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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Cap'n Crunch Crunchberries are fucking amazing I'm on like my fourth bowl someone please help me this is probably unhealthy.
  2. A more effective method would just be to buy out several screenings via internet.
  3. I was wondering if the fact that they are donating to ROWW with the FF6 Blu-Ray/DVD would boost sales. I'm guessing it must have.
  4. Are all digital IMAX's "LieMAX's"? The MoS screening I was at the size of the screen was bigger than your normal theater screen but it definitely didn't cover my entire peripheral vision and we were sitting fairly close.
  5. I payed $14.75 for digital IMAX earlier this year for Man of Steel. It was 2D. And a matinee. Honestly it wasn't really worth it. I'll probably only go see another IMAX film if it's in 70mm. Everyone says that is a ridiculously huge difference so I might be willing to chalk over extra for that (maybe with Interstellar) but I sure as hell won't be paying for a slightly bigger screen with somewhat lackluster lighting. That said the sound was fantastic.
  6. Huh, that's weird. The theater I was at earlier I'm pretty sure had higher attendance for Madea than Hobbit.
  7. Madea has like no sellouts anywhere but I guarantee look at theaters around Georgia and that shit is probably selling like hotcakes.
  8. I didn't get the Interstellar trailer with my screening ( ) but we did get Godzilla and I was surprised at how much I actually cared about it. If anything about my screening of DoS I am actually looking forward to Godzilla now.
  9. I'm just hoping Frozen can do over $5 million today. Gotta get that $22 million weekend.
  10. If Frozen made $25 million this weekend I'd be super happy but I'm gonna stick with a $22 million prediction. Increases into this next Friday will be smaller than last week and I doubt it can manage another 120% increase on Saturday. That said one thing I'm really hoping is possible is Frozen getting a $20 million 5th weekend. (or at least close to it)
  11. As long as it has over 2000 theaters over Christmas it should still post fantastic numbers. Any word on Frozen's theater count?
  12. Is anyone else expecting some slight decreases for today? Nothing big, just like around 5% for both. Hobbit midnights/Madea previews are sure to take at least a little attention away from the big two tonight.
  13. That's down 30.1% from yesterday and 6.0% from last Wednesday for Frozen. While I feel the Friday/Saturday jumps won't be as extreme this weekend (history even suggests a lower 200% boost on Friday) I still have a good feeling we're in for a drop under 30% for Frozen this weekend.
  14. I know actuals could still go down a bit, but Frozen is really proving to be a weekday trooper. Not that it's grosses are big or anything but posting weekday numbers practically identical to the previous week with no holiday boosting it great stuff.
  15. My question is how exactly are smaller theaters (less than 10 or so screens) going to handle the ridiculous surplus of wide releases in the next couple of weeks? Between December 18th and December 25th there are a total of 9 wide releases scheduled. I know it's the holidays but there isn't a snowball's chance in hell all those movies have a shot at success. More importantly, how will this effect Catching Fire and Frozen in said theaters? It's sort of annoying, I really hope this doesn't effect their Christmas boosts in any significant way. Especially because it is incredibly unneccessary to have that many fucking releases in one week.
  16. No I'm saying that comparing THG's spring break inflated third week weekdays with CF's middle of December weekdays is really unfair.
  17. The Hunger Games third week was clearly inflated by spring breaks. You see it all the time with all kinds of movies. If it's early April and a movie drops less than 60% on a Monday it's definitely spring break related. Fast forward to the next week and the average Monday drops are around 75%.
  18. That would be fantastic but remember with Frozen weekdays are never a good indicator of where the weekend is headed.That said $20 million should be done easily.
  19. $2.3 million would put Frozen less than 10% behind last Tuesday's gross.That is just fantastic.
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