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Everything posted by moviesRus

  1. Leia might cameo. She's the one who has the death star plans at the beginning of ANH.
  2. Also he may have been close to the dark side himself at that point, like to see your nephew destroy everything you built and kill all the students you were responsible for protecting. If Luke was close to turning in ROTJ, I imagine that would be an even bigger test.
  3. He's not a pre-existing character. In the visual dictionary, it does say he's kind of a Jedi culture protector who helped Luke after ROTJ so there's definitely history with the family, which is why he knows Kylo Ren. Other than that, not much. I think he will pop up eventually in a spinoff and/or novels. Some speculate Mads Mikkelson might be playing the younger version of him in Rogue One, solely based on their Scandinavian background and the ages line up for the timeline.
  4. If you're just going off voices she hears in the flashback, then she would have to be part Skywalker, part Kemobi and part Yoda. Good luck figuring how that would work! Also Jakku is littered with former imperials and she was most likely raised by the Simon Pegg alien who is obviously British. There's tons of characters with British accents in this series.
  5. Finn has an American accent because all stormtroopers have American accents. Even Daniel Craig had to fake his accent in that cameo. It shows that they're low level employees of the Empire/First Order. Only the top brass aristocratic people are British. Which is also what makes Kylo Ren notable and kind of makes him seem like he doesn't belong there.
  6. Unrelated to Han's death, but people need to stop hoarding all the good Rey Skywalker usernames on tumblr!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I think there will be a twist but it will relate to Snoke. They really can't do a twist with Rey at this point anymore.
  8. Except none of those people were played by an actor who wanted to be killed off for 30 years and doesn't really care much for the franchise.
  9. Everything you described applies even more to Darth Vader as Luke's father. I mean, at that point Vader was a crazy cyborg villain and we had to assume he married someone and had a kid at some point, which is way more crazy and weird to think about than Luke having been married.
  10. I think that's the consensus. I kinda doubt they'd use this as a curveball, I think this will be addressed early on in Episode 8 but the real shock will involve someone else like Snoke.
  11. I do think Rey's storyline was too much of a cliffhanger here. I think if they did simply confirm more of her background, people wouldn't have had a problem as much. ANH was a standalone story so it told you all you needed to know like Luke's father was a Jedi and a great pilot, hence you're okay believing that Luke is suddenly able to fly a ship he's never seen before and can use the Force to hit an impossible target. Rey's whole backstory is not confirmed at this point and a lot of the stuff in her life on Jakku isn't verbalized in the film but rather it's in these side books like the art dictionary, novelization, etc. (like how she has a flight simulator, how she's worked on the Falcon for her boss) so you are left a little hanging there.
  12. Whether or not Rey's abilities in TFA work kinda depends on how they explore her backstory in the next film. If they give us a good backstory that she was raised with the force and it was just blocked until it re-emerged, then I'm fine with it. If she's just some random girl who had never heard of the Force before, then no. Unfortunately because of all the set-up in TFA, my final opinion is really going to depend on where the story goes to determine if it was worth it.
  13. She is, but then every other cast member is a dude so it's still technically a smurfette thing. I dunno maybe there's a narrative purpose in her being the only girl/
  14. Hey, at least Katniss wasn't really badass until the second one. She spent most of the first THG hiding in a tree.
  15. The spinning camera scene was also very romantic. Also how cute is it that Poe named Finn? He didn't even have a name before he met Poe.
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