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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. 1) Will The Wolverine open to at least 50 mill? Yes 2) Will The Wolverine open to at least 60 mill? Yes 3) Will RIPD fall less than 62.5% No 4) Will Turbo fall more than 37.5%? Yes 5) Will The Way Way Back gross with more than RIPD? Yes 6) Will Grown Ups 2 have a Saturday increase of more than 39.5% Yes 7) Will The Conjuring fall more than 53.5%? No 8) Will DM2 gross within 2 mill of Conjuring? No 9) Will Conjuring's Saturday drop from it's opening Saturday be less than 50%? Yes 10) Will Conjuring+DM2 add up to at least half of what Wolverine opens too? Yes 11) Will Wolverine do at least 3.5 mill at midnight/sneak? Yes 12) What film will have best drop in the top 15 (not including DM2 or Turbo or MU or TWWB)? 5000 Lebron James' Favorite Movie- The H eat 10/12 3000 11/12 4000 12/12 10,000 What finishes in spots: 4 Turbo 7 Rim 11 Z 13 Fruitvale 15 Ranger 2000 each, 10,000 for all 5 spots right Bonus 1: What will the total weekend cume be for Conjuring, Wolverine and WWZ? 4000 90.6 Bonus 2: What will Pacific Rim gross on Saturday? 4000 3.4 Bonus 3: Oops I did it again: NOPE not falling for it again
  2. Wow, the episode One Minute in Season Three is one of the greatest television episodes ever produced
  3. I'll probably more interested in this than most of the Rocky movies. Jordan is going to be a huge star.
  4. R.I.P.D opened higher than My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but will finish with less! Actually, though, Gopher has a very interesting point- either Inception was an absolute monster, or MOS' legs are just pretty rancid. I think it's more the former, but both can't be ruled out
  5. From 4th to 13th since the start of July. Dropping like a rock. Need to start being more like The Rock.
  6. NOOOOOOOOO So uh, hey baumer, how bout 20,000 point bonus to anyone who bought the book, what do you say my friend?
  7. Hey, firedeep made it through the night without any demons!
  8. Now you're trying to piss of God too? Your attempts to sleep tonight are going to be a MASSIVE FLOP
  9. You're making it worst. Demons are showing up at your house tonight because of your doubt. Demons or Mark Strong
  10. The supernatural always goes for the non believers first, firedeep. Don't taunt them
  11. That's why I said prime Will Smith. His streak from 2002-2007 was the strongest drawing power from one individual actor in my lifetime, though
  12. I've stated it a thousand times, but no actor in recent years except prime Will Smith and maybe DiCaprio and Denzel right now has been able to draw in ANY role- many actors CAN be huge draws, however, in CERTAIN roles that fulfill one or two appealing factors- Tatum in charming romantic lead style, Neeson as a bad ass action hero, etc. Also, who in the blue hell sees animated movies for the voice cast?
  13. Only 3D movie I've seen in the past year is Oz, and Hobbit in the weird cardboard cutout 3D shit. Waste of money, adds nothing to the experience if the film isn't named "Avatar"
  14. That number makes me conjure something..... in my pants YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  15. As a non horror film, I believe the scariest film of the past decade (easily) is the Ring (and Verb and Wan could have similar career paths, honestly) and Quarantine is by far the most underrated.
  16. Caught up through two seasons, but holy shit. I see what the hype is about. Amazing show. Hope it gets even better
  17. In my opinion, PA felt incredibly visceral and real, and the isolation the characters felt translated very well on screen. The lack of special effects and the slow burn got me more than anything in the last half of this movie, which, spoilers aside, is filled with creepy makeup and very visible effects that took me out of it.
  18. I'm not a huge horror junkie like you, so when I saw the reviews, I expected to be BLOWN AWAY, Quarantine style, Ring style, PA style. I wasn't. It was just a very good exorcism movie, with a touch of Amityville
  19. I answered bonus number 3, and I immediately regret this decision.
  20. I feel pretty much exactly the same as Ryne or baumer- it's the best horror movie I've seen since at least PA3 and it is very scary, but it's NOT this decade's version of the Ring. Just a good demon movie.
  21. Burn me at the stake for saying this, but while I found the Conjuring very good, I'm hesitant to call it "great" or "incredibly scary," to be honest, and I get scared shitless of most things. It was very much just a well done exorcism/demon movie, not really a great haunted house. My audience seemed to feel the same way- liked it, not loved it. Should have good legs for a horror movie, but not for a movie in general by any means. Much closer in quality to something like the Grudge than the Ring or the first Paranormal Activity.
  22. After seeing Conjuring I will say NONE reaches 100CONJURING 92TURBO 88RED 64RIPD 46
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