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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. Had an incredibly busy birthday/move in weekend.....and it looks like I didn't miss much at the box office. Missed y'all, though!
  2. 1) What film finishes number one? Butler 2) Will any film finish with more than 25 mill? No 3) Will The World's End finish with more than 8.75 mill? No 4) Will You're Next have an opening day of more than 9 mill? No 5) Will The Butler fall less than 26%? No 6) Will KA2 fall less than 52.5%? No 7) Will Jobs have a Friday increase of more than 66.7%? Yes 8) Will Paranoia...never mind, who cares. Any answer will do. Everybody Loves Dan Grant 9) Will Miller's finish in the top 5? Yes 10) Will The Butler finish higher than any of the openers? Yes 11) Will Wolverine have a Saturday increase of more than 34%? Yes 12) Will Despicable Me fall more than 33%? No 13) Will 2 Guns fall more than 45%? Yes 14) Which film of these 4 has the best drop? Smurfs, DM2, Planes, Turbo. DM2 15) Will Mortal Instruments have a Thursday drop of more than 22.5%? Yes 12/15 4000 13/15 6000 14/15 8000 15/15 10,000 What finishes in spots: 3 Millers 5 World's End 7 Elysium 9 Jasmine 11 Jobs 2000 each 7000 for all 5 spots Bonus 1: What is Mortal Instruments 5 day gross? 4000 14.4 Bonus 2: What do the three openers add up to for the 3 day? 4000 26.2
  3. I don't think Butler comes close to doing the Help numbers, but I still think 100 seems likely.
  4. Question baumer: I haven't missed any weeks but I missed trivia because I could barely post (no laptop and school packing.) Instead of using the makeup to replace a missed week, can I use it to replace trivia?
  5. Eva Mendes wasn't supposed to play that part in Hitch at all, but as said earlier, it had to be changed because the original actress was white, and studio execs weren't down with that. It's one thing seeing black couples in a "black" movie, like baumer said, that makes business sense, as bad as it sounds. But I don't understand why in action movies and normal comedies and movies that appeal to largely white people, there isn't more interracial couples. I'm a white guy and I've dated way, way more black girls than white girls, and I wouldn't doubt that I will marry a black woman, so it sucks. I wish there was more interracial couples in movies.
  6. Very excited to check out Lee Daniel's the Butler (or, if it was a porn, Ron Jeremy's The Buttler). Think it will be great. baumer gave it a glowing review, and that's cool!
  7. Great for the Butler, decent enough for Kick Ass. Holy balls that's terrible for Paranoia (Paranoid? Which is it? No wonder this flopped.) Always sad to see Mr. Ford have a flop
  8. 1) What film finishes in first spot? Butler 2) What film finishes in second spot for Friday? Butler 3) Will any film open to more than 25 mill? No 4) Will The Butler open to more than 20 mill? Yes 5) Will Kick Ass 2 open to more than 20 mill? Yes 6) Will Paranoia open to more than 12 mill? Yes 7) Will Jobs open to more than 8 mill? No 8) Will Elysium fall less than 58.5%? Yes 9) Will Miller's fall more than 45%? No 10) Will Percy Jackson have a Friday increase of more than 50%? Yes 11) Will Planes have a Saturday increase of more than 35%? Yes 12) Will Wolverine stay in the top 12? Yes 13) Will DM2 finish within at least a million of Smurfs? Yes 14) Will Blackfish fall more than 20%? No 15) Is RIPD a joke of a box office run? Run? Run isn't the right word..... 12/15 4000 13/15 5000 14/15 7000 15/15 10,000 Bonus 1: What will the four openers add up to? 5000 60.4 Bonus 2: What does the top 10 add up to? 5000 120.2 Bonus 3: What finishes in spots: 1 Butler 2 Kickass 3 Millers 4 Elysium 8 Smurfs 9 Jobs
  9. OW: One Direction (if it counts) Total: Butler Actually moderately confident for some reason.
  10. Yea, Sony sorta kinda shit the bed this summer.
  11. I know I'm late as hell, but holy fucm what a brilliant movie. Praise be to Nolan
  12. Mark Strong getting ready for his role as Lex Luthor. Anyway, that was fucking incredible, to say the least.
  13. It actually isn't that bad a weekend, and if it wasn't for two movies opening on Wednesday, it'd actually be pretty damn good. WTM would have challenged 35+, and Percy Jackson, flop that it is, would have done over 20, giving up all four openers with over 20 million.
  14. It must be gratifying to have an entire country described as "Brad Pitt-loving Japan," or something to that effect. I hope Clay Miller obsessed Puerto Rico one day becomes a thing. God, movie stars have such power. Anyway, Elysium had a solid Saturday number to get over 30- I don't think WOM can carry it to 100 though. WTM has excellent WOM, though, and I wouldn't be stunned at all if it approaches 100
  15. Whoot whoot! This makes up for Gopher sticking me with an avatar from the Master! I'm saved!
  16. I love this board and everyone on it, but incessant negativity is bad for mental health and the soul. Nothing wrong with being an optimist! Smile motherfuckers
  17. Even with some bad legs it has still been another massive summer at the movies. People are just starting to burn out and settle down.
  18. First 30 minutes and last 10 minutes are really great- excellent world building, good characters, good acting. Everything in between is rushed, loud, and way too chase sceney. A good movie that had the potential to be a truly great one but rushed through it.
  19. I think Elysium, WTM, and Planes will be an interesting duel for numero uno, unless Elysium doesn't turn out frontloaded at all. All look to be heading towards the high 20s.
  20. Actually, outside of TA related and Batman, the two mega franchises, I think comic book fatigue is starting to slowly kick in, too. Not as much as sci fi- the number of sci fi movies recently has just been tremendous, and none have been that great. And I say that as a big sci fi fan.
  21. As Rich said yesterday, sci fi fatigue is in full effect. Nobosy (except rainbowtrout, no suprise) is skipping Elyaium because of its message. People are skipping it because its like the hundreth fucking sci fi movie this year.
  22. This. I love sci fi, but it's starting to become a bit much. I've had several friends comment that they are sick of these " space movies." Nobody isn't going to see it because of the politics except uber conservatives.
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