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Alex Bennett

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Posts posted by Alex Bennett

  1. Ugh Chinese box office is just completely uninteresting and not fun to follow anymore.  All of the Hollywood movies that I actually have heard of are doing poorly and the only movies that perform well are the local films that I couldn't gave a shit about. Then the government or whoever's in charge of that crap pulls shit like yanking Django Unchained last minute, delaying every Hollywood movie at least a month, and usually by more than 3 months.


    Why bother even caring about China's box office anymore.


    /rant :rant: :rant:

    Gov never intends to oppress hollywood films. They make money on them. Some movies such as IM3 even gain invests from chinese companies. The only reason why hollywood films can't perform well is there are no such movies attracted to the chinese audience at the moment. Let's check it out. Skyfall, being the highest grossing u.s film this year, was criticized for lacking of actions and defects in script. Hobbit is appealing to core fans only. DH5 doesn't even have a script. And OZ as a fairy tale is no way tempting to modern teenagers.


    Django Got Chained Again - My View on the Quentin Tarantino Picture's China Case
    As we all know, China dont have any film rating system. All movies are determined by the SARFT censors wether to be released or not. Every film faces the censors through the early stage of script on papers to the final theatical release. In most cases, movies all need to be re-cut at varying degrees to get released. That said, as long as your movie can get through the censorship, it doesnot need to be all ages friendly.
    As for the case of Django Unchained, since it managed to get an official release schedule, it certainly was certificated censors-friendly by the SARFT. The surprising release cancel that happened minites after its first screenings early Thursday has little to do with the so called "technical problems", in my view. Since the Sarft dont need to require the pulling off of all theater standees, posters and trailers for the film in that case. It is also reported that any theater that, without listening to the Sarft, continues to show DU after receiving the official cancel notification from CFGC will get severe punishment. No further official explaination has been given so far except the cliché and meaningless "technical problems". However, all signs suggest that there is unlikely to be any re-schedule plan for the film I am afraid.
    Several rumors are going around including the one that the sudden last-minute block of Django Unchained has a lot to do with the unwilling from Sarft of possibly seeing grading system getting further actively discussed, which is always a sensitive and inconvenient subject for the Sarft. Drug War, a drug enforcement themed film from HongKong director Johnnie To, which was released last Tuesday, has already stirred up some notable talks among public regarding the Sarft censorship and the demanding of lauching a grading system. With the coming of Beijing International Film Festival next week, topics about films will predictably go even hotter. So it is reasonably argued that Sarft blocked Django Unchained to avoid any further warming up about these movie-grading talks. After all, Django Unchained is indeed a rather violent in their censorship standard and the possibility of some nudity scenes did get skinned during earlier examining screenings likely helped the cancel too.


    Sounds reasonable. I haven't watched Drug War but I heard there are lots of scenes like drug injection, gunshots and "body smuggling'  available for people at all ages..

  3. I heard China doesn't have a rating system?  Which would be strange for a country with such a prominent film industry and box-office.  If that's the case, then I'm surprised that Django was cleared for release in the first place.   The graphic content in the film, no matter how much you cut it out, doesn't seem suitable for "general" audience I guess.  That begs another question, does movies released in China have to be suitable for all ages?  


    But since it was released, its kind of ridiculous to pull it from the theaters.  Is the studio going to re-cut it and re-releasing it?  

    Rating system is not suitable for China at the moment.  It'd be a big topic to discuss the reasons....ideology, the open of media to publics, and the social stability (China has 56 ethnic groups).   The Django case is a weird case we'll see how the gov replies.  Good news is that an increasingly number of  R-rated movies are being released in China,including Resident Evil.  Nudity is strictly forbidden, and blood scene should be encouraged to "represent a personality or tell the story",not to encourage violence. People at all ages can go to cinemas, so a 7-year-old can watch Resident Evil, Django.etc (of course censored)

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