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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. Great weekend at the box office. Proof that the business is still strong as long as solid movies are out.
  2. I would hope not, but have you read the Pacific Rim threads? You'd be surprised. Multiple people predicting nearly a billion.
  3. I'll bet 50 dollars or the gift equivalent of that that Pacific Rim finishes with less than 800 million WW.
  4. I know everybody says that Perks made them feel more, but as a single man who has suffered from OCD his whole life and has been troubled with relationships recently, I've never, ever felt more of a personal connection to a movie than SLP. So, that's my answer.
  5. I thought it was very well-shot, intense, and the performances, especially Law and Mara, are fantastic. The plot twists were a little too Primal Fear-esque for me, and I saw most of them coming. The ending led to alot of suspension of disbelief. Still, I really enjoyed it.
  6. Exactly. It's doing exactly what most people predicted domestically and even exceeding expectations in some places, and the IM of the opening weekend means strong family legs are certainly a possibility.
  7. I don't see how this means the box office in 2013 sucks- yes, it disappointed overseas, but domestically it's very impressive. Third largest March opening, 80+ million. I think an impressive domestic total is important, and it has one. The box office doesn't suck at all, calm down.
  8. I enjoyed myself. I thought it was visually brilliant and the themes and dialogue, while more "kid-film" than I had thought, were enjoyable. The parts in Kansas were perfect, and the first thirty minutes in Oz were great as well. I enjoyed Franco. He was self-aware and had great comedic timing. Williams nailed it, and I didn't mind Kunis like everybody else seemed too. Weisz was excellent though a bit excessively generic at times. I found it 100 times better than Alice or John Carter. B+
  9. Darth Vader- Every scene ever. He's the best. Hans Landa- The first scene, an absolute masterclass in acting The Joker- The pencil scene, of course Bane- Most scenes, I found myself to be incredibly fond of Bane despite the hate he got. He's the Brock Lesnar to the Joker's CM Punk. Especially loved the first big fight. Calvin Candie- The dinner scene Goldfinger- The "I expect you to die" scene. Iconic Dr. Evil- Every scene in the first two Not a movie but.... King Joffery- There's a bunch in season two, especially in the early going. What a prick.
  10. People like Colin Farrell and Gerard Butler are huge stars, even if they've had some flops movies- they're still very well known and still get approached to head blockbuster films. They aren't flops, and neither is Reynolds, Gosling, Hardy, or any of those guys mentioned. If yo're a big star that continues to get offered major roles in well-promoted, major studio films, you aren't a flop. A flop is somebody that was billed as having a ton of potential, got about a year or two of hype, and then fell off the face of the planet to the point where they aren't being offered serious, high caliber roles. Freddie Prinze Jr and Hayden Christensen are flops. Taylor Kitsch is on the way to being a flop. Colin Farrell is not a flop.
  11. The box office isn't in the toilet because people aren't seeing movies anymore- they just don't want to see any of the crap that's out right now. People will turn out for Oz and Joe because they actually want to see them, just like people turned out for Mama and Identity Theft.
  12. I've seen the play August: Osage County. It is going to tear through the acting noms (Streep and Roberts plus SAG Ensemble are locks) but I'm not sure it can WIN best picture, based on the show.
  13. Well, it's better than the Master, but otherwise it isn't really one to recommend. EDIT: Certainly joking, before anybody calls me an idiot >_> (Did really dislike the Master, though)
  14. I hated 21 and Over, and this is coming from someone who enjoyed That's My Boy and A Good Day to Die Hard. So take that for what you will.
  15. Argo and lincoln had much more memorable scores, in my opinion. Instantly recognizable.
  16. They did. She died February 11th, before the Oscars. So last year she was not snubbed.
  17. Whitney was in it last year, I believe that's why she wasn't mentioned.
  18. God Samantha Barks is so hot. And Aaron tveit ripped it!
  19. How the blue hell can anyone say Jennifer Hudson didn't deserve the Oscar? She's incredible. Murphy deserved it too.
  20. Awful. Everybody I was with spent alot of the movie laughing at the cheesy dialogue and illogical plot points. Some of the visuals were great, but the acting and script killed it. One of if not the worst of 2012.
  21. Best Picture: Argo (Alt: Silver Linings) Best Director: Ang Lee (Alt: Speilberg) Best Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis (Alt: Bradley Cooper) Best Actress: Emanuella Riva (Alt: Jennifer Lawrence) Best Supporting Actor: Robert De Niro (Alt: Tommy Lee Jones) Best Supporting Actress: Anne Hathaway (Alt: Sally Field) Best Original Screenplay: Amour (Alt: Django) Best Adapted Screenplay: Lincoln (Alt: Argo) Best Editing: Argo (Alt: Life of Pi)
  22. I thoroughly enjoyed this. It was flawed- there was some clunky dialogue and a rushed ending, but it had great heart and excellent performances. The Rock was occasionally unbelievable, but by no fault of his performance- it had more to with his size in relation to how the role was written. Otherwise, he was great. Michael K Williams (aka Omar) was an excellent, complex bad guy. But the main props have to go to Joe Bernthal. He was fucking incredible, in my opinion. So believable, so likable. One of the better performances of the past year, actually (as in, since last February).
  23. I have to give mine to QT. I'm not a big Kill Bill fan, but IB and DU are just genius. His style is unlike any other- the combination of brilliant characters, hilarious dialogue, all the monologues, the anarchoristic music, the violence...... it's the style of movie I would make. Brilliant, monologue driven performances, intense action, and loud, unexpected music choices. David O'Russell has hit it out of the park his last two movies, as well. He may not be a brilliant visual/artistic director, but he makes emotional, crowd pleasing movies as well as anyone. Plus, he brings out great performances from unexpected people. Nolan and Abrams have my money for any film they direct, too.
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