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Everything posted by BoxOfficeZ

  1. The last half hour is pure perfection.The only thing that irks me in the film is how stupid the enemy projections are.A
  2. Enjoy!Personally thought the trailer was great.
  3. The 3D added nothing for me.However, watching the film in big screen really slammed home to me again, that Titanic is truly a masterpiece. One of the greatest films of all time. The level of detail is just fascinating.A+
  4. It was ok. The performances were good, and the CGI was great. Though, a few problems.The pacing did feel a slow.They honestly need to get rid of Ros, she adds nothing to the episode, which already feels crammed and skipping a lot of the book.I agree the scene between Cersei and Littlefinger was completely out of character. They've done a poor job with him so far. I'm pretty disappointed.
  5. Finally saw the film yesterday.I'm a bit mixed on the film, the acting was great, sets solid, but my major problem with this movie is that it felt shallow. You didn't get a sense you're in this world set up by the author. The movie left out a lot of the stuff that made the books interesting to me. The CGI was a bit bad, but I guess I can let that slid. Another issue, is the camera work, whoever did it needs to be fired because it was terrible, the constant shaking. The character development left a lot to be desired.Essentially, the movie has been hollywoodized.I give it a C+/B-
  6. A combination of fandom, 4 quad event, and the first big film in months, plus the excellent marketing.
  7. I just got word that our local theater is wild. Selling out like nuts, bigger then DH2.I think the Sunday hold will show that it'll beat TDK.
  8. Wow, just wow....This is the most impressive opening I've ever seen.300m is a lock, I wonder if it can reach 400m.
  9. It does matter because America is supposed to be diverse. But, in line with Hollywood thinking, its a typical American show that focuses on white characters and the other minorities are thrown into subservient roles (For example, Glen is one of the few characters to confess his fear and terror of living in a zombified world, which is in line of the cowardly Asian stereotype, go figure).I guess I can't really complain much about it, since most American TV is like this.BTW, any rumored date on Season 3? "Fall" isn't very clear.
  10. They'll probably balance it out with fifty new white characters. :Pits a great idea for a show, but its been executed pretty poorly and rather simplified for the majority of the viewers.The character drama defintely needs changing. I know the show doesn't all have to be about blood and guts, but you'd think they could do it far better.
  11. Having seen the entire season I think its alright, way overrated. To sum it up, feels like soap opera with the occasional zombie thrown in.Daryl and Andrea are the only characters which I feel like are actually characters. The rest is mixed at best. Rick is a terrible lead, I think Shane did better. I was actually sorta glad when Dale died, he was a pretty much useless character that added nothing to the show. Glen says the dumbest things imaginable lol.Another problem is the casting. Not one hispanic in the entire show. Mostly made up of whites and one Korean plus the occasional line by Theodore. Typical.They did a great job on the zombies, the costumes and makeup. The killing was great to watch too. Whoever did the music did a great job.So overall, here's to hoping Season 3 improves on it, but I don't expect much of an improvement.
  12. Great to see the box office back! I think this signals good things for Brave as well.
  13. Looks more of the same really. Its more to please LOTR fans. I'm going to adopt a wait and see approach.
  14. I think the OD will end up around 70m OD. Very impressive number nevertheless.
  15. Very entertaining. The musical score is great too.B+
  16. (My review from 2004) Probably one of the most overrated film of all time, I was appalled when the it won 11 Oscars. Peter Jackson basically changed Tolkien's trilogy into a inferior story about a fantasy war vaguely based on the books.Don't get me wrong, the CGI is great, and the music is very good too, but that's where I stop there. The acting is decent among the cast, though some of the cast choices like Eowyn and Aragorn are a little puzzling. I would have preferred Sean Bean as Aragorn to be honest.Now one typical defense by Peter Jackson fans is that it would have been too long to include everything from the book. I don't mind changes, but if it turns it into something its not, that's where I'd disagree.Eowyn was turned into a cheap feminist. Of course they make Gimli the butt of the jokes, which destroys the character. He's seen as totally useless, and always makes dumb jokes, which is typical according to Hollywood standards being a short person, of course cannot be taken seriously as an individual. The characters are mere shadows of what they were. Aragorn for example, is turned into a typical confused person who's not sure what his role is. Then we come up to the racism part, Peter Jackon's Hollywood version is that the world is composed of white people who do important things and the brown people who help them. In the film almost everyone that is a main character has blue eyes (even Gollum). Naturally, Legolas is given blonde hair, which makes the elves seem almost Aryan.Also, Peter Jackson's LOTR world makes no sense. Minas Tirith for example, sits in a desert of green, with no human structures around it . No crops, nothing. Same for Edoras and Rivendell. It makes it seem like they're isolated places in the wilderness. Sadly, Jackson has left a significant obstacle in the way of someone else from taking up the franchise and doing the job right, hopefully for The Hobbit, it isn't the same.Peter Jackson and Hollywood has succeeded where Sauron fails, he destroys the world of Middle-Earth.C+
  17. I think PiB might beat Immortals. Its doing better then I expected honestly.
  18. Very enjoyable film with strong performances. I give it a B+.
  19. The show is great, I just think they need to get rid of those unnecessary sex scenes, I don't watch Game of Thrones for fake sex lmao. The thing with Ros and Pycelle annoyed me.
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