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Thrylos 7

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Everything posted by Thrylos 7

  1. Man, 500-550 million less than the first worldwide , we are heading to TLJ territory.
  2. Incredible for the Incredibles 2 and superheroes reign with an iron fist at the box office, even for animation films. Infinity war will have a fantastic weekend too and I don’t think that JW2 will crush its late legs or anything, there’s still life in it. Next weekend should be fun....
  3. Yeah that whole scene and how it unravels is ....amazing ...”welcome to Jurassic park !!!”, john williams’ amazing theme playing, Sam Neil looking like he has seen God or something.
  4. Turn a blind eye to what exactly ? There are 5-6 succesfull superhero films each year , it’s not the superhero fans that are turning a blind eye, it’s people like you that simply want to ignore reality. Hell even the Incredibles that is bound to do ....Incredible is another superhero film.
  5. Superhero films were breaking box office records since the first Superman film 40 years ago. That honeymoon phase seems to be lasting a very long time and for a huge number of films, unlike any other genre/franchise. The only difference is that the technology of the last 20 years has allowed superhero films to reach their complete potential. People denying how CBM are offering way greater variety than something like Jurassic Park , transformers, Star Wars or whatever is really just for the sake of arguing and because they are butthurt their x favourite franchise can’t sustain a similar kind of success with CBM. Keep waiting for this “honeymoon phase”to end , it’s going to be a veeeeery long time.
  6. What I find hilarious is how some people worship everything Cameron does without question. How can you like a grindhouse type of film like the first terminator and a melodramatic, bloated love story like titanic ? I bet the people that pass off as Cameron fans in this forum would laugh at something like the first terminator if it wasn’t directed by Cameron.
  7. First of all even Baumer has said that using inflation doesn’t make much sense. Again if inflation is such a huge factor why doesn’t JW2 do better than the first ? Its not what I , or you say, about what is repetitive, the audience decides and the audience has given superhero films over 5 billion$ just in 2018 , until now. Jurassic park had run its course by the time the first sequel , hense JP2 huge drop compared to the original film and the demise of the franchise for 20 years. Now with new series history seems to be repeating, huge first film, smaller second one (in terms of bo) , let’s see how long the Jurassic franchise will last this time and if it will go beyond a third film. Transformers (which is a better comparison than superhero films) lasted for many films and had many huge sequels, sorry but it’s the truth. In the years of Jurassic park’s absense we had tons of mega blockbuster repetitive superhero films from reimi’s Spider-Man series to nolan’s Batman to the MCU films. Again the audience decides, not my fault .
  8. It’s lasted 25 years because not many sequels have come. Basically the franchise was tired and people were bored of it after the second film, it didn’t take long. It had a 20 year hiatus and a soft reboot for it to be succesfull again and the second one will probably see a significant drop worldwide . Transformers had huge sequel after huge sequel, like them or not , without the need of a 20 years “rest” for the franchise to create nostalgia. Let’s see where Jurassic world will be if it makes it to its fifth or sixth sequel. As for infinity war, I don’t care about adjusted for inflation in the u.s , it’s the fourth film to pass 2 billion worldwide and the third in the avengers franchise over a span of six years. If Jurassic world is so beloved let’s see JW2 passing 2 billion WW too, if it’s so easy with “inflation”.
  9. I never got the hype about China and JW2, the presales were extremely low even if we accept that this isn’t a presales driven film. How this was going to do 300 million, which is quite close to IW, I have no idea, seemed like blind faith to me, it’s not like it’s f&f or anything.
  10. Oh that’s cute, in a forum where direct personal insults are prelevant in every thread, nameless Kubrick fans felt insulted.
  11. Except that the replies (yours too) basically justify what I wrote. Anyway thanks for believing in me , I believe in you too that someday you will find something else other than the internet (with your one billion posts just in this forum)😋
  12. Not only that but Shelley Duvall ....give me a fucking break. The film resonated with critics that, at that time, considered horror films to be trash and somehow Kubrick did the genre a favour by directing a horror movie. The fact that some ignorant people dare to compare that version with the book (which again I am willing to bet that most haven’t read) is almost infuriating. Thankfully Stephen King is so accomplished, famous and successful that doesn’t really need defending.
  13. You are not in the minority , there’s millions of horror fans that hate the Kubrick film, it’s just that the Kubrick sheep are jumping up and down with a mob mentality when somebody dares to questions Kubrick’s version, which is an incomprehensible mess where nothing makes sense and all we get is a crazy looking Nicholson from the first frame of the film. The book is beautiful, from being a study to a human person’s descent into madness (which the film doesn’t even attempt to portray) to the actual explanation of why everything is happening in that hotel (which again the film brushes off). The Kubrick sheep would have you believe that this incomprehensible film is better than the book , most of whom haven’t even read it and aren’t even horror fans just sheep trying to pass off as cinephiles. The only thing the film has is some nice photography and imagery.
  14. The book wasn’t that good and could barely be called horror. I don’t know how the movie will handle the plot, maybe spice it up a bit to come off as more “scary” or whatever but I found the book really low key compared to the orgy of terror that was the shining (the book not the watered down, butchered and incomprehensible movie version) . Too bad that all the king movie adoption announcements leave me cold, as a big king fan. Really don’t care about pet cemetery (the first film was decent enough and nothing can beat Bobby from dead of night) and I can’t believe that an It-like adoption of salem’s Lot (the closest thing to IT) hasn’t been announced yet.
  15. What does being on track for 1+ billion have to do with anything and how is it proving me wrong ?Many transformers sequels did great at the bo too. How is transformers a flash in the pan, T3 and T4 did over a billion worldwide.
  16. Agreed, hense mentioning matrix reloaded, though I have my doubts about 500 million in the U.S but we will see.
  17. No it’s not and I am talking about people defending the film, the minority everywhere in the internet and even here because most people don’t seem to have liked it. One look in this thread is enough, even most people “liking” this film are doing it using weird arguements. This is heading to transformers territory extremely fast....
  18. The third film will have a severe drop from the second, this is a franchise people will get tired of very soon, if it’s not happening already, and the quality of FK will only accelerate this process.
  19. His opinion seems to be the opinion of most people that have watched the film. Even the people who “liked” this film say “this was terrible in everything, story,structure, acting but it had cool Dinos”.
  20. Nope. The concept is too limited for this to rise on the third film. If nothing else FK will have a matrix reloaded effect on the Jurassic franchise.
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