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Everything posted by moviesRus

  1. CR is a great movie but 2 women died after hooking up with Bond in that film. The significant female characters story was entirely about men, Bond and her other boyfriend guy. Literally her only motivator in the whole story has been centered around a man.
  2. I haven't seen every Bond movie but the last 3 films have all featured the death of a female character that serves as angst for him.
  3. Sexism is part of the Bond tradition unfortunately. The women are mostly there to look hot, hook up with Bond and then die. Oddly enough the only recent Bond film to feature a female character with an actual story that didn't revolve around a man was QoS.
  4. I just think this franchise has failed to capitalize after the first Abrams film. Doesn't really help that it's main stars haven't exactly taken off and the only one who has in also in two far more popular space franchises.
  5. I feel like this franchise is going to have diminishing returns domestically. I highly doubt this sees anywhere near the first movie's domestic run, although they'll make that up internationally (the first ST's OS number was horrendous).
  6. Small differences in the climax. For example, they gave the important part to Chastain, understandably since she is a stronger presence than Sebastian Stan.
  7. I think they were right to falsely market CP as horror. It can collect it's bigger OW number and then deal with the heavy drop offs later.
  8. Crimson Peak got a much higher budget than it deserves actually, especially since Del Toro has never been huge at the box office. It got freaking IMAX screens even, which even The Martian doesn't have.
  9. Reviews are fine, not amazing. Once they're out they can't deceive the audience into thinking its a horror movie.
  10. Doesn't have to be like a $20 million salary star. The original choice of Emma Stone as the lead would've been a boost.
  11. Goosebumps $25 million Bridge of Spies $18 million Crimson Peak $16 million
  12. This movie needed an actual star. Not Mia Whatshername and Loki.
  13. Depp is not winning, his movie isn't getting great reviews as whole either. It's Fassbender vs. Leo now. If Leo can't win in this horrible year, then he never will lol.
  14. LOL, RDJ had one scene in Chef. Also if you look at Sherlock Holmes vs. all other Guy Ritchie movies, their box office runs are like night and day.
  15. Holland is like a nobody right now lol. He hasn't even debuted as Spiderman. Cumberbatch is almost entirely based in the UK, where he did open The Imitation Game well. He probably never will be a big draw for Americans, like most British actors.
  16. But still very fresh in people's minds. Also the other spy movies like MI5 and Spy both got super amazing reviews. All work against UNCLE which just got okay/meh reviews and it has no stars that anyone cares about.
  17. Their only good franchises have been Shrek, Kung Fu Panda and HTTYD. Only Shrek has been a huge moneymaker that competes with Pixar films though.
  18. It was also a different time and typecasting was much more of a thing, with blockbuster/genre films still relatively rare. Now it's like every actor is in some franchise and they mostly do fine outside of it.
  19. Cavill may never be a star outside of Superman, but at least he has that even if he's getting overshadowed by Batfleck. Armie Hammer will probably get another couple of chances cause he's a generically good looking white man.
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