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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. My expectations were low enough that I had an enjoyable time at the theater with this, though I do hope the best of the summer is alot better than this. What this movie needed was alot of trimming and editing. Too many subplots, both minor (the airline bullshit) and major (the whole parental mystery and Oscorp consipracy) that just did not feel like they needed to be in there. Too many similar looking action shots and emo Spidey montages. It felt LONG, but at the same time very underdeveloped- I never really believed Peter and Harry's friendship. And Electro had some cool moments, but was generally a waste of a brilliant actor. The good is that Garfield is a brilliant Spidey and Stone is wonderful. Webb nails the central conflict and romantic theme of this movie. He makes you care about these two characters, and Gwen's death actually MATTERS because Garfield and Stone make it such a likable and relatable romance. Also, some of the score/action moments were pretty electric, and I enjoyed Dehann, as usual. It's fun, and I didn't feel like I wasted eleven bucks. Decent way to start summer. Really should have been like, 25 minutes shorter. Needed alot of fine tuning.
  2. 1) Will ASM2 make more than 35 mill OD? 5000 Yes 2) Will ASM2 make less than 30 mill OD? 3000 No 3) Will ASM2 make more than 37.5 M OD mill OD? 3000 No 4) Will ASM2 make more than 7M OW in Brazil? 2000 5) Will ASM2 make more than 90 mill OW? 2000 Yes 6) Will ASM2 make more than 100 mill OW? 2000 No 7) Will ASM2 have a Saturday drop of more than 8%? No 8) Will ASM2 make more than 10 mill at midnight/thurs? No 9) Will ASM2 make more than 10 mill at IMAX domestically? Yes 10) Will ASM2 have a per theater average of more than $23,200? Yes 11) Will ASM2 have a cinemascore of A or better? Yes 12) Will ASM2 fall less than 33% on Sunday? Yes 13) Will ASM2 make at least 60 mill more than positions 2 and 3 combined? Yes 14) Will ASM2 have a world wide weekend of more than 200 mill? No 15) Will the top 10 films combine to make more than 130 million? Yes 16 Will Captain2 drop less than 50.5%? No 17) Will Captain2 have a Friday increase of more than 125%? No 18) Will The Other Woman drop more than 41%? No 19) Will Nikki or Deadline's posting about ASM2 contain the phrase "NOT A RECORD" anywhere in the post at any time on the weekend? No 20) Will the first posted "projection" about ASM2 be higher than the number reported with official Friday estimates? 3000 Yes 21) Will The Quiet Ones drop less than 55%? No 22) Will HIFR drop less than 45%? Yes 23) Will any film in the top 12 drop less than 35%? Yes 24) Will Walk of Shame have a per theater average of more than $3000? Yes 25) Will Transcendence stay in the top 15? No 26) Will Transcendence drop more than 70%? Yes 27) Will any film have a Saturday increase of more than 85%? Yes 28) Will Rio 2 have a Friday increase of more than 75%? Yes 29) Will Draft Day stay in the top 13? Yes 30) Will Divergent increase more than 40% on Saturday? Yes 25/30 3000 26/30 4000 27/30 7,000 28/30 10,000 29/30 12,000 30/30 24,000 Bonus 1-4 are to 3 decimal points please. Only one person will get the bonus per question. Bonus 1: What will ASM2 weekend gross be? 5000 94.644 Bonus 2: What will TOW's weekend gross be? 5000 15.62 Bonus 3: What will Brick Mansion's weekend gross be? 5000 3.604 Bonus 4: What will the combined gross be for The Quiet Ones, Oculus and Transcendence? 5000 3.224 Bonus 5: What finishes in spots: 4 Cap 2 5 Rio 2 10 God's Not Dead 11 Grand Budapest 13 Quiet Ones
  3. Hey baumer, I've been meaning to ask you, does the 132 million that TASM has grossed already count? Or is it only from the start of the game?
  4. I didn't grade it! I gave positive and negative feedback in the topic though. Overall, a great read!
  5. Many people in my age group here consider Cruise obnoxious, smary, and a bit weird, so yea, his reputation isn't the highest, and outside of MI:4, the box office results back it up. Scientology isn't the only reason, but it is the main one. And he's STILL one of the biggest, most reliable draws in American movies.
  6. Brilliant, morally complex, and fascinating movie. Can't believe it took me this long to see it. Truly important and great movie.
  7. It has some really great moments and is generally a very fun spy thriller, though it goes way too convoluted "let's shout/blow things up in multiple, confusing places!" at the end and it feels super conventional.Plus, Winter Soldier was very underutilized. But the cast is awesome, it's funny without being too funny (hello IM3), and overall, it isn't ever not enjoyable. Probably the third or so best Marvel movie. But LMFAOOOOO at all the Dark Knight comparisons. It's just a good, fun action movie, nothing transcendent or "bold" like people seem to think it is thematically.
  8. Ugh, I have to see it in 3D tonight because it is the only reasonable time I can make it after rehearsal and still wake up at 7 tomorrow morning. Hopefully it's so good I feel compelled to see it again, the way it should be seen!
  9. You gotta choose a winner Empire, only like five people will understand it enough to vote in the first place!
  10. Yea, I was just using that as an example- we already have hundreds of pages of topic to discuss that. Numbers pretty much summed my opinion up to the tee.
  11. LMAO, I was starting to type a reply, thinking "Gee, how nice of him to ask" but then I saw the bottom and hilarity ensued.
  12. Top Fifteen Domestic 1. How to Train Your Dragon- 340 2. Transfourmers- 325 3. Godzilla- 260 4. TASM 2- 242 5. DOFP- 240 6. Dawn- 230 7. Jump Street- 195 8. Malificent- 185 9. Tammy- 155 10. Guardians- 145 11. Neighbors- 135 12. Turtles- 124 13. Hercules- 112 14. Fault- 110 15. Think Like a Man- 100 16. Million Dollar Arm- 92 17. Giver- 88 Worldwide top Ten 1. TF4- 1.1 B 2. TASM 2- 795 3. Dragon- 785 4. Godzilla- 750 5. Dawn- 680 6. DOFP- 650 7. Mal- 550 8. Galaxy- 450 9. Hercules- 400 10. Turtles- 380 Domestic Opening Weekend 1. TF4- 120 2. Spidey- 95 3. DOFP- 90 4. Dragon- 86 5. Godzilla- 84 6. Apes- 80 7. Malifecent- 71 Worldwide Opening Weekend 1. TF4- 260 2. Godzilla- 165 3. DOFP- 150 4. TASM- 145 5. Dawn- 130 Top Five Lowest Grossing 1. Fluffy- 11 2. Rover- 12 3. And So It Goes- 18 4. Dorthy- 20 5. Earth to Echo- 22 BonusTell me, of these five films, which one will be the lowest grossing of the summer. Only these five films can you choose from.Legend of Oz- 20 million Second Bonus Question:Tell me which of these will be the highest grossing film of the summer:Maleficent- 182 Third Bonus Question:DOFPFor 15,000 bonus points, call the correct film within 25 mill.TRIPLE BONUSHere are your 16 bonus questions that have to be answered before the May 1st start date.Question 1: Yes Question 2: Yes Question 3: YesQuestion 4: Abstain Question 5: AbstainQuestion 6: Yes.Question 7: AbstainQuestion 8: YesQuestion 9: AbstainQuestion 10: 3Question 11: AbstainQuestion 12: NoQuestion 13: NoQuestion 14: AbstainQuestion 15:Will Transformers Age of Extinction's gross in China come within 50 million of ASM2's gross domestically?: YesFour Parters1. Abstain 2. Abstain Comedy- Not sure if Right 3. May: Neighbors: 135 1. June: 22 Jump Street: 195 2. July: Tammy- 155 4. Think Like a Man Too- 100 (Lemme know if I did this right) Question 19 1) How many films will gross at least 100 million dollars this summer? (you have a cushion of 2 films. So if you are wrong by two films, you still get full points) 15 2) How many films will gross at least 650 mill WW this summer? (cushion of 1 film) 5 3) What will be the total gross for the top 4 films in August? (you have a cushion of 50 mill) 450 million 4) How many films will gross at least 80 million OW? (cushion of 1 film) Five 5) Will any film gross at least 35 mill in Brazil? Sure 6) Will any horror film make 200 mill WW No 7) Will any film gross 20 million in Spain? Yes 8) What will be the fourth highest grossing film of May? Maleficent if talking releases in total, Neighbors for within the actual month 9) Will Snowpiercer gross more than 30 million (this question must be answered regardless of the ambiguity of the release. As of right now it is not listed as going wide. We should know before May if it is or not, but even if we don't, tough. )No 10) Will TASM2 have a better Thursday than Captain America 2? About exactly the same, but yes 11) Will Jupiter Ascending make more than 80 million? No 12) How many 1 billion dollar WW films will there be this summer? 1 13) Will Tammy gross at least half of what Captain 2, ASM2 or X-men DOFP does? Yes 15) Will Lucy make more than 60 million? Yes 16) What film finishes second in gross out of the August films? Turtles 17) Will Michael Bay's films gross more than 400 mill domestic? Yes 18) Will frank Miller's Sin City open higher than Expendables 3? Yes 19) Will the Fluffy Movie gross at least 15 mill? No 20) How many films will open to at least 50 million? (2 film cushion) 9 If you answer 18 correct, bonus of 25,000 If you answer 19 correct, bonus of 35,000 If you answer all 20 correct, you double your score, bonus of 100,000. Good luck! Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is as follows: 1) Which comedy will open the highest? 22 Jump Street 2) Will any two comedies combine to open with more than 60 million? Yes 3) Which film will finish with the lowest total? Sex Tape 4) Will any film have a multiplier of more than 5.75? No 5) Will any film have a multiplier of less than 3.3? Yes 6) How many of these films will open to number one on the weekend? 1 7) Will any film make more than 150 mill internationally? Yes 8) Will any film have a first Monday drop of less than 51%? No 9) Will any film have a first Tuesday increase of more than 15.5%? Yes 10) Will any film that opens after June 14th have a second Friday increase of more than 90%? Yes 11) Will a sequel be the highest grossing film of all these comedies? Yes 12) Will any film make more than 18 million in Russia? Yes 13) Will any film make more than 20 mill in the UK? Yes 14) Will any film have a second weekend drop of less than 40% Yes 15) Which films will combine to have the highest total gross? A) 22 Jump Street, Tammy, Million Ways I bought your book! Yay!
  13. I thought Emma did a fantastic job with what she was given, but sadly, her character was written as "100 different ways to cry in a movie." Connelly's character was barely any better in that regard, but at least it was more nuanced. The performances were good in this, though terribly underwritten minus Noah. Especially Shem, who literally had not one memorable moment.
  14. I thought it was 2/3 of a brilliant artistic achievement of visual and emotional filmmaking that turned into 1/3 that was, while noble in thematic intentions, a drab, excessive, and oddly framed slog. I absolutely loved it from the opening title through the "evolution" montage, but everything on the Ark/island after that was....ehhhhhhh. Just didn't hit home. Went too far in a zealot-y direction and didn't hit the way it wanted to. It's worth seeing for some of the beautiful shot sequences and amazing montages alone. The first hour and a half, again is really quite damn good. Also, whether a film matches up with exact religious interpretation shouldn't matter if the film is an artistic and entertainment accomplishment. Nolan's Batman series has arch conservative themes and interpretations that go against everything I believe in as a liberal, but it is also my second favorite trilogy of all time, because it's so fucking brilliant in terms of craft and character. I watch movies to escape politics and religious discussions that dominate life- not just to reaffirm my own views.
  15. It's certainly style over substance and characters in alot of instances but it was so beautifully composed and styled that it is infinitely watchable. Brilliant feat of beautiful directing. The compositions are absolute fucking art, but never to a full blown pretentious sense like I feel in previous WA films. Also very funny, and very charming, and Fiennes is absolutely great. Enjoyable as all hell, though the dramatic resonance rang hollow a bit for me. Def worth a watch, though.
  16. Extremely impressive number for Divergent. This never had a chance of topping Twilight, IMO (not to put down Shawn's club or anything). It's a C-List YA franchise compared to the Holy Three of Potter, Twilight, and Hunger Games. Not even on the same planet in terms of hype and impact, and it will do 55+ in 2D. Extremely good number, though some (wrongly) may feel differently. Also, I'm feeling a TON of buzz for Noah- I know alot of people who are fascinated by the trailers and want to see it next weekend, and they aren't typically into these kind of movies. I'm saying now it does 45+
  17. Eh. Prob won't do much over 50, with that. I have no idea where the 70+ predictions ever came from. This is much closer to the Host than Hunger Games
  18. This doesn't really have a ton to do with a role that made him famous, but Johnny Depp was dedicated fully to music prior to acting. That's a generally well known fact around where I'm from, because he went to high school 20 minutes away at Miramar High and played gigs all around the area. Interestingly enough, my mom's best friend (practically my aunt) was very close friends with his older sister, who treated Johnny just like any annoying little brother. Even more interesting, Johnny Depp's band opened for my dad's band at a couple local clubs. My Dad didn't make much of his music, so maybe that's why he went in another direction.
  19. I know quite a few people excited for Need For Speed, actually,as many as were for 300, and most of them aren't even huge videogame fans. The poor reviews soured my interest- based on pre screening buzz, I thought it might actually be good. I think it will do about 26 million- close to Non-Stop. It's not gona breakout huge, but solid overseas biz should help.
  20. I'm on break right now, as are many East Coast private universities (and public).
  21. I had a really fun time! Just an absolutely enjoyable two hours at the movie. Fun as can be, very well acted, and, while illogical, it keeps the thrills up high. Fantastic experience.
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