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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. Eh, in that case, The Heat would be based off Lethal Weapon themes. If it's not an adaptation or a sequel/prequel, it's original.
  2. What is the biggest fully original film of the summer so far? Looks like the Heat is going to win, unless PR breaks out to 150+ or Elysium or 2 Guns is massive.
  3. Every comedy this summer sans the Internship (which barely counts) has been an R rated raunch comedy. I think a breezy, PG-13 family comedy about summer can certainly find a place in this summer.
  4. I noticed that too. I was thinking "shit, I've been using bullish and bearish wrong for months now." But anyway, I've always been on the GU2 bandwagon- the trailers always get great reactions, the first one was very well liked and did great on HV, and it's by far the most family oriented of any comedy this summer. It's PR that I'm starting to come around on.
  5. What do you think of the Asik for Ryan Anderson rumors? I think it's a better fit than Josh "Chuck or Clog" Smith for you guys.
  6. It is what is is. If you think you'll find it hilarious you will- if you hate the guy, you'll hate it. Personally, I found it outrageously funny. It starts off awkwardly with 20 minutes of skits and behind the scenes stuff that only serves to help build the hype, but once the stand up starts- holy shit, non stop 50 minutes of laughter. There's moments of what could be considered sexism scattered throughout, but it's a topical analysis of a subject by a comedian- you can tell from the behind the scenes stuff that he's a really nice guy that doesn't mean most of the mean or controversial shit he says. It's certainly a entertaining watch.
  7. I don't think anyone expected a concert movie to breakout that much. I actually did, which ALMOST makes up for me predicting TLR to do 150+ (not).
  8. Kevin Hart's movie was fucking hilarious, go see it guys! Also, I've been pushing the idea that TLR would be a hit for awhile now, so I'll man up and admit that I hitched to the wrong wagon on this one (no western pun intended). It had alot going for it to be a hit, but the buzz over the past few days killed it before it could take off.
  9. That's awful for Lone Ranger, and while still great, quite precarious drops for KH and DM2. That kinda sucks.
  10. My four year old niece and her little best friend are all dressed up as Minions and heading off to see DM2 right now. It's the cutest thing ever.
  11. Great, actually. Selling out very well in my area. Even 3D showings, and everybody down here fucking hates 3D (because it sucks). And it's raining, but we can handle it- all day, errday, rain on deck.
  12. Ah, I was looking at the wrong dates. For some reason, I thought the awesome TF Independence Day was on Thursday. My bad. Still, Lone Ranger is very older crowd oriented and seems perfect for the fourth- I see it doing 14 million tomorrow.
  13. Ladies love the minions, that's why I'm having a date to see Despicable Me instead of just seeing it on my own time.
  14. The last time the 4th fell on a Thursday, everything had massive increases. With DM2 and TLR being family/nostalgia related releases, and very smart Independence Day choices, I see an increase for TLR, and a slight drop for DM2.
  15. Think Like A Man sold out nine showings at my local theater opening night- shit was crazy. Very underrated movie- 2012 was a great year for comedy.
  16. Awesome numbers for Kevin Hart- dude's a champion. When Think Like A Man 2 opens to 40+ next summer, we will look back at this movie breaking out as even more proof of his star power.
  17. So, uh, did we ever get any Kevin Hart numbers? Because it was selling out like gangbusters last night, and I'm interested in seeing if it did at least 500k in limited release last night. Seeing it tonight, TLR with the fam tomorrow, and I have a date to see DM2 Friday- hopefully all of them at least entertain me.
  18. Going to watch the new Kevin Hart movie tonight, can we add that, even if it is a standup special?
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