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Everything posted by lilmac

  1. Article on Pixar sequelitishttp://www.flickeringmyth.com/2012/07/the-fall-of-pixar.html
  2. Several months ago. It stands the test of time as do the classics IMO
  3. Exactly. Too many people are spazzing over whether it will reach $500m. $400+m is nothing to sneeze at. I predicted $450m before all this happened because TDKR wouldn't have the Ledger/Joker bump. As long as 4 or 5 is the first number in the final gross, I'm personally fine with it.
  4. Man, I hope TDKR doesn't join my list. *sigh*Among disappointing OW this tops the list.
  5. Tinker Tailor Spy 12x?? Wow. If I saw it again, I would probably fall asleep.
  6. I saw Punisher: War Zone twice in theaters. I thought it was cheesy but entertaining.
  7. Lucas can mess around all he wants with 10 more special editions and I'd forgive him because this is the man who brought me ANH, ESB, ROTJ, and ROTS.
  8. Punisher: War Zone (2008)Saw it twice. Highly entertaining in a cheesy way.
  9. Fishnets made the point that Hitchcock never really branched out. Correct me if I'm wrong but before Departed and Hugo neither did Scorcese (at least great movies outside of his main gangster genre, i don't think alice and last temptation were great).InceptionPrestigeMementoBatman BeginsDark KnightDark Knight RisesThose are six Nolan movies in the IMDB Top 250 so he must be a legend!
  10. Yea, you got us all beat. No wonder TDK made $1 billion. Because of people like you!
  11. There's a BKB storm coming, in a few days. When the Blackgate ban is lifted, BKB will have his reckoning. Are you ready?
  12. I think most of us can agree that the shootings had some effect on the OW but that many of us overestimated how well TDKR would do in the absence of the violence.
  13. Some of you may recall the big debate on BOM in 2002 on whether the sniper attacks in the DC area at the time were having an impact on moviegoers. I believe it had a small influence but nowhere near the impact of this attack.
  14. I wouldn't mind Pixar wiping the dust off of Newt. The production art looked promising.http://pixar.wikia.com/NewtAccording to the wikia there was a Newt easter egg in Brave. I missed that.
  15. Which brings up the problem of starting certain sequel project in the first place. I'm sure Stanton and crew can come up with a fantastic concept for Finding Nemo 2....but it doesn't mean they should do it. Some properties should be left alone.
  16. I saw Up all the way through for the first time. What a fantastic movie. The ending where we see that the house settled down at the spot which Carl and Ellie dreamed about almost brought me to tears.
  17. Superman (2006). I thought it was great.
  18. Exactly. Just like I can't talk about SW hype in 1977 but I can speak to the Batman hype. It was insane and probably exceeded the hype over Last Crusade. Batman was everywhere that spring....vhs movie previews, pepsi products, posters, commercials, good morning america interviews, david letterman top 10, random stuff but everywhere.
  19. Yes, Batman (1989) had tremendous hype. Some of the publicity pitted Batman vs Indiana Jones (Last Crusade came out that year as well). It was great and both films didn't dissapoint. There is a reason why Batman broke the OW record at the time. There was a growing consensus before the movie's release that Keaton actually made for a decent Batman and Nicholson....oh man!
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