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Posts posted by AndyLL

  1. Personally as a big disney fan I cant believe folks are rating Frozen so high.


    Ive seen it and its a great film,  but deserving to be up  there with TLK, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast

    era... Hell no



    No doubt people sometimes rate more recent films high because they're fresh in their minds.  


    On the other hand... many people rate the older movies too high because they have fond memories from when they originally saw it.


    Because of that I've been re-watching every Disney Animated film since Frozen came out.  I've got TP, Atlantas, Mulan and pocahontas left... then I'll come up with a full list.


    When I rank Disney movies... I start simple: when I sit down at and look at my full Disney collection and have to pick 1 movie to watch... which one will I pick most of the time.  And if I enjoy listening to the soundtrack outside of the movie then that's a bonus.  


    That method gets me my favorites and also my least liked movies.   Then I'll rank them from there based on other criteria.


    So until I get them all watched... some observations on some of the Movies after re-watching them.


    Frozen is the most re-watchable movies I've ever seen.  I've seen it over a dozen times and every time I've left the theater I want to go see the next showing.  However... it's unfair to compare a movie I'm seeing in the theater to movies I can only see on BluRay.


    TLK - I still dislike it.  Probably because I dislike Simba... a character that only does what someone else tells him to do.

    BatB - Much better then I remember.  It would have been outside my top 5 before and now it will be a top 5.

    Aladdan - As good as I remember it.  Still love the character and the music

    TLM - Still love the characters but a weaker movie then I remember.

    MTR - Still enjoy it... still likely in my top 10

    Hercules - still much better then it gets credit for.

  2. I have a feeling they are going to release sing along in many markets now that the numbers are low. Argentina will have this WE, I assume other Spanish speaking countries will get it soon. You'll see it in SK once the weekend drops to 1-2m.  This along w an Oscar will give it a decent boost. 1.1b w/o  japan more likely. IM3 more likely now if Japan performs like SK


    Disney is absolutely kicking ass the way they are distributing Frozen.  Just brilliant the way they are taking advantage of peoples desire to see this multiple times.


    If they release the Sing Along in SK will it explode there again?

    • Like 1
  3. Fantastic movie... well deserving of the A ratings it is getting here.  The ending was well done and emotional... for adults.


    That brings up the dissenting view...


    My 11 year old son should have been the target audience for this movie.  He has  a billion legos... plays with them every day.  When he is not playing with his legos it would not be unusual for him to be playing Lego video games... Star Wars, Batman... he has them all.


    He has been looking forward to this movie since he started seeing previews with Frozen back in Nov/Dec.  He bought a Lego Movie set the week before the movie opened and played with it all week.  He actually had trouble sleeping the night before we saw it... he couldn't stop talking about it.


    After the movie I asked him what he thought about it.  He said it was good.  Then he said he didn't like the humans in it.  Since the movie he moved on to other environments for his Lego play.  Last night when I asked him if his friends saw the movie all he said was that they also didn't like the human in it.


    He doesn't seem to have any desire to see it again.  That's unusual because we typically see good animated films multiple times... MU, Croods, DM2, Frozen... we saw them all several times in the theater. 


    He wanted to see an action movie with Lego characters instead of human characters.  I think he felt betrayed that after an hour of investing in the characters of the movie that at the end their success or failure really didn't matter.


    Upon reflection I agree with him.


    The last 15 minutes of the movie invalidated everything that happened before it.  Who cared that Emmet got glued into place... he had no free will anyway.  The whole story line of Emmet becoming the 'special' and battling Lord Business really becomes irreverent at the end of the movie.


    The movie was so well done... including the end... that a lot of people will go see this.  However I don't think this is a movie that will get a ton of repeat viewings and 250 is what I feel is the max and I won't  be surprised if it tops out at around 200 million.

    • Like 1
  4. http://boxofficemojo.com/yearly/chart/?view=calendargross&view2=domestic&yr=2014&p=.htm


    While Lego will be only the 2nd 2014 film to hit 100M, it will be the 4th to gross 100M in 2014 this weekend.


    This has been a strong 1st quarter thus far, we're pacing ahead of every year in terms of $ gross outside of the 09/10 juggernauts.  


    Just goes to show that people will go to movies this time of year.  Hopefully that will translate into more quality releases.

  5. Maybe! But Mia Farrow is not somebody that I particularly like. I acknowledge that.


    Personally I think those whole affair should have been much more private.


    Yeah... lets sweep all child molestation's under the rug.


    You obviously do not have kids.  If you did you would understand why Fallow would go bat shit over finding nude photos of one of her kids at Allen's place and her 7 year old being molested. 

    • Like 1
  6. Have you ever stepped on those things? They hurt like hell?


    I avoid that room.  However they seem to be spreading down the hallway and into his bedroom.  


    I fear they have reached critical mass and have developed a conscious.  That pile in the hallway is new and is getting close to my bedroom door.  If I disappear from the forums in the near future it means they have found out that I'm the one that tries to restrict them to one room in the house.

    • Like 3
  7. It doesn't have much to do, just to show, or hint, that she's an unstable and unreliable person, add that to: 

    - She doesn't have physical proves, she only have her word, still she refuses to do pass a lie detector.


    Like i said, not a reliable person.


    And Woody Allen took a lie detector test when?


    I love that people keep calling Farrow nutty when it was Woody Allen that begin a sexual relationship the daughter of his girlfriend that he helped raise since she was a young child.

    • Like 1
  8. She was about 19 or 21 according to most reports I've read. She likely an adult, not a minor.




    When the affair was discovered.  I really doubt that when she turned legal that Allen all of a sudden thought it was ok to take nude photos of his girlfriends daughter.





    Also Woody was never really her father figure. She saw him as her mothers boyfriend.



    Again... you are implying that farrow and allen were just casual boyfriend/girlfriend.  Even though they didn't live together they were partners for over 10 years and had a kid together.


    All the kids were raised together with farrow and allen as parents.  Both farrow and allen had stated that he was a father figure to her.

    • Like 1
  9. No, that's weird and wrong, but she was legal when it happened.


    1) Her actual age is unknown because of the adoption.  She was 17-20 when caught.

    2) Farrow claimed that she was younger in the pictures.  If that was the case then it might not have been legal.

    3) It is creepy.  Allen was a part of her life as a father figure from when she was around 10.  Then he entered into a sexual relationship with her while he was still dating her mother. IMO that lends credence to Dylan's accusations.

  10. No, he fell in love with the adopted daughter of his ex-lover (Mia Farrow).


    His 'ex-lover' was an 'ex-lover' after a decade of being together because she found nude photo's of her daughter in Allen's house.  That is why they broke up.


    Although her daughter was 20 at the time Farrow stated that she thought she was younger in the photos.


    You make it sound like Farrow and Allen split up then later Allen entered the relationship with her daughter.


    Farrow did freak and act crazy towards Allen... I'm not sure how many people would be ok with their partner of 10 years having a sexual relationship with their daughter...


    Allen's own son Ronan believes he molested Dylan.  The country attorney felt there was enough evidence to indictment.

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