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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. 1. Dark Knight Rises (duh)2. Star Trek 23. Skyfall4. Django Unchained5. Paranormal Activity 46. Oblivion7. G.I. Joe 28. This Is 409. The Hobbit10. Elysium
  2. Def gotta say Green Lantern and Fantastic Four, give them the tone and talent of BB/TASM and give us the great films we deserved.
  3. He's a perfect romantic lead/girl fodder because he's handsome and charming, but what set him over the top for guys like me is that he was very likable, funny, and down to earth in 21JST, and seems the same way in real life. He's unique and likable, two things that generic stars like Reynolds (no offense Baumer) and Lautner don't have going for them.
  4. Savages4:10 showing95% full in a 135 seaterTrailers:End of Watch- This trailer has been shown so many times here most people can recite by heart. Awkward silenceBourne Legacy- Same thing as end of watch, looks good though!Odd Life of Timothy Green- What the hell was this doing there?Argo- Solid positive buzzFlight- Very positive buzz, looks great.The movie:I really enjoyed it. Good action, good story, good dialogue. Lively was mediocre in the lead, but Kitsch and Johnson were likable enough. Del Toro was absolutely incredible, and Travolta wasn't far behind. Enjoyed Hayek in this too. Crowd reacted well to the ending and the film in general. B+
  5. Another reason ASM is doing better than BB did is because Begins was the first of its type and provided the model that made movies like TASM possible. At that point, the fluffy, more happy-go-lucky style of Raimi's Spider-Man was the norm. It wasn't until Batman Begins that a dark, complex origin story became commercially viable. Casino Royale furthered that notion. Now, it's the established norm, and TASM is able to piggy back off of it.
  6. Good news: Spider-Man has already sold out three shows here today and is about to sell out a fourth (all 2d). The Fourth of July gets insane matinee business down here in Miami, but I doubt the late afternoon/evening shows even do 50 tickets on account of fireworks.
  7. I think alot of theaters have specials and discounts on Tuesday, so that probably has something to do with it.Fantastic for Ted and Magic Mike.
  8. Monday is a crappy night in general, especially to go see a midnight movie and wake up early for work on a Tuesday morning. With that in mind, this is a very positive number. If this was a Thursday midnight, yea, it wouldn't look too great, but Thursday is alot different than Monday. I know a few people seeing this tonight and a TON seeing it on the Fourth, before all the fireworks.
  9. The Dark Knight is a complex, brilliantly acted film with multiple themes and subplots and one of the most poignant and devastating endings in blockbuster history. The Avengers is Transformers 3 with better humor and dialogue. And that's not hating on Avengers, I really enjoyed it, perfect popcorn film. But the Dark Knight is the Godfather of superhero movies and one of the top five movies of the entire decade.
  10. Interesting. Doesn't clearly favor one side or the other. Let the spinning from both sides begin.....now.
  11. I'll preface this by saying while I certainly enjoyed the Spider-Man trilogy as a young kid, it just has too much of a layer of fluff and cheese looking back on it. It never nailed the tone, and McGuire was good but just too ehhh to be lovable. THIS is the Spider-Man movie I always wanted. The movie features an absolutely brilliant performance from Andrew Garfield. He nails the comedy, the action, and the dramatics. Emma Stone takes a potentially boring character and makes her charming and lovable as hell. Martin Sheen is an absolute standout as Uncle Ben- the film really excelled when him and Garfield were on screen together. The directing was top notch, and for a guy whose never done action, Webb did a great job with these fights. The comedy is Avengers level good. Lizard was very similar to Green Goblin in the "talking to myself and going crazy" way, but Ifans added a Molina-like level of sympathy for the character from the start. Overall the only things that held it down were the forgettable score( one of the true triumphs of the Raimi trilogy) and the crappy CGI in certain parts.I give this a solid A! It had much more character developmental and emotional gravitas than the Avengers.
  12. The Amazing Spider Man sold out one 2D and one 3D last night and got a 2D added show nearly half full.For my 2D showSold out in 169 seater (Good mix between genders, like 60-40)Previews (started late)Half of the Watch- Awkwardly started up the trailer in the middle so hard to get a real reactionBourne Legacy- WhisphersThe Dark Knight Rises Nokia Trailer- Best reaction for a TDKR trailer yet, actually. Lots of positive talk and buzz afterwards, even a clap or two.The Movie:I'll preface this by saying while I certainly enjoyed the Spider-Man trilogy as a young kid, it just has too much of a layer of fluff and cheese looking back on it. It never nailed the tone, and McGuire was good but just too ehhh to be lovable. THIS is the Spider-Man movie I always wanted. The movie features an absolutely brilliant performance from Andrew Garfield. He nails the comedy, the action, and the dramatics. Emma Stone takes a potentially boring character and makes her charming and lovable as hell. Martin Sheen is an absolute standout as Uncle Ben- the film really excelled when him and Garfield were on screen together. The directing was top notch, and for a guy whose never done action, Webb did a great job with these fights. The comedy is Avengers level good. Lizard was very similar to Green Goblin in the "talking to myself and going crazy" way, but Ifans added a Molina-like level of sympathy for the character from the start. Overall the only things that held it down were the forgettable score( one of the true triumphs of the Raimi trilogy) and the crappy CGI in certain parts.I give this a solid A! It had much more character developmental and emotional gravitas than the Avengers.
  13. Our turn off the cell phone ads are sponsored by Sprint as well. It's an ad about what happens to the cell phone when it gets shut off and whether or not it dreams, which TBH just makes everybody feel bad for the phone. Anyway, I'm seeing Spider-Man tonight (Miami area) with a group of about 15 people (girls and guys), so I'll drop a report when I get back.
  14. Loved it! Really funny film with a surpisingly sentimental touch. I haven't been a fan of Family Guy for ages (just kinda lost its thunder after a good start), and while this film is very stylistically similar, it comes off as very fresh and way funnier than anything McFarlane has done in years. Rauncy jokes are in abundance, but there's a ton of clever pop culture references. Wahlberg and Kunis are fantastic in this, and McHale gave an awesome supporting turn.
  15. Went to see Ted tonight at midnight. Ted sold out two shows tonight at midnight and Magic Mike sold out one. Madea did solid business too. Gonna be a huge weekend. Absolutely loved Ted and so did the audience.
  16. I went to the theater tonight (to catch Project X) and I've never seen it so dead on a Friday night. And this is a major theater in Miami, so that doesn't bode well for Titans. Hunger Games looked like it had some people filtering in, though. It should hold up well.
  17. Amazing that in spite of the fact that it is either the least liked or second least liked in the series, TPM still trumps Beauty and TLK 3D, two universally acclaimed films. I think this just proves that Star Wars is still by far the most powerful movie franchise in America. I think Titanic and Episodes IV through VI are headed to over 40 million when they come out. Also, I asked a few girls in my class whether they were going to see Safe House, and they said yes...but because of Reynolds. Still, I'm very sure that Denzel is the main reason for the success. Plus, the Vow proves that Heigl/Kutcher cheesy romantic comedies are bound for failure, and that romantic movies with realistic, relatable concepts and two likeable, attractive leads are some of the easiest money in Hollywood.
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