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Everything posted by moviesRus

  1. I wonder, they could've just called it Avengers: Civil War internationally? But they chose to keep the Captain America title.
  2. Ok but to be fair, BvS dropped like a stone after the first week and there was almost no competition after that point. CW will definitely hold better and then a ton of other stuff starts coming out.
  3. Some schools/colleges are out this week on the East Coast btw.
  4. Chillax dude. lol. They're similar concepts. We get this shit every year, like Mirror Mirror vs Snow White and the Huntsman. Both totally different in tone and story but totally fair to compare!
  5. Well yeah, Armageddon and Deep Impact aren't exactly the same either. One's an asteroid and one's a comet!
  6. Well if the selling point of one movie is a concept we'd never seen before (superheroes fighting!) but then another movie comes out and does the same concept much better, why not change your rating? The first movie may have gotten you excited just bc the concept was never seen yet.
  7. Cause that's HIS name, not his dead mom's name. Also they knew each other and were best friends.
  8. Rooting for this movie to do poorly = rooting for WB to make changes to the creative team so we can get better movies in the future. Because we all know the only thing that speaks to studios is money, so if that's the only way to get them to pull their heads out of the sand, then yeah, that's what we have to root for.
  9. If BvS gets a 2.4x then it almost certainly outgrosses Deadpool though.
  10. F7 scored an A cinemascore so I wouldn't assume their multipliers are going to be similar lol.
  11. A solo Batman film opened to nearly this much 4 years ago. I think WB expected much more from a Batman AND Superman plus Wonder Woman team up.
  12. Geez, are the numbers that bad. Why are they taking so damn long to release this.
  13. You know if this gets to like $950m, WB is going to fudge it up to $1b.
  14. LOL as if John Boyega or Tom Holland would need to trash critics. They're in actual good franchises.
  15. I mean I think WB knows that this could be doing even better if it got rave reviews and an A cinemascore, etc. but it's also too late for them to change things so they'd rather have the lower profits of a poorly reviewed Batman/Superman movie than delay these movies and miss out on any profits cause the rest of their slate is so sad.
  16. LOL we'll see about Snyder on JL but I can't even imagine what chump would want to step in at this point. Certainly not anyone worth the potential lawsuits over.
  17. Y'all need to apologize to Drew McWeeny. He was spot on about this hot ass mess.
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