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Everything posted by Mango

  1. The Spongebob Squarepants Movie was great. I haven't watched the show since a few episodes after the movie (which is apparently when the show started going downhill as far as creativity goes). I hear that is has pretty much become another Simpsons, where none of the new episodes realy bring anything new. Still, we should be on the look out for this one. The Simpsons was, what, eight years out of its supposed heydey when The Simpsons Movie came out and ended up being awesome. I could see the same thing happening to Spongebob.
  2. I'm hoping for a really good TITE hold. I really want to see that one stick around long enough to outdo Pineapple Express.
  3. I think the drops for Sunday this weekend will be closer to 10% than 20%.
  4. Awesome. I felt the only reason all of these sequels were coming out was to please the Disney fatcats. Cars 2 kind of proved that sequels can and will flop- and at that it is really the only Pixar film we can call a commercial flop. The Good Dinosaur and Inside Out both sound like they have amazing potential, can't wait to see what Pixar has it store!
  5. I think what is happening to MoS is kind of clear. It was the event movie that ended up not being so much of an event past the first weekend.
  6. I just realized that there is a very low yet still possible chance that the next three weekends in a row could each have two films opening with $40 million and up. Not saying it's gonna happen, just that in a world of perfect scenarios, wow.
  7. Great numbers for MU and WWZ, glad to see them still kicking ass. They both seem to be providing a lot of (positive) chatter on social media sites, I've notced (at least among people I follow/friend). But man, that MoS drop is bad. There is no reasonable excuse that a movie like this should drop that much on an average late June Monday. I'm not saying it spells doom for the run or anything (it's already a big hit, that is set in stone) but it definitely is shaping up to be way more frontloaded than we expected. EDIT: Which isn't a bad thing. The Twilight films were all hugely successful and more frontloaded than anything else performing on that level. All of the X-Men films were similarly frontloaded as well.
  8. Maybe if we get this one to 500 in the next half hour he'll surrender the estimates.
  9. Awesome increases for awesome movies. What a fun weekend! Keep fingers crossed for under 50% drops today.
  10. I don't know if next weekend will be another $200 million weekend (that would be amazing though) but I think MU and WWZ should hold well enough and The Heat and WHD should both gather in solid enough crowds to get us over $175 million. Either way summer 2013 is officially fucking awesome.
  11. Except when they end up lower it's like getting a toy Mustang instead of that awesome new bike all the 4th graders have.
  12. I quite enjoyed WWZ but I thought the 3D was atrocious. I have never been a big fan of 3D but if there were no 2D version playing I wouldn't mind. Well this was the only show playing at the time and we ended up getting there in the middle of the previews so we had to sit near the front and man was it bad. Hard to see what was going on at times. Seriously, I think between this and Gatsby I am just sick of the format. From now on if I can't see a 2D version I'll wait until I can or until I can stream it.
  13. If these estimates hold this is officially my favorite weekend of 2013 so far.
  14. I swear to God if official estimates come up tomorrow and everything is way lower I'm gonna be so fucking pissed.
  15. Holy fucking shit! I can't believe that WWZ number. Not surprised though, the 7:25 showing I went to was almost sold out. The 2D MU showing going on simultaniously was sold out. Not sure about the 3D as it started a half hour earlier. Gotta say WWZ was actually really fun to watch. Definitely topped my expectations. The fact that it might get close to $70 million this weekend is insane though. I was totally wrong about this movie.
  16. If Finding Dory is a TS2/TS3 quality level sequel than it could very well be what reckons with The Force in 2015. (that was lame, sorry) Anything that isn't at least near the quality of the original Nemo thought it might not hold up as well.
  17. Holy shit! So much for MoS hurting WWZ. And that's awesomely good for MU! Really hope it stays or goes up. My sister went to a 2:40 Monsters University 2D show and said it was packed, so it doesn't surprise me that matinee's are doing great. Let's hope that college kids and adults can keep the mojo going into the night TS3 style. Me and some of my friends are gonna go see WWZ tonight, looks like I'll have to wait to see MU some other time during the week.
  18. Yikes. In worst case scenario MoS might not even crack $40 million this weekend.
  19. I've seen the movie twice now and after a few days I think I have come to my overall conclusion on it. Man of Steel is definitely not a perfect film, but it is a damn fine one. The film sets up different styles of telling the story with each act, it seemed. The first act was the origin story which was told through two different perspectives. Clark Kent going around the country, helping people, finding his way in life, as well as looking for answers of his existence; and Lois Lane's point of view as she is trying to uncover the super powerful mystery man. I think I might be in the minority, but this was the part of the movie I enjoyed the most. After Supes dons the iconic suit it seems like things just kind of take off immediately into the climax, which lasts the entire second half of the film. Not that I didn't like it or anything, I definitely loved seeing Supes kick some major ass. Seriously, this has more straight up action than any other comic book movie ever. I think it definitely contains more than TDKR, and probably even edges Avengers out a bit, though as far as total destruction goes all we really get is a small section of Metropolis and downtown Smallville, but man is it played up close and personal. In a way it seemed to be that they were putting all the action the last few Superman's didn't have into one movie to satisfy the fans that said they never had enough action. Well, here you go. So yeah, I enjoyed the first half a lot more, that much was absolutely brilliant and major props to Snyder for handling it that well. The action was defintiely awesome and needed, though at times it did drag and got a bit too ridiculous for it's own good (then again this guy did give us 300). And the ending was perfection, definitely looking forward to the next Superman movie now. I'm sure Snyder and Goyer know exactly where to take it, but I do hope this time they get a little more personal and less crazy with the action (or at least not as drawn out). Man of Steel - 4/5.
  20. Toy Story 3's Monday drop was incredible, considering how inflated Sunday was for it thanks to Father's Day. It's possible for MoS but I think the actual FD effect will apply even more so to MoS than TS3.
  21. MoS was selling out showings all day at our local theater here. A few people I knew that went said the audience loved it to. Mr. Kent and Mr. Stark have decided that the summer belongs to whichever one edges the other out. Abrams your year will come 2015. Sorry Mr. Pitt and Mr. Tatum, it's over.
  22. Hangover III was topped by both Trek and Epic on Monday, and had the biggest drop among wide releases. Definitely not a good sign for legs. This has been a pretty awesome weekend for the most part though. FF6's weekend is incredible, Epic overperformed, and STID, IM3, and Gatsby all had very good holds. I'll go ahead and put it out there, FF6 will probably have a 60%+ drop next weekend. And when that happens I think we should all just remember that this is pretty normal for the franchise, and it is still a huge hit.
  23. $50 million is right around the corner. Depending on how many theaters it loses this weekend it might even make it by Tuesday or Wednesday, but definitely by the end of May.
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