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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Really hope this lives up to the original. The first one was one of my favorites of 2015.
  2. Liked it a lot. Best MCU sequel by a mile. For all it's shortcomings at least they know the characters are the strong points. Ego is a close second to Loki as far as villains go. Maybe even better but time will tell for me. Also that scene with Peter using his planet powers to fight Ego as "The Chain" builds up in the background almost gave me an erection. B+
  3. Six months does seem a bit too close. One year seems to be a good amount of time for closely timed sequels. LotR that was releasing around the same time made a killing with that schedule. And a few years down the road a more similar situation to The Matrix sequels was with Pirates 2/3. At World's End didn't do as good as Dead Man's Chest but still made plenty of money. So with hindsight being 20/20 its easy to say a summer 2004 slot would have probably been better for it but only if they had planned that from the beginning. Like others have mentioned in mid-2003 the entire 2004 schedule was essentially locked in place. If you put it in May it would have been demolished by Shrek 2 and faced direct competition with Day After Tomorrow. June it would have cannibalized Prisoner of Askaban for WB's marketing, theater saturation, and audience overlap. July it would have faced Spider-Man 2 and Bourne Supremecy. I guess maybe they could have moved it into an August slot? Nothing that month would have been big enough to hurt The Matrix at the time.
  4. I'll believe it when I see it. Nolan has been "rumored" to direct a Bond film every time a new one enters negotiations since 2008. Also IMDB isn't what I would call credible.
  5. A lot of the college group and younger are just kind of aware "It" exists, familiar with the character and the creepy premise but haven't actually seen or read anything. That said they are incredibly interested in the movie. Will be huge.
  6. Toy Story 3 was rated G and it featured the near death of all main characters in a literal hellscape. One of the negative reviews on RT literally bitches that it should have been PG for half a page.
  7. For a minute I thought we had a confirmed Nolan film for after Dunkirk.
  8. Aladdin is great as it is not really sure that a live action film could add anything of significance.
  9. Scripts written on Etch A Sketch's will not be harmed, so I've heard. Zack Snyder films will enter production sooner than later.
  10. Seems like F8 just kind of course-corrected from the outlier of the F7 anomaly. I'd say it's a great opening.
  11. I can't believe BATB is doing over $400M. Idiots that pay to see a cheap cash in remake that changes nothing substantial and ultimately should not exist. Disney could release a two hour long film showing the decomposing of a piece of dogshit and these same people would say it's a masterpiece and see it three times. I hope you're happy, keep contributing to the slow death of cinema.
  12. This will probably be the first animated film I see in theaters this year.
  13. Not a lot of films manage to stay in the top ten for a decade. Assuming we don't get a swarm of $533M+ grossers in the next couple of years it will be able to hold on to that.
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