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Everything posted by Talkie

  1. There needn't be a separate thread for the actuals. It's an unnecessary duplication because the Weekend thread is concerned with the actuals as well as the estimates.
  2. No matter what JW makes, it's going to disappoint some people on this forum. "It only made $___? Fuck that shit! I had it at $150! "
  3. The $45M number was a total ass-pull by some members here. Anything less than that would inevitably be spun as a disappointment even though no one in the industry would agree.
  4. Cinemascore only polls five theaters, right? With such a tiny, unscientific sampling it's hard to believe that it still gets taken seriously.
  5. Spy deserves to make all the money. It was flat-out hilarious from the Bond parody opening to the very last scene. There was not a single wrong note in the movie. 10/10
  6. The TV spots for Aloha look absoutely abysmal, and the reviews refect that. It's hard to imagine that even diehard fans of the director or the stars being excited about the movie.
  7. When today's early numbers come in we can whack off 15% automatically. Then we'll have a better idea of what the finals will be.
  8. Somehow I knew that if I waited long enough the "early" numbers would be proven wrong. That's two weeks in a row, that I know of. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow night.
  9. Tele misspoke. He was actually talking about Sad Max's entire OW prediction.
  10. Nikki's gone and all the excitement went with her. Maybe they gave up doing predictions because they suck at it.
  11. For reals? The predictions seemed to be lower from people who know the market well. As I understand it AOU supposedly has a bad release date.
  12. So, whose meltdowns did I miss? This site needs to have virtual Prozac written into its code. Some of you make me .
  13. Of course the thread title isn't pot-stirring. It's shit-stirring. Congrats on joining the mod squad. You'll fit right in.
  14. What about the Sunday numbers? I missed all of Sunday, what with the protests, the curfew lifting and National Guard exodus. Now that Baltimore isn't on lockdown any more, look out for a great Monday total!
  15. When do the actuals come out? The prediction here seems to be yo-yoing again.
  16. Right now all I care about is the finals from the studio, not slapdash predictions from any source. These people are making me long for the days when Nikki Finke was all we had. At least she was amusing.
  17. When I returned from my Mayday Marvel Mania I expected some solid predictions from the "experts" about the Friday numbers. Instead, all I've seen is some psychotic yo-yoing in the thread title with no one having a clear picture on what the final tally will be. Weak. The real numbers will be out by late morning so I'll just ignore this thread and its ever-changing title until then.
  18. Studios generally low-ball the numbers. The fact that Disney is talking about a record OW says they're very confident.
  19. I don't know about that. Remember the rather infamous Star Trek Into Darkness over Iron Man 3 thread? Shawn's predictions seemed more based on gut feelings instead of tracking and the actual box office potential of each film. There are other examples, as well. No disrespect to Shawn, but on the big films he has missed the mark on occasion, like all of us.
  20. I misread this as Dom should have a three-way with Chris Pratt and some dinosaurs, with The Rock & Tyrese joining in at the end. I'd pay good money to see that. :wub:
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