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Everything posted by lilmac

  1. At first I was confused about why the choices were all young actors. I just assumed it would be Mark Hamill. That's been the consensus pick since 2005. But you make a good point. Luke wasn't that old in ROTJ and if Episode 7 starts just a few years later then he'll still be under 40. Wow, that revelation hit like an ounce of bricks. I very much would like to see Mark reprise his role, even if it means 30 years have passed since ROTJ.
  2. I can't believe it's already been 7.5 years...wow.
  3. I predict that the inevitable adaptation of 50 Shades of Grey will be OVERRATED - whenever it comes out.
  4. Do you all think The Hobbit is underrated? Seems like WOM is better than the RT score. When was the last time that happened? I plan to see it in HFR 3D this weekend.
  5. Nice list but is Silver Linings Playbook underrated? I mean it hasn't achieved a level of attention on these boards that we refer to it as SLP but I'd argue that it is getting the attention it supposedly deserves. I plan to see it next month.
  6. Hobbit should start closing the gap, currently at $5million, with I Am Legend's adjusted dailies (grossed $291mil, also opened Dec 14th).
  7. The Ted vs Mark Wahlberg fight was hilarious. lol
  8. My list: The Hobbit Chronicle Red Tails Savages John Carter Flight Prometheus
  9. My list: End of Watch Best Exotic Marigold Hotel MIB 3 Ted The Hunger Games
  10. Adjusted numbers for I Am Legend (Dec 14-17, 2007) 1 $34,690,600 - / - 3,606 / $9,600 $34,690,600 / 1 $33,231,600 -4.2% / - 3,606 / $9,200 $67,922,200 / 2 1 $21,185,100 $89,107,300 -36.3% / - - / - 3,606 / $5,900 $24,700 $89,107,300 / 3 $8,615,700 -59.3% / - 3,606 / $2,400 $97,722,900 / 4
  11. It's amazing how we are able to accurately project end run grosses based off of the first four days. When I talk to people about boxoffice projections and say XYZ movie will probably gross $140-150 based on Monday's gross, they are like "how can you know that??"
  12. I thoroughly enjoyed Hobbit I. There were alot of ideas taken from LOTR (score and other scenes lifted from the previous trilogy) I didn't particularly care for but which I think will help three years from now when we can watch all 6 movies in 8K HD. I didn't at all think the story was drawn out unnecessarily or that it was bloated. The critics got it wrong IMO. Hobbit I isn't as good as the LOTR movies but it belongs in the same room. I hope the IMDB ranking, FWIW, stays in the top 100, it is very deserving.Judging by the reviews on the various discussion boards and talkbacks, I think WOM is better than the RT would indicate. I hope that translates into ROTK legs (one can hope) but at the very least $301 million +
  13. Agreed. I think he was going to have a bigger role. I doubt we'll see much of that in the 2nd and 3rd movies since, I assume, they will be more somber and weighty in tone.
  14. Live action? Cgi?Insane. Can't believe this is happening. Actually after Chutes n Ladders (proposed), Battleship (already released), Hungry Hungry Hippos(proposed), and Monopoly(proposed), I shouldn't be surprised.
  15. I'm glad James Cameron foregoed Battle Angel Alita. We're not ready for a film of that caliber. Today's special FX can't do her justice.
  16. No way Avengers 3 is happening, at least with the current cast. RDJ is done after Avengers 2.
  17. Off topic but that's why E.T.'s boxoffice run remains the most impressive boxoffice performance....ever (even adjusting for the advent of HV). It was in theaters for 6-7 months and regained the #1 (albeit at a lowly $6-7mil adjusted).
  18. What's with Baum's profile picture. The last 10-11 years, I've been used to Jason's hockey mask. hahaMy goodness, has it been that long?!
  19. SF can still get to $300m but it'll be close.
  20. Gives us time to come down from the Thanksgiving weekend high!
  21. Hmm..was hoping SF would close the gap.
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