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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. Well, I did mediocre this week, especially considering I had individs. Still top ten, though!
  2. I enjoyed it even more the second time. I was less tired, so the action was clearer and alot better. I noticed how great the music was, and caught some jokes from the first time. Best blockbuster and second best movie of the summer behind This Is The End
  3. No, I think it's a great movie, but not high art in the slightest. But because it Is GDT and not a sequel, some users treat it like high art
  4. Well, that's just wrong. I did't enjoy it, I thought it was unfunny, juvenile, and a huge drop off, but to call someone who disagrees "retarded" is just an absolute wrong thing, period.
  5. Jesus, did someone mow down the holdovers with a machine gun Commando style? Also, as for the whole PR vs GU debate, though I enjoyed PR more than GR2, to say that people are "stupid" and the "death of society" for liking a movie that isn't as "high art" as your taste is the most pretentious and asinine thing in the world.
  6. Well I nailed the order/number questions for the BSG this week, but anything dealing with holdovers.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrjwaqZfjIY
  7. My bold prediction for the year is Dory either winning or coming in second place for the year domestically, but I don't know if either really needs to move. If people want to see them, people will see them.
  8. Wolverine, Elysium, Conjuring (break out!), Smurfs, and 2 Guns all have 100+ potential, so summer ain't over yet.
  9. Also, those numbers for the holdovers are pretty fucking terrible, and are boning me in the summer game right now.
  10. I actually enjoyed That's My Boy alot more than Zohan, so if you switch those two, I agree fully.
  11. Also, there is a huge brawl in GU2 that involves Stone Cold Steve Austin, and he doesn't give anybody a Stunner. What a waste.
  12. I seriously think that GU2 was made with only children in mind- it tried way too hard with the humor, and the only people in my audience who liked it alot were the kids, who ate it up. I still really enjoyed GU1, but this one kind blew chunks for anyone over 12.
  13. I'd say those are very solid numbers are all around for everything- PR is a somewhat niche original sci fi, so doing Super 8 numbers is great. GU2 is gonna do great Saturday business- this is a family film, even more than the first one, by a mile.
  14. Hunnam was great, you just like to latch onto things to hate with no rhyme or reason.
  15. I thought it could have been the easy best blockbuster of the summer (still in contention after one viewing) but it had two pretty glaring flaws that held it back a bit. But first, the good- the ensemble was absolutely excellent from top to bottom. Very, very impressed with Hunnam and the chick from Babel, and Elba, Day, and Perlman were great as expected. The score was fantastic. The direction and visual feel of the movie was great. The robot designs were awesome. The world building was top notch. The dialogue was crisp and fun. The environments and settings were great. It really nailed the sense of fun. However, two things hurt it 1. The prologue needed to add at least five minutes. I never felt the scope of the kaiju taking over, the Jaegers fighting back, and the kaiju pushing humanity to the brink because the prologue was rushed. It felt like being dropped into the middle of the story. 2. Between the fact the that kaiju all looked the same and all the fights took place in the dark and around water/rain, the three main action scenes let me down.
  16. Tears are being shed in the Miller home over this turn of events.
  17. 1) What film finishes number 1? 5000 Despicable Me 2) What film finishes number 2? 2000 Grown Ups 3) Will DM2 fall less than 45%? Yes 4) Will The Lone Ranger fall less than 45%? No 5) Will any film, without a theater increase of more than 150 theaters, fall less than 35.7%? Yes 6) Will WHD increase more than 50% on Friday? Yes 7) Will WWZ have a Saturday increase of more than 40%? Yes 8) Will GU2 and PR combine to make more than 82.5 mill? Yes 9) Will MU fall more than 40%? No 10) Will Pain and Gain fall more than 55%? No 11) Will Pawn Shop Chronicles make more than $125,000? Yes 12) Will GU2 make less than 3 mill from sneaks/early? Yes 13) Will PR make more than 2.5 mill from sneaks/early? Yes 14) Will GU2's weekend gross be at least 9X the combined gross of what PR and GU2 makes at midnights/early? Yes 12/14 3000 13/14 5000 15/15 10,000 Bonus 1: What will the combined gross be of PR, GU2 and DM2? 5000 Bonus 2: What will DM2's total gross WW be? 5000 Bonus 3: What will MOS' domestic gross be? 5000 Bonus 4: What finishes in spots: 1 DM2 2 GU 3 PR 4 The Heat 12 Now You Seem Me 15 Star Trek 2000 each 5000 bonus for all 6 correct cmaster: 1) Will PR make more than 2.85 from early/sneaks? Yes 2) Will MU fall more than 37.5%? No 3) Will TITE fall more than 40.5%? No
  18. Gonna need a few more days to really gauge how DM2 will be leg wise, for sure. Now, if it had a drop like TLR did, well.....
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