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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. This January has been pretty amazing, all things considered, with two of the three biggest openings in the history of the month opening, a couple solid mid level hits, strong holdovers, and one flop for the lulz. And February looks super, super strong, and March and April aren't shabby at all. Why couldn't we move a couple films to weak ass July?
  2. Even if Aaron Eckhart was only paid 750 K to make I Frankenstein, he still got paid more than 90 percent of Americans will in their entire lifetimes to make one crappy movie for three months of work, so even if he didn't get his franchise, I think he'll be fine.
  3. I enjoyed it. Not near something like 21JST but it wasn't a bad way to spend part of the afternoon. I agree with baumer completely that the second half was far better. It was what it was- just an entertaining 90 minute buddy romp. No idea why critics would trash it so much when it is exactly what it sets out to be. 7/10
  4. I voted the Rock for BSA too! If you had put him in aDIM, the box office awards might smell what the Great One is cooking!
  5. Decently surprised by a number of nominations, even though I did go 5/5 for director. No Prisoners in ensemble is a shame- totally deserved it. Guess enough people haven't seen DBC for Leto and MM to make it. Thought Best Picture would yield something like Side Effects or This is the End as a darkhorse nominee- not Frozen. And certainly not Frozen without Catching Fire or Pacific Rim making it. Thought and hoped MBJ would make it in actor, but it is a stacked year, for sure. Great to see Scar Jo in there, and Margot Robbie.
  6. Pretty much. The end of the month also had Taken, but most of that run was in February.
  7. Really regret not making that Ride Along January OW record club I was seriously considering making. I guess you snooze you lose, sucks to suck, etc. Oh well, excited to see it tomorrow.
  8. Great idea! Will do, but I def, def think you can add in a spot for Best Ensemble. I still don't know why the Oscars don't.
  9. Very excited to see this on MLK day- would see it tonight but I have a party, and football tomorrow.
  10. I'll talk to him. I pilot that private jet that he takes to IMAX screenings of TASM.
  11. All I know is that there is two movies that probably woulda broken the January record if it wasn't for record shattering football ratings this year, and that's fuckin impressive. Summer may look weak, but 2014 is off to an amazing start. Reason to be happy!
  12. I think I saw the trailer for Jack Ryan in front of every movie I've seen for two months, including things like Her and Inside Llewyn Davis, so they've certainly saturated it well, at least where I'm from. Whether the content of that trailer was compelling is another story.
  13. I'm not saying that white people can't find it funny. I'm white, but the main reason I predicted so big is because I thought it looked fucking hilarious, and WIDELY appealing. I think movies predominately made to appeal to the black audience tend to have big crossover success. I'm saying that the Hollywood establishment and many box office analysts underpredict them, which is 100 percent true.
  14. Yea, I've seen that you are! It's gonna be huge. First was hilarious. Kevin Hart is just getting to be massive. He's like the male Melissa McCarthy in terms of draw, except in my personal opinion, he's way funnier.
  15. Not to be a braggart dick but I predicted 30+ for Lone Survivor and 40+ for Ride Along, so if anyone has Patriots/49ers this weekend, you're in luck! Seriously though, can people FINALLY stop underestimating movies appealing predominately to African-American audiences now? I can't wait till Think Like A Man 2 inexplicably gets predictions under 35 million, and everyone calls it a "shock" when it does 40+
  16. Damn straight I still believe in you, club! You can do it!
  17. I think I gave American Hustle a B. but I'm not sure I remember, which honestly is the whole problem with American Hustle, huh? Just a forgettable film after two DOR classics (IMO.) Bale was incredible. I don't even have a problem with him being nominated- I have more of an issue with Hanks NOT being nominated. Bale would deserve it in a normal year.
  18. 1. Her 2. Wolf 3. Grav 4. 12 Years Little Jump 5. Phillips Big Jump 6. AH Haven't seen the other three
  19. I don't know if I love or hate these nominations. Great to see that Leo made it- I was dreading the inevitable snub. Awesome for Hill too, and for Her. But alot of bad stuff. I loved Bale in Hustle, he turns an otherwise average film into a pretty good one, IMO, but God....over Hanks? Really? If there was to be a snub, I would have loved to see Phoenix nominated. Also, very upset that ILD didn't get a picture nom, and that Thompson and Spike Jonze were snubbed. Sad. Also, Cooper doesn't deserve it over Gyllenhall, and Roberts over Spencer? Meh. I need to see Nebraska and DBC to have a fuller opinion, but yea.
  20. Loved it. More I think about it, the more I think it's my favorite of 2013, with stiff competition. Near perfect on every level.
  21. Lone Survivor is doing amazing but no chance it finishes above Ride Along this weekend, IMO.
  22. Sent my ballot in. Don't be too angered on my lack of television/documentary/animation watching- I couldn't stretch it much further than I already had by voting WWE Monday Night RAW as a top five TV drama >_>
  23. I think LS probably would have broken the January record if it wasn't for such big games this weekend. I think Ride Along does 35+ next weekend, as well. Great month.
  24. Very good list and writing, baum. Prisoners is probably in my top ten of the year, though. Wonderful film
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