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Thrylos 7

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Everything posted by Thrylos 7

  1. Dc universe can still work with proper care and thought behind it. The dark universe failed because the mummy was, unfortunately because I was really rooting for the dark universe, a horrible film.
  2. Looks fantastic. Great cast and a live action dumbo with Tim Burton directing. I loved “big fish” and something similar with dumbo......damn that teaser gave me the same vibes of box office success that the BATB teaser gave me. Can’t wait....
  3. Well basically people that “liked” this film say “terrible story, full of stupid moments , worse than the first.....but I loved it”. Not much to argue about, we are in transformers territory now.
  4. Well i watched it today so it got my money, mission accomplished I guess. Don’t want to make any other comment about this film.
  5. Oh lord the same bullshit that we were reading for infinity war has already begun for avengers 4. People seem unable to restrain themselves from posting the exact same shit they were posting for inifinity war. I expect movieman89 to take many scalps again...
  6. Missed that , don’t watch most of her videos anyway. Still remember her swearing that IW wouldn’t reach 2 billion and it would end, at best , at 1.999 million, and no I am not kidding that was her actual words.
  7. Nope, at least in the case of the second POTC. People loved the original and that’s why the second one was a huge success but it left people sour and thus the third and final film of the trilogy decreased. Exactly what happened with the matrix sequels with the first matrix being beloved, the second doing big numbers because of that and the third dropping because people didn’t like the second.
  8. So with the U.S actuals the difference to 2 billion will be substantially less than 1 million ....
  9. IW seems just o.k to me but am I missing something or was deapool’s OS weekend kind of amazing ?
  10. First of all you stfu . Secondly , and this is the second moronic post that I am seeing after the infamous one in the current weekend thread accusing me of rallying against O8 (a movie I have posted one single post about ....in this weekend’s thread) , where the hell did I post that JW2 won’t cross a billion ? Seriously do some of you have hallucinations about my posts or something ? The only thing I have posted about JW2 is that it’s S.K od was inflated by a holiday and that’s it. Of course it will do over a billion, of course I expected that and posted about it. Whatever, BP vs. JW2will be interesting to watch....
  11. It collapsed but it was obvious, the movie must have lost a ton of screens, cinemas overseas dropped it fast. In my country it was barely playing in more screens than infinity war, this weekend. 400 seems unreachable unless it slightly overperforms in the u.s onwards , I don’t think it will get 35 million from Japan. A true non-event film, a fart in the wind between IW , d2 and JW2.
  12. Nah it needs a fudge of around 1 million since the actuals will be slightly better, as they always have been.
  13. Oh I agree but I expected it to be over RTH numbers that’s why I wrote 1-2 million, which is the actual result as you can see. Anyway it will probably miss it by 1 million with the actuals, not that it matters.
  14. What ? I don’t think I have made another post about O8 or if I did it would possibly be slightly positive , seriously what the fuck ?🤣
  15. O8 was screaming mediocre from the trailers. At least it couldn’t be as bad as ghostbusters 2016...right ? I hope this trend of feminizing franchises dies out soon, it’s silly. Create new original films with women , hell the book club seems like a way more honest effort than something like O8. You want to support women, make kick ass characters like Sarah Connor and Ripley.
  16. To each his own I guess, I remember some goats and men with black capes that growled and stuff like that in the witch ending that were anything but dark and satanic and felt out of place with the rest of the movie. It felt like a parody to me, very badly executed. It’s actually quite tricky for a bleak ending (and almost every horror film has a bleak ending these days) to work, fulci’s the beyond works for example, “let’s scare Jessica to death” ending works ,most bleak endings in new horror films not so much. Good effort by the actors in the witch though, I have to give them that with the old English they spoke.
  17. The witch would have been better if it wasn’t a horror film and focused on the superstitions of that time as a pure suspense film. The last 15-20 minutes were horrible, borderline laughable and ridiculous, and killed the film, it would have been better without any supernatural elements. Ending a horror film seems to be a big problem these days ,”the anatomy of Jane doe” has the same problem. Brilliant build up , terrible and cliche 3rd act,
  18. Amazing how we went from a masterpiece like “Rosemary’s baby” being considered an artsy horror film at the time to the abominations we get today. I mean if you want to watch something that doesn’t make any sense (but at least has huge amounts of energy) just watch “possession” and be done with the whole artsy horror sub-genre , it’s all downhill from there.
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