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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. Or you could have both worlds and do sambucca plus coffee Plus wine......plus whiskey.....
  2. It really will be my attitude tonight, I'm just going to sip jack and let it go. Almost, the legs are way to shmexy to be mine or any interpretation.
  3. I need deep breaths first. And a trip to the liquor store.
  4. well....don't be surprised to see massive sell outs, yet not many there.....
  5. Pfff. I'm pulling an all Shayer. Gonna see it non stop and raise it from 125,900,000.00 to 130M
  6. No no, I can totally see why you would think that. I think personally they should have added Katniss going to the other disctricts into this one rather than cram it into part 2. There was so much more they could have put in this.
  7. I took my mom to is too, and she didn't even see CF. for the most part she what was going on without being told. She said she liked it, but was surprised with the little action (shocked coming from her, who despised the whole people killing people game).
  8. I blame CJohn's Birthday for this!!! Happy birthday by the way
  9. For all we know we could have FANTASTIC OD and SAT and SUN numbers!!! It's not over! PUNY COFFEE. GOOD.
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