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Thrylos 7

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Everything posted by Thrylos 7

  1. So how many joker movies is Warner making, I am confused ? Wasn’t there one with a new actor and weren’t they eyeing Leo DiCaprio or something? I am lost...
  2. Solo was supposed to be a very high profile blockbuster film and part of one of the biggest franchises in the world. Nobody expected this to bomb, you have to invest money to earn money. A 90 million solo would barely look better than a TV movie. You win some, you loose some. Oh and solo is not making “that much money” , for 2018 standards , anyway.
  3. Have no idea about the books but that trailer was fantastic. Definately watching this on the cinemas. Much more appealing to me than freakin Mary poppins which I don’t event care about watching on home video.
  4. I don’t live with my parents but I wouldn’t be ashamed if I did. This “you live with your parents” type of insult seems to be a U.S one and I only see Americans using it for some reason. Esp. during a time of economical crisis lots of people live with their parents, even couples with kids live with their own parents. Anyway that empire guy has serious personal issues ,judging from the way he posts, and I won’t elaborate any further. I told him my opinion of his posting habits before he was banned loud and clear.
  5. The World Cup is starting very soon after JW2 opens. People should keep that in mind. It basically has one week before the World Cup and there will be ton of matches in the first few weeks.
  6. So it went from 1.964,7 to 1965,9 without the u.s actuals . Around 1.966 after the u.s actuals, touching 2 billion after next weekend.
  7. Just rewatched TFA on Netflix, such an uneventful film. Basically a pale copy of ANH with just Harrison ford’s presence making it somewhat watchable. No Aleck Guinness, no peter Cushing, no charismatic young actors like young Harrison Ford . Nostalgia was such a huge factor for this, I believe TLJ would have dropped even it wasn’t divisive, it probably would have done around 1.5 billion worldwide (an extra 100 million in the u.s and another extra 100 overseas).
  8. Yeah Deadpool will stay on his own, the character has reached his maximum bo potential (and exceeded it) and it would make no sense to change him or include him in the MCU. The X-men , on the other hand, are a completely different story.
  9. Agreed. I believe that the X-men’s box office ceiling is much higher than what we have seen from the singerverse films.
  10. Seriously who the hell do you think you are ? Because you post some, usually not very accurate , numbers here you have the right to bathe everyone else with your insults, your vulgar language and your bullshit. The mods won’t tell you this, some people are afraid to do so, so I will ....SHUT THE FUCK UP.
  11. Meh, the only recent movie where you can see the big $$$$ spent on its making is infinity war.
  12. I find all this back and forth a bit redundant anyway. We will never know what each movie has actually costed, the fact of the matter is (in this case) solo bombed , case closed let’s move on. Solo’s numbers are so low they don’t actually leave room for any sort of debate which could be made, in a “grasping at straws”manner, for justice league.
  13. And they will probably bring over 2 billion to Disney just from the box office without taking into account other revenue streams (that are usually being used as bonuses for movies that have flopped).
  14. Kevin Feige is smart enough to not even consider secret invasion. I guess the MCU will go on with the remaining actors/heroes as pillars (BP, dr. Strange, GOTG, captain marvel, ant man ) and wait until the dust settles in regards to fox. If the MCU gets its hands on ff4 and the X-men then the MCU is set for another decade until a full reboot.
  15. Nah, avengers was actually the beginning of something bigger , you had marvel planning the infinity gauntlet arc and most main actors were in their prime during avengers. Now with avengers 4 we have the end of an era, not just a phase, with the main storyline ending, some actors ,that were critical not just to the MCU success but to the superhero genre growing, retiring e.t.c For me, as a huge fan of the MCU, the MCU will feel different after avengers 4 and I can’t think of another arc they can set up, the infinity gauntlet story was one of a kind in the comics too that was never replicated with success. I am not saying that it will happen overnight but superhero fatigue, or at least superhero movies having a bit less success without bombing or anything. is a possibility.
  16. Haven’t seen it, will catch it on home video. The only horror film I have seen in the theaters recently is IT and this mostly because I was curious after its bo success.
  17. I am really cautious when it comes to new/modern horror films. I like both IT and “get out” but that’s about it. Things like “it comes at night”or even the highly praised “the witch”.....
  18. I love Bryce Dallas Howard, I wish she had the proper Gwen Stacy starring role in a Sam Reimi spider man 4.
  19. Well then they blew it. They should have taken the chance, a more comedic solo after the Uber serious (yes even with the usual marvel jokes) and depressing IW would have performed much,much better. Maybe they were afraid the rabid sw fan base would have complained watching their beloved Solo becoming a peter quill- like character ?
  20. I am afraid that there is a chance of superhero fatigue somewhat happening after avengers4. The combo of infinity war+avengers 4 will probably set the bar way too high thus making future superhero films feel small and insignificant in comparison and avengers 4 does seem a bit like an end of an era to me.
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