobbit- 80 3) Interstellar- 74 4) Exodus- 55 5) Taken 3-50 6) Big Hero- 48 7) Penguins-45 8) Horrible Bosses-38 C: Worldwide top 10: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) D: Top 5 Hunger Games Territories: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) E: Top 5 Lowest Grossing Films: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) F: Pre-season Questions: 1. A generous risk-free question to start you off: Predict which film will finish closest to each of the following milestones domestically by the end of the game: A: 100M B: 200M C: 300M D: 400M Each correctly predicted film scores you 10,000 points, get all four correct and receive 10,000 bonus points for 50k total. (This is the only preseason question where there is no penalty for being wrong so enjoy it). 2. Tell me which of these will be the highest grossing film of the winter: 1) Big Hero 6 2) Interstellar 3) The Hobbit 4) Penguins of Madagascar Answer correctly: 10,000 points Answer incorrectly: -5,000 points State that you abstain: 3,000 points Correctly predict the films gross to within 10M and receive a 10,000 point bonus. 3. Tell me which of these will be the lowest grossing film of the winter: 1) The Interview 2) Dracula Untold 3) Ouija 4) Addicted Answer correctly: 10,000 points Answer incorrectly: -5,000 points State that you abstain: 3,000 points Correctly predict the films gross to within 10M and receive a 10,000 point bonus. 4. Will at least 3 films make more than 275M by the end of the game? Answer correctly: 15,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 10,000 points State that you abstain: 3,000 points 5. Will at least 2 animated films make more than 150M by the end of the game? Answer correctly: 15,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 10,000 points State that you abstain: 3,000 points 6. Will any film released in October make more than 120M by the end of the game? Answer correctly: 15,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 10,000 points State that you abstain: 3,000 points 7. Will at least 2 films make more than 95M OW? (Remember OW means gross up until first Sunday) Answer correctly: 15,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 10,000 points State that you abstain: 3,000 points 8. Will at least 2 films make more than 800M WW by the end of the game? Answer correctly: 15,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 10,000 points State that you abstain: 3,000 points 9. Will any month’s OW record be broken by the end of the game? (This is 3 day only) Answer correctly: 20,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 15,000 points State that you abstain: 4,000 points 10. Will at least 2 of the 5 top grossing sequels become the top grossing film of their franchise by the end of the game? (For the purposes of this question Hobbit and LOTR are 2 Separate Franchises) Answer correctly: 20,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 15,000 points State that you abstain: 4,000 points 11. Will any film listed as a horror gross more than 75M by the end of the game? Answer correctly: 20,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 15,000 points State that you abstain: 4,000 points 12. Will the combined gross of the top 2 films add up to more than the films that finish in 4th-10th by the end of the game? Answer correctly: 20,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 15,000 points State that you abstain: 4,000 points 13. Will there be a worldwide weekend of over 220M this winter? Answer correctly: 25,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 20,000 points State that you abstain: 5,000 points 14. Which combination of films will gross the most amount of money during the game? The Hobbit, Hot tub Time Machine, Annabelle, John Wick Hunger Games, Horrible Bosses, Dracula Untold, Annie Interstellar, Dumb and Dumber, Alexander’s Very Bad Day, Paddington Big Hero 6, Penguins, The Judge, Exodus, Answer correctly: 25,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 20,000 points State that you abstain: 5,000 points 15 Which combination of films will gross the smallest amount of money during the game? The Interview, Annabelle, Unbroken, Ouija Night at the Museum, The Best of Me, Blackhat, Laggies Into the Woods, Addicted, Kitchen Sink, Left Behind The Pyramid, Night Crawler, Beyond the Lights, St Vincent Answer correctly: 25,000 points Answer incorrectly: lose 20,000 points State that you abstain: 5,000 points
  6. Very entertaining and badass action movie. It won't be an Oscar movie, but it sets out to do what it does, and it does it very well. Realistic, impactful violent action scenes, and some memorable dialogue. Fuqua is stylish enough to elevate the material. Denzel is great as always. Csokas chews the scenery wonderfully. Alot of fun.
  7. Also, I'm now on board the BOF Marton Csokas bandwagon. Dude creepily chews the scenery very effectively in this movie.
  8. The Equalizer is a movie that promised a very certain thing and delivered on that very certain thing. Denzel is such a fine actor (and the ensemble is very good too) and Fuqua knows how to direct, so it's more stylish and standout than other movies of this type. With 13.2 mill, it'd do about 37 million, by my (poor) calculation- not the record I predicted, but a massive September success.
  9. Denzel has never made a sequel, so there's that. As someone who predicted Equalizer to break the September OW record (45 mill), I am pleased but not overjoyed with that number. But really, it's just too early to tell.
  10. I agree with everything Mr. Pink has said. Excellent slow burn crime thriller until the last 20 minutes or so, when it goes off the rails. Still worth a watch.
  11. Excellent film. It has some maddening plot holes/confusion, but the acting/tone/directing makes up for it. Hardy is spectacular. Gandolfini will be missed The Belgian guy is a standout. The final twist/climatic reveal is one of the best moments on film this year. Really stuck with me. Worth a watch.
  12. I think Roth and Gleeson, from early word/potential, might be good bets to at least get nominated.
  13. Prime Will Smith couldn't have made Under the Skin anything more than what it was- an incredibly small, weird arthouse release. Leo flopped with J. Edgar. Wahlberg, Damon, Gosling, and other big male stars have had countless flops over recent years. Not everything is going to be a huge hit.
  14. I don't see how Scar Jo being a draw for Lucy is even a modicum of debate. The entire marketing campaign was centered around her and her character. If it starred, say, Anna Kendrick or someone, it wouldn't have done 15 million. The poster was a picture of Scar Jo's face with nothing else! It's no debate. She's a star. Also, very solid weekend. Great for NGD. Should finish around Prisoners. With Maze/Tombstone and then the Equalizer, the rest of September should be solid.
  15. Good enough weekend all around. Wish Drop had more theaters. It's a very well-acted and shot film that functions as a very average crime drama until one scene near the end that is so shocking, badass, and incredibly constructed that it elevates the whole movie at least a letter grade.
  16. So did you guys call each other baumer and RTH in conversation, or Dan and [name redacted]? Very curious.
  17. Based on early world out of Toronto, Redmayne seems like a stone cold lock for a nomination as long as they don't consider him "too young." I'd even say he's the slightest of favorites to win it all. Seems to have stolen Cumberbatch's thunder in the "legendary troubled British scientist" face-off.
  18. His other adaptation of a LeHane novel resulted in his best movie and one of the top crime dramas in 25 years, so needless to say I'm excited.
  19. Imitation Game feels very much like its all Cumberbatch. DBS at least had Leto and a message/story that was more inspirational and modern.
  20. Man, Ghostbusters was awesome on the big screen.
  21. Hardy's my favorite actor at the moment. He has a strong, competent, legitimate badass gravitas and charisma that most actors can't play. He's not the glamorous, red carpet darling who kills on talk shows. He's the guy who comes in and kicks ass as a strong, normal human being.
  22. Someone needs to overcome the odds by removing the sword from the stone? YOUR TIME IS UP MY TIME IS NOW
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