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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. I've never had the urge to see any Wes Anderson film because I haven't liked what I've seen from him before....but Grand Budapest Hotel looks pretty fucking awesome, so there's that. My mom feels the same way, too. Anecdotal evidence, but we'll be seeing this.
  2. The original Sin City did as much in total as 300 did opening weekend, pretty much, and the appeal is far less broad outside of the fans than 300. But Sin City has developed a big time cult following and much of the original cast is returning. I think 300 2 benefited from being pretty decent and shocking people in that regard, but SC 2 feels like it could be a bigger quality drop off. Maybe not, though. I say 30-35 million seems right this far out.
  3. Wow, that number for 300 honestly floors me. I had bumped my prediction from 26 to 32 recently, but still, it should do around 41-43 now, which is pretty tremendous when comparing to expectations and considering it should do gangbusters overseas and make a big time profit. Yes, it dropped a ton from the first one, but this just had so little going for it when the other had so much. Honestly, if it hadn't been for the name, I would have predicted in the teens for this, like some did. Color me impressed.
  4. Man, Pompeii, what a fucking stinker that movie was. But I had fun! I went with a funny friend and we made a few good Mystery Science Theater comments through all the unintentional comedy, and looked at some cool enough special effects. A winning time. Really hard not to have fun at a movie if you really try.
  5. There is barely any showings of Pompeii in DC at reasonable times. I wanted to see it tonight like 730 or 8, but the only 2D times were 4:30 while I was working and 9:45, and I don't wanna walk back that late because it'll be pretty cold when I get out. No screen push for this movie despite good marketing.
  6. Michael Collins (1996) In the Name of the Father (1993) My War and Resistance class is filling me with suggestions about the IRA
  7. Only three episodes left First Breaking bad leaves me, then this. TV hearbreak
  8. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Great escapist entertainment with enough balance of weighty moral themes and cool action to keep me thoroughly entertained and invested. Good cast and music, as well
  9. Excellent for About Last Night- Kevin Hart is absolutely as potent as it gets right now. Huge star
  10. Blazing Saddles and Terminator 2, two of my all time favorites (though a few others are on there, too)
  11. About Last Night is gonna be a monster if the weather doesn't hurt it
  12. Too bad about the weather- really gonna hit everything this weekend. I predict that IF the weather clears up, About Last Night does over 30 for the 4-day weekend. Mark it down.
  13. Yea, I wish I had been here for Snowmaggedon, but as a Florida boy, this is incredible to me!
  14. More like Roboflop, am I right?!?! Just kidding. Way too early for that. I want to see that and Lego this weekend and it's looking doubtful till at least Saturday because this snow is fuckin serious. It's killing everything.
  15. I think TF4 does fall to around 320, but I think the change from Shia to a legit superstar in Wahlberg is being severely underestimated. I'd say it was liable to pull an OST if Shia was still the lead and it had all the same Autobots and Decepticons, but with a whole new cast of Transformers pretty much and a big money lead I think it will feel fresh enough to alot of people to stay over 300, but not too much more.
  16. Wow, what a figure for Lego Movie! Anything over 45 is incredibly impressive, but that's just insanity! Excited to see it. My Mom is in town and she's a huge movie buff, but she wasn't down for it tonight, so we saw Monument's Men instead. Solid B- quality historical drama: excellent score and production design, weird editing and tone (on occassion). Not too bad at all, really. Was very crowded and will play well with older crowds. Good number for it, too.
  17. I haven't heard Russell was involved in anything sexually, but I do know he's a huge fucking asshole with anger problems. Not ok, but not a terrible depravity.
  18. Awful, and the sad thing is that it has been an open, disgusting secret for years, yet plenty of great actors trot out every year in tribute, claiming how "proud" they are to work with this guy. Same with Roman Polanski. Great filmmakers, awful, disgusting human beings.
  19. What bad movies are doing great right now? The two hits of the month are Lone Survivor, which is excellent, and Ride Along, which is a solid comedy. The bad movies (I, Frankenstein, Devil's Due, Labor Day) are shitting the bed.
  20. How many days in a row have we had at least a single one million grosser? Anyone know?
  21. Two years in a row outside of DM2, as well. And shit, now that Justice League has moved, Terminator and Ant-Man ain't exactly TDKR or DH2 for 2015, either.
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