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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. This weekend is always terrible. I've never seen a movie on my birthday for a reason. This weekend always has shitty movies.
  2. What? While I agree he isn't a draw in movies yet, his 2005 feud with Triple H broke records at the time, and his feuds with Taker and Cena were massive as well. Dude's like the second biggest star created since Wrestlemania 20.
  3. 1) Will any new release make more than 20 mill? No 2) Will GOTG or TMNT finish first? Yes 3) Will Expendables 3 drop more than 55%? Yes 4) Will Let's Be Cops fall more than 45%? No 5) Will When The Game Stands Tall open to more than 12 million? Yes 6) Will If I Stay increase more than 11% on Saturday? Yes 7) Will any film increase more than 8.5% on Thursday? No 8) Will any film increase less than 55% on Friday? Yes 9) Will any film increase more than 60% on Saturday? Yes 10) Will Expendables 3 open to more than 20 million in China? No 11) Will GOTG drop less than 39%? Yes 12) Will One Hundred Foot Journey make more than Into the Storrm? Yes 13) Will Giver increase more than 65% on Friday? Yes 14) Will any new release have a preview number of more than 1 million? Yes 12/14 3000 13/14 5000 14/14 8000 What finishes is spots 2 Sin City 4 If I stay 5 Game Stands Tall 6 Cops 7 Expendables
  4. 1. Avengers 2- 225 2. Mockingjay 2- 175 3. Star Wars- 175 4. Fast Seven- 105 5. Bond- 92 6. Minions- 85 7. Ted 2- 80 (DRAMATICALLY underpredicted in both topics) 8. Jurassic World- 80 9. Good Dino- 74 10. MI5/Ant- 72
  5. No, but Avengers and Dark Knight Rises were pretty damn close, and back in 2004, Shrek and SM2 felt massive as well. I'm not saying that these aren't two of the most hyped films ever. But only three movies in the history of box office have done 500 million, adjusted be damned. It's not that easy. It's a once a generation thing, and it just so happened that Avengers and Avatar broke out in a weird way close together.
  6. 1. Avengers- 580 2. Star Wars 550 3. Mockingjay 440 4. Bond 315 5. Fast- 280 6. Minions- 275 7. Jurrasic World- 260 8. Good Dino- 240 9. Pan- 220 10. Ted 2- 215 I think Avengers and Star Wars are going to be massive too and stuff, but the idea of one doing over 700 and one doing over 600, or even both doing 600, is crazy. I'd love for it to happen but I just don't see how it does. I think people forget just how rare a feat even 450 is, or 500, much less two movies doing 600 in the same year after it only happening three times EVER.
  7. Who cares if a movie is part of a franchise/ a sequel if it's GOOD? That's all that matters. If it's a good movie, I don't care if it's Fast and the Furious vs Spider Man 62. If it's a good, enjoyable movie, that's what matters. Empire Strikes Back, Last Crusade, The Dark Knight, Godfather 2, Toy Story 3, all franchise sequels, all big movies, all some of the greates tfilms of all time.
  8. Besides Transformers and TMNT (the latter of which wasn't even that bad, considering it's pretty much made for eight year olds, and is mildly entertaining enough), what "crap" blockbusters have done well this summer? TASM 2 sucked and disappointed, Maleficent was a kids movie, and the adult driven blockbusters that did well, like Apes, GOTG, DOFP, and even Godzilla were considered by most to be excellent. Where is this narrative coming from? Is every movie supposed to be Boyhood?
  9. Those super smart non-American countries NEVER like stupid movies. It's not like Transformers had made almost a billion dollars internationally or anything.
  10. I certainly don't think it should have gone off without a hitch- without SOME conflict. But the ending of him driving a few blocks, getting out of the car, and walking away to silence is as unsatisfying as it gets.
  11. Absolutely loved it until the ending, which almost rendered the entire film moot. Brilliantly acted and constructed spy thriller that was just freaking fascinating (I love the inner workings of intelligence community) and well-made. But that nihilist, pointless ending, where no one is redeemed and the only point is "everything is pointless" just infuriated me.
  12. Too bad something like Storm or even GOU didn't open next weekend or the weekend after-one of them could have hit 20 without a major release. I forgot Let's Be Cops opens next week- it has a shocking amount of buzz among my friends. I could see a mini breakout, especially since tracking has proven not to matter at all.
  13. Well, I guess this puts to rest any doubts about the power of the Turtles as a franchise. It'd be awesome if it hits 70 million and the old August record goes down twice in a row. Also, can't wait for studios reactionary booking of major tentpoles in August in reaction to this MASSIVE month so far. Hell, considering the book's huge fanbase, I wouldn't count the Giver out for a breakout, but marketing has buried it to a degree that it looks unlikely.
  14. PSH joint is fantastic until the ending. Brings it down alot.
  15. 1) Will both TMNT and GOTG finish with more than 40 mill? Yes 2) What film places first? GOTG 3) Will TMNT make more than 16.311 mill on Friday? Yes 4) Will Into the Storm open to more than 13.45 mill? Yes 5) Will GOTG increase more than 40% on Saturday? No 6) Will The Hundred Foot Journey make more than 8.5 million? No 7) Will Transformers increase more than 43.5% on Saturday? Yes 8) Will Step Up All In make more than 11.7 million? No 9) Will Hercules make more than Apes? No 10) Will The Purge fall more than 50%? No 11) Will Lucy fall less than 45%? No 12) Will Get on Up drop more than 8% on Thursday? No 10/12 3000 11/12 5000 12/12 7000 What finishes in spots: 1 Guardians 2 TMNT 3 Storm 4 Lucy 5 Step Up 8 Hercules 1) Will Into the Storm make more than 500K for previews? Yes 2) Will any film increase more than 55% on Saturday? Yes 3) Will Planes: Fire and Rescue fall more than 39%? No
  16. That would have been a perfectly reasonable argument if the rest of your post wasn't predicated on bashing liberals and calling people out for fighting for diversity. Yes, I did go to a majority minority school, but the fact of the matter is my school as a whole was more white (about 35 percent) than what was represented in drama. Yes, if you live in Kansas, white drama clubs are going to be the case, but schools from major metropolitan areas tend to produce, from my experience actually acting at competitions and tours all over, a number of minority actors that is far, far greater than what is represented in Hollywood, and I would be willing to bet money that artistically inclinded major cities are far more of a producer of prospective actors than predominantly white towns.
  17. And this right here is what we call the "bullshit personal anecdote" argument. I was in drama for four years in high school, and at least 75% of our very, very successful club was black and Hispanic. Many of them have gone on to AMDA or ADA or film school, and at least a couple of my friends have not been cast in roles SPECIFICALLY because they did not have the right skin color for it. Don't talk about someone's argument fallacies when you make up anecdotes to fit your own opinion.
  18. Saying that "I just want good films, who cares about diversity" is pretty much tantamount to "films are better with the white actors we have in those roles" which is the internet's way of saying that people who aren't white are inherently not talented or of equal skill in the field of acting to white people. It's a bullshit fucking mentality. Maybe people care about diversity because we want to see people of different creeds and colors succeed. Maybe it's because this country still has a rampant undercurrent of racism that rears its head everywhere (this very topic, for example!) and increasing diversity in a popular form of media is a major way to combat it. The white conservative mentality of investing in the continued success of the white race over investing in helping others have a chance to reach an equal or even close to equal level is blatant political racism, but of course, like in this topic, people will just mask it by saying "OMG u r just whining and bein so PC n annoying!" And I say that as someone who is so white I've been hospitalized for sunburn.
  19. Re Baumer: I have been very critical of Marvel lately- from the abysmal Iron Man 3 to the solid but overhyped CA2 to the forgettable Thor 2. Hell, even Avengers had some flaws that seriously detracted from it. If anything, I would like it LESS because it was MCU. But I fucking LOVED Guardians. Loved loved loved. Probably my favorite blockbuster of the summer, and that's saying something.
  20. Very exciting. Loved the book, and Damon is a perfect choice for the lead- right combination of goofy everyman and leading man gravitas. Only Pratt would be better. Will attract inevitable Gravity comparison, but the book is very, very funny, so hopefully that shines through.
  21. 1) Will GOTG make more than 75 mill? No 2) Will GOTG make more than 80 mill? No 3) Will GOTG make more than 175 mill WW? Yes 4) Will GOTG make more than 5 mill for Thurs previews? No 5) Will Get on Up make more than 7.5 mill OD? Yes 6) Will Get on Up make more than 20 mill OW? Yes 8) Will Lucy fall less than 58%? Yes 9) Will Hercules fall more than 58%? No 10) Will any film fall more than 20% on Thurs? Yes 11) Will any film fall less 1% on Thurs? Yes 12) Will any film increase more than 75% on Friday? Yes 13) Will Purge make more than Planes? No 14) Will Transformers increase more than 53% on Saturday? Yes 12/14 4000 13/14 6000 15/15 10,000 What finishes in spots 9 Most Wanted 11 Transformers 12 So it Goes 13 Dragon Bonus 1: What will GOTG gross on Friday? 4000 Bonus 2: What will Sex Tape gross on Friday? 4000 Bonus 3: What will the gross be for the films that finish in spots 6-10 5000
  22. 1) Which film will gross more between Monday July 28th and LD Monday? Lucy, Herc or Apes? Yes 2) Will Transformers make more than 1.05 billion by the end of the game? Yes 3) Will Expendables 3 open to more than 25 million? No 4) Will Expendables 3 make more than 250 mill by the end of the game (WW) No 6) Will GOTG open to more than 60 million? Yes 7) Will Tammy reach 90 million by the end of the game? Abstain 8) Will Godzilla make it to 200 mill? Yes 9) Which film will gross more between Monday July 28th and LD Monday? 22JS or HTTYD2 22JS 10) Will The Purge make more than 62 mill by end of the game? Yes
  23. The big spot in the trailer featured the Rock punching a fucking lion in the face. If you honestly went into this movie expecting something other than what it was, you don't deserve to have your opinion. It's not something I'll remember by next Wednesday, but I was very entertained throughout the run time. Likable performances, good chemistry between the team, funnier than expected, and cool action. It came in, banged out 90 minutes of action and corny jokes, and left without offending anyone. It's no art, but it's FUN. And there ain't nothing wrong with that.
  24. Absolutely brilliant book, will be tough to adapt. Very internalized, and very long.
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