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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. But in THG case it wasn't to quash the rebellion, they lost period. The games were to pubicly humiliate and psychologically render them into meaningless, mindless bodies (not to mention entertainment for the Capital).
  2. If its one thing THG series has taught us, it's that it doesn't follow the norm of box office. Anything can happen.
  3. See, I hate people assuming TA2 has to get over TA1 OW or else it's a failure of some sort. It's very possible TA had the novelty factor and this, just had a monster week. TA2 could finish with something like 185-195M OW but be seen as a failure? Sounds so crazy to me.
  4. It's also good to keep in mind that: We all believed CF to gross (though not I) less than Hunger Games but have a bigger opening weekend due to it being a sequel. The opposite happened instead. It feel under OW predictions, but had great legs and went on to gross more than HG. Perhaps all that great WOM for CF will result in great numbers for this. If its as good as its RT rating (or hell, just pleases the fans) then we could see great legs here too, this doesn't have Frozen on its back to compete with. Not to mention a shorter runtime (20-25 minutes less) might mean more screens maybe.
  5. I was just talking OW, of course this will blow past 300M mark. I have the total DOM total at 412M
  6. It'll be tough without the IMAX screens that CF had. I mean, it's possible since THG got to where it was without it, but I don't see MJ1 pushing it that high. MJ2 I think will though.
  7. Geeat number for D&D!!! Should hit late 30's like I predicted.
  8. Both are so different. It would be like saying iron man copied batman on the fact that both are rich men who live in a city, design and create their gear/armor, in the pursuit of defending the good people.
  9. Automatic generated message This topic has been closed by a moderator. Reason: Too much trolling If you disagree with this action, please report this post and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind regards, BoxOffice® Forums Staff
  10. I have D&D at 38M this week, we'll see though.
  11. Moderation: I just cleaned this thread up as we have our first user whose seen the movie and will later post thoughts. No more Katniss trolling!
  12. Ouch, those drops (although rightly not surprised) still hurt to see. ..... Pffffff! Yeah right, move over films Katnissmis coming through!
  13. Please tell me he's seen Katniss. Our Queen. Shielding his eyes from her is most def a law.
  14. Discuss Capitol TV notice, Citizens of Panem should be aware that giving grades of C or lower is strictly prohibited and are subject to arrest and further disciplinary action if done so. Panem today. Panem tomorrow. Panem forever. Sincerely, President Snow
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