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Everything posted by moviesRus

  1. Yeah, Kylo was consistently portrayed as a bit of a basketcase who isn't fully in control of himself. Plus he just got shot by Chewie's bowcaster! That thing is powerful. Didn't Han shoot it earlier and it basically blew up like 3 guys?
  2. Anyways, I really do believe Rey's heritage is pretty much being handled like Jon Snow in that the first book made it incredibly obvious who his parents were and fans have known for AGES now but the story itself wants to drag it out a little longer. At least Rey's will be confirmed in Episode 8..
  3. Yeah, we're getting another movie in 18 months! At least we don't have to wait 3 years like they did after ESB.
  4. Maybe not full on amnesia like Bourne but simply had her force abilities suppressed due to either the trauma or her father doing so to keep her away from this shit.
  5. Because he doesn't want her involved in Jedi stuff anymore? Since he feels responsible for Ben Solo turning dark, killing all the students he was supposed to protect and hence ruining everyone's lives, I think he wanted his daughter kept away from both the force and himself.
  6. Are they gonna sell a movie about Jedi Hogwarts to kids with the forgone conclusion that they're all going to die.
  7. I think JJ said recently in an interview that there was a scene they cut that delved into the "who is Luke Skywalker" question. I think that appears to be the Leia and Rey scene that looks like it was cut down significantly (really weird that they hugged and then.. she just leaves). Maybe it's just something Rian Johnson really wanted to deal with in his film.
  8. I think they had suspicions but just didn't voice them because they're not close enough to know for sure. Like I'm 100% sure Leia knew by the end. It even looks like that goodbye scene had some abrupt editing that probably cut out a longer scene.
  9. I think it's more contrived if she's not. Then you have all sorts of plot conveniences that just happen to this random unrelated girl?
  10. Kids just got out for winter break today, including college students since my brother just flew out this evening to get home and he hasn't seen it yet, so yes tomorrow should be BIG.
  11. Yeah, second round just confirmed it for me too. Not that I have a problem with an unrelated Rey in theory but then I really cannot give JJ any kind of pass on the rehash criticism in that case cause there really was NO reason at all to put in all those callbacks for Luke and Anakin in their backstory if she's not directly related to them. Like why not just have her grow up on a grass planet or something. At least if she's their direct descendant then you can argue that it's POETRY IT RHYMES.
  12. Same with my dad and this is a guy who took several WEEKS to figure out what the meaning of the top spinning at the end of Inception meant.
  13. I really do think they cut out the dialogue that did reveal it. The Leia scene before she leaves looked a little sloppily edited, like that totally wasn't the whole scene. I can see the dilemma though that they didn't want a reveal like that to come from her aunt, but also at the same time, they wanted the finale to be music only.
  14. I mean, if the whole Jedi vs Sith and Skywalker family drama doesn't interest you the n maybe it's just isn't the right series for you. It's like going to a Batman movie and complaining about how he's always moping about his dead parents and fighting psycho villains.
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