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Everything posted by moviesRus

  1. I think it's appropriately dramatic for a father/daughter reunion since the girl thought she was abandoned, but anything else? Yeesh nope.
  2. Yeah, I think it's also clear that Hamill will have a much bigger and more significant role than Carrie Fisher going forward. And since you've already killed off Han and had Rey and Leia meet, there's really no reason to make Rey a Solo anymore. It would actually cheapen TFA for me.
  3. I liked that twist too, but it did piss off A LOT of people, which I think twists these days because they feel the need to be SO crazy that people won't predict it years in advance, tend to be very polarizing and extreme.
  4. That's operating under the assumption that what they're fighting over relates to their parents though, which sorry Han and Leia, you're cool but the big picture story isn't about their legacy. It's about Anakin Skywalker's legacy, which told through first cousins is very compelling. Hell, just look at medieval history and you'll find tons of great conflicts between cousins fighting over legacy and inheritance.
  5. Still confused as to why everyone thinks there has to be a twist. Literally only 1 SW film has a twist and it's the only actual twist in the entire saga. And even "twists" aren't really surprising anymore cause people on forums have stuff figured out years in advance. Like the Snape backstory was pretty much the prevailing theory on mugglenet for years before DH came out.
  6. But those are standalone original stories that no one was analyzing years and years before release. I'm talking about in the context of a populist blockbuster film.
  7. Agreed, which is why I think Rey's history will be handled similarly to Kylo Ren's in TFA where they don't make a huge deal about the reveal. It's just there. I think the only real twist could be Snoke and what his ultimate end game is, but that's cause he is such an unknown character still.
  8. Sadly I agree on Carrie Fisher, which is a shame cause I think her character could've had an interesting arc going forward but I don't think they have enough confidence in her acting at this point.
  9. Already been confirmed that Rey is 10 years younger than Ben. Have no clue why people still think twins is an option. Letitgo.gif.
  10. There is literally no shock value in Rey being a Solo since that's what the assumption was since over 2 years ago. The only shocking thing about it would be how terribly the writers handled TFA if that was the case. To be honest, there is no twist in this day and age that would be shocking anymore unless you want to do something just plain idiotic.
  11. I think the new female character was doing chemistry tests with Boyega so I do think Rey will come back after her training in Episode 8 and then feel a bit left out.
  12. There's also the theory that she's related to both families which is how she is so superpowered. So Obi-Wan would have to have had a secret daughter who then hooks up with Luke and produces super Rey.
  13. Yeah, Luke did what no one else in an experienced X-Wing squad could do. All Rey did was barely survive a duel with a nutty guy who just killed his dad and is bleeding profusely.
  14. Oh I'm sure if it the case, Episode 8 will just open with them having that in the open but emotionally estranged still.
  15. Also I wonder if they thought about this when coming up with backstory, but if Rey ends up with Finn, he has no last name so any kids they'd have would have her last name..
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