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Alex Bennett

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Posts posted by Alex Bennett

  1. August schedule is out, and not surprisingly, only two foreign films got greenlight (meanwhile 15 local releases at the moment):


    Jurassic Park 3D 8.20

    Monsters University 8.23


    Flicks like Lone Ranger, The Wolverine and Smurfs 2 are nowhere to be found. These all approved by the Sarft censorship earlier.


    That makes it only 7 major releases or revenue sharing releases in total during this year 2013 June-Agu Summer phase: MoS 6.20, AE 7.12, WHD 7.22, FF6 7.26, PR 7.31, JP3D 8.20, MU 8.23; There were another 2 releases in May 2013: IM3 and STiD.


    For comparison, 2012 June-Agu Summer phase had 8: Madcarsgar 3 6.8, THG 6.14, TMW 6.16, Brave 6.19, IA4 7.27, Lorax 7.27, TDKR 8.27, TASM 8.27; And there were another 3 releases in May 2012: TA, MIB3 and HUGO.


    That means Summer 2013 is weaker in shedule than Summer 2012 for Hollywood movies, all thanks to Sarft.


    Animated film wise:


    only ONE animation, MU, got summer 2013 release; while in summer 2012, there were FOUR


    Through end of August 2013, only TWO foreign animated films get released: Croods and MU.

    Through end of August 2012, already SIX foreign animated films get released: HF2, Pirates, Mad 3, Brave, Lorax and IA4.


    No wonder local animated films have been doing so well this year so far, with report saying local animation gross by end of June 2013 already matched that of the whole year of 2012. Overal local films gross growth first half year 2013/2012 (+144%).[TBN: Foreign gross down 23% in first half year 2013/2012]


    Total releases through end of August will be like:



    Total foreign releases 32, including 20 revenue sharing releases and 12 buyout ones. [not counting HK/TW produced ones]

    Total local releases 146, including 15 in August



    Total foreign releases 51, including 20 revenue sharing releases and 31 buyout ones.

    Total local releases 153, including 38 in August 2012


    Revenue sharing foreign movies may be in trouble in China, while buyouts certainly are dead.

    This country who looks like a chicken on map is really a piece of... :angry:

  2. I havent won anything in my life (well except a bird in my childhood) so  Im stuck with no imax :P


    I go in the morning too but obv on weekend so I'm usually not alone b/c  ppl are smart & want to save money too

    You should watch imax sometimes for those movies shot with imax cameras such as STiD.  

    I download tons of movies&tv shows every day& it saves me some money from movies I don't think worthy of watching in cinema. :)

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  3. :ph34r: no

    I tried to see Hobbit but it was sold out & recently I had no money. Imax tickets are expensive so I have to chose carefully what films to watch there

    Hobbit?....that was months ago right?    Luckily I saw both Hobbit and MoS for free as I won the prize on a chinese twitter.  Are you from Russia? Here in China the ticket price is insane in my city and I have to see movies in the morning which is cheaper...and yeah most of the time I watch it alone so it'd be much cheaper :P

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