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Thrylos 7

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Everything posted by Thrylos 7

  1. This isn’t reaching 200 overseas, I think. Where will it find an extra 85 million after a 30 million weekend and with Jurassic world 2 opening this week in many overseas markets ? It has to really overperform in Japan to have a chance at 200 million.
  2. So...is 2 billion.....locked ? Seriously expect it to be around 1.970 with actuals , better than expected. The floppage of solo helped it a bit. It has a chance at 2.050 , let’s see how this unfolds......
  3. I really doubt that it will have a problem going over 2 billion because of 4 million, it will go beyond 2.020.
  4. Nothing for BP to be ashamed of. It did spectacularly overseas (since this is the os thread) being the n.2 solo (lol) superhero film of all time overseas after iron man 3 , if we don’t count civil war.
  5. Thankfully after this weekend all the , slightly silly, talk about IW reaching 2 billion will come to an end. Oh and all these films , Star Wars, MCU, Harry Potter, titanic, avatar, Lotr ....you name it are basically pop corn flicks.
  6. These numbers are boring. After exhaustingly covering solo’s performance and with the rest of the films doing expected numbers there’s nothing to really discuss.
  7. I hate all these teen non-bloody vampire literature/movies . The only one I kind of like is true blood but at least that was bloody and gory as hell unlike the wimps that pass off as vampires in the other series. Anybody with an interest on vampires should check the necroscope series , now this portrays vampires as I love them, ruthless bloodlusting monsters .
  8. Hahahahahaha that Deadpool number, it can’t be real ...”666, the number of the beast, hell and fire was about to be released”
  9. Yep. When I see “solutions” like “keep Luke alive”, they bring a smile on my face. This will only prevent ep9 from flopping, say under a billion worldwide, and be at TLJ levels , nothing more. We have entire continents lost for the SW franchise and “Luke staying alive” won’t bring them back. New heroes , new worlds , more impressive visuals for the next trilogy is what is needed.
  10. Ah the toy grosses, the home video/streaming grosses ...yep we are at justice league territory again somehow. As if toys from various franchises , from batman figures to Freddie Krueger t-shirts aren’t being sold without movies at the horizon.
  11. I don’t get it, you said Disney made “hand over first 4.3 billion to be exact” from Star Wars films. Does Disney get 100% of each movie’s bo gross and do these films being made and marketed for free ? I see every other film be scrutinized about its budget, marketing cost e.t.c . “Think whatever I want to think” ? Isn’t it known since forever that studios get around 50-55 % (at the very best ) from the worldwide bo gross ? We just had the discussion about how black panther , a movie that grossed around 1.4 billion WW profited Disney around 450 million and I bet the marketing and production budget for these new Star Wars film is bigger than black panther’s. So from 4.3 billion Disney gets .....well let’s be generous and say 1.5 billion in pure profit (they get 620 million from the 2+ billion grossing IW ) and then you subtract around 200 million, at best case scenario, that they will loose from solo. I am sorry but if we are talking about strictly theatrical runs then these are the numbers.
  12. Why are you acting as if the studio gets all the bo grosses? For other films this forum searches the budgets to the last penny so I don’t think that Disney has actually profited more than 1 billion from all the Star Wars movies it has released, at least from their theater runs (don’t know/care about toys e.t,c) and if you subtract the money they will loose from solo , this amount becomes smaller. I mean it’s half of 4.3 billion minus the production+marketing budgets of these films.
  13. Yeah except the Incredible Hulk was one of the first MCU films before the MCU was fully established. If the MCU has an IH now then there would be a problem. Of course all this is simply wishful thinking from diehard sw fans. I can’t wait for ep9 to be released and watch the excuses fly ....
  14. Nah, I don’t think so. Close , I would guess around 970-980 million. If it did 1b then “TFA would be back on the menu boys”
  15. What ? I see people talking about a gazillion things from whether IW will pass 2 billion to debating about Deadpool 2 bo performance. Solo is the newest thing, plus it is bombing spectacularly so of course people are talking about it, but it doesn’t monopolize the forum.
  16. Around....3% drop for IW going in the weekend with good momentum. 10 million seems a lock, will probably come close to 11 million.
  17. Out, Unless I am reading the presales thread wrong, the difference seems huge at least in pre sales.
  18. It would have gone above TFA without Deadpool 2 , but it’s not that big of a deal.
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