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Everything posted by moviesRus

  1. I agree that there's so much potential after this set up, especially with Rey and Kylo sort of manifesting as two sides of Anakin Skywalker and essentially battling it out for the Skywalker legacy. Is this family just a horrible mistake that never should've happened? Or will there be some good to come from this super powerful but also cursed family?
  2. Even my dad knew Rey was Luke's daughter and he's usually super confused by movies. Took him like a week to figure out that JGL was Robin after TDKR.
  3. Didn't they mention how Kylo/Ben was always kinda dark and they sent him to Luke to try and straighten him out? lol.
  4. I'd go 90% on Rey being Luke's daughter. She just looks too damn emotional in the last scene to be rando girl handing back a lightsaber. Those things have always been Freudian symbols in these movies. And the camera lingers on them staring at each other for like 10 seconds. No reason to do that unless there's some relationship. I feel bad for Han and Leia. What did they do to deserve such a crappy child.
  5. The only person I can picture taking JLaw's spot is Mara in lead on the condition that BAFTA also supports the GG's fraud rejection.
  6. Lawrence is in serious danger of losing that Best Actress spot at this point. She better hope Mara stays solidly in supporting.
  7. This is puzzling cause even middling and outright bad kids movies make decent money when the competition is low, which it is right now for family fare. Hotel Transylvania 2 even managed to do better.
  8. They should've edited Bradley Cooper out of this movie. His curse is affecting everyone this year.
  9. Which also had the most useless distributor behind it that can't run an oscar campaign for shit.
  10. To be honest, each HP film had a cool new 'thing' that was well marketed to the general audience. Even DH1, which many found to be snoozeworthy, really sold the horcrux hunting angle while DH2 played up the big final battle.
  11. Domestically, MJ2 has it unless it collapses. But THG franchise has never been able to compete WW.
  12. Oh yeah, the love triangle aspect was a complete dud as well. I don't think anyone really cared that much who Katniss would choose in the end.
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