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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. Final Pre RTH predictions 10 Wolf 9 Hobbit 9 Mitty 7.5 Hustle 7 Anchorman 5.5 Banks 4.5 Frozen 4 Ronin 3 Grudge Match
  2. I'm a big fan of the play and I think this looks quite awful. Will probably skip it. Trailers didn't capture any of the spirit of the show, and as legendary as she is Streep looks like she is gonna overplay it.
  3. I'm stunned how well this is doing at my theater I went to and at DC theaters I track. Didn't think it would do so hot with mediocre reviews and competition, but it might do over 6 mill, which would be tremendous.
  4. I thought Lawrence was very good and charismatic, but ScarJo's performance in Don Jon's absolutely blew me away by comparison (though they're only slighty compararable. Cooper was great too but he didn't own the screen when Bale was in the same scene with him, which hurts a little. Lawrence always held her own. Hard to take your eyes off her, which is the best part of her performance.
  5. Wow, the theater was nuts today. Especially for Hustle, Wolf, Anchorman, Banks, and, kinda shockingly, Walter Mitty, which sold out a few showings. Gonna be a massive day. On another note, I really enjoyed American Hustle, despite some lukewarm reviews on here. Certainly not gonna be my favorite of the year (or even in my top 8, probably) but its worth seeing for Bale alone. No idea why he hasn't gotten any real Oscar attention, even in a stacked year.
  6. I'm more with baumer on this one here. I thought it took a while to find the right gear, and when it did, it took off. It became much more interesting and funny after it stopped being a Marty parody. After that, I loved it. Adams, Cooper, Louis, Renner, and Lawrence are all special performances. But my fucking word, Christian Bale man. Christian fucking Bale. This guy is so talented it should be illegal. Unbelievable performance. Makes the whole movie. Dude might top Leo, DDL, and Seymour Hoffman as the best actor in his prime today. Such a chameleon. As an actor myself, I'm fucking jealous.
  7. Wow, AH is packedddddd right now. Sold out in the biggest theaterten mins before movie. Sitting I'm back with my ma. Havent seen theater like this on Christmas since 2009
  8. I think this will be a really strong day for holdovers and a very mediocre one for the openers, outside of wolf, which should do at least 8 million. I don't see any of the others doing above 5 except maybe Mitty. But Anchroman, Hustle, Banks, and Hobbit I think are all in for awesome days.
  9. Wolf sold out its 3:05 showing about ten minutes ago! Awesome! Based on early business and the pattern it's undergoing, I think Mr. Banks increases to over 5 million and has an upset top five finish. Two sellouts already. This could have the best legs of the season
  10. Seeing Hustle at 4 today. Already sellouts for Mr. Banks and Anchorman at my theater. Also, Merry Motherfucking Christmas!!
  11. I also really enjoyed it Gopher. I wasn't in love with the story but the performances and the tone/setting were absolutely nailed. They really, really made it feel authentic- Rust Belt economic struggles, dying small towns, white trash drug dealers...it all felt very real. And the acting....wow. Bale just knows how to transform himself and convey so much with just one look. Woody and Affleck are spectacular as well, and I liked Dafoe and Salanda alot. Like Gopher said, not my favorite of the year by any means, but well worth watching.
  12. Alot of people do both Christmas Eve and Christmas morning for presents because either the family is spread out geographically, or because the family is separated through divorce or such. We used to do Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, but we've just done Christmas morning since my grandparents passed away.
  13. It has done well in the past, which I don't understand- everyone I know is shopping today. It's the biggest shopping weekend of the year. Malls should be killing movies right now.
  14. Speaking of teams winning meaningless games, my Vikings have killed their hopes for Bridgewater/Clowney/Barr (we need a DE with Allen perhaps on the way out.) Failures of his brother aside, I'm a Derek Carr fan. And if Blake Bortles declares...look out. He's not going to the Vikings...but he might push Bridgewater out of the top spot.
  15. I think it's alot like the first in that there is about an hour and 45 minutes of boring, CGI filled, needless crap, and an hour of some really promising film-making, mostly towards the end again, that will make me come back for the third one. I loved the Smaug stuff. The barrel scene was cartoony and silly, but I had fun. Freeman was great again, and I liked the last couple of Gandalf scenes, even if they feel tacked on to connect it to the larger trilogy. But it still suffers from a ton of poorly done stuff. Awful CGI at points. A cartoony, video game tone and fight choreography that felt way too fake. And worst of all, outside of Bilbo and Gandalf, who we know live, I don't give a shit about any of the characters on an emotional level at all. Especially since they seem invulnerable. I liked seeing Legolas back but why was he here, beside to tack on filler? Why did they use so much CGI when practical effects could have easily been done? Why didn't they eliminate an hour from each of the last two movies, chop em up, combine them, and cut off the first in the series just as Smaug awakens? That would have been dope. These movies just feel like heartless, overstuffed, and mediocrely made cash grabs. And they shouldn't because the book is great, the universe is great, and PJ can direct. This series needed an editor and a script advisor, for sure. C (Improvement, but not enough)
  16. In the sense Heretic described I'd have no problem if Noctis did it to me, because my friends dig on me like that all the time (and I dig back.) At the same time, I can certainly see how someone else is offended by it, and if he's been ignoring warnings for months, he jumped over the limit. In other news, late to the party, but yay new Christmas themed avatar and name!
  17. This is the biggest shopping day of the year. Saturday before Christmas. Nothing is going to increase over 100 percent.
  18. Three things on this beautiful Saturday morning! Using Ghost Protocol as an example for why Anchorman 2 can survive over the holidays is a bad example, because that is an exceptionally rare performance, as is something like NATM. Realistically, the peak number for a fanboy centric movie facing stiff competition is Little Fockers, right around 150 million. That would be great. However, I don't think it hits that. 120 is a more solid bet. Considering I predicted 65 million for the five day, yea, I must say, I'm very disappointed. Speaking of disappointments, that Saving Mr. Banks number is awful. Sure, that's a movie I have no doubt will do about a 5x. But I predicted 150 for it, and like 20 people were in the 120+ domestic club. That number sucks. Combo of bad marketing, not knowing who to market to (older adults or the Disney lovers), and Frozen taking away Disney demand. Also, no offense, but gotta love revisionist history cynics that are jumping on the "lulz Anchorman was never gunna b a hit just because you no peoplez who quote the 1st 1 lulz" bandwagon. There's a reason most people predicted 150 plus for it. Congrats on getting the call right, but it kinda ruins your moment if you act like such a condescending prick about it. Happy shopping everyone!
  19. How would American Hustle do only five million today off of a 1.1 million midnight? That'd be terrible
  20. Wow that number for Hustle is incredible! It could hit 30 million this weekend. I know that sounds crazy, but yea
  21. This is probably irrelevant, but only like three people on the board saw Anchorman 2 yesterday, including myself, and I know for a fact that most of this board plans to see it. So maybe it just isn't an OD movie.
  22. I've conceded that the Hangover is, as well as Austin Powers, Bruce Almighty, Ted, and maybe (only among everyone my age) Mean Girls, for some fucking reason are all hugely cultural impactful on a near equal level. But that doesn't mean Anchorman isn't an absolutely beloved and sensational property.
  23. Anchorman is different- it didn't become that huge by 2006. It just slowly, every year, through home video and TV, hit the cultural zeitgeist. I don't think a wait hurt it anymore than it helped/
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