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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. Well, for me in all seriousness I'd have to give Alien a higher standing just a tad bit since I'm just a sucker for sci-fi And it was beautifully done as well.
  2. Like 10 thousand lol. All of what you mentioned is why I didn't like the movie at all, and then there are more reasons. It goes back to my point, where I'm sure there are numerous villians in the batman comics that would have been more interesting than the penguin dude/whatever he is. It was probably the most lame villian I've ever seen.
  3. This is a beautiful classic. Attention all horror films being made today: Watch this film please. PAY. ATTENTION. TO. THIS. FILM. Notice how blood isn't squirting all over the place and gore just being randomly thrown about about 5 minutes. Notice how we feel for the characters, because of umm....oh, that's right, character development. Horror films today feel like they need to have action at every waking moment, or gore, regardless of the characters and actually feeling for them. This film is a classic horror film. My top favorite films of all time. 100/10, A++++++++++
  4. Saying this is bad would be being polite What's next? The only thing that would have been worse than this is if a villian was part bunny and had a bunny army rather than penguins... Hell, why not throw in butterflies.
  5. Bad was having to watch this guy for god knows how long: Possibly the lamest and stupidest villain I've ever seen. Surely there had to be better villains in the Batman comics than this piece of crap?
  6. Ah, but I said nothing wrong. I called the movie 'poo', not my fellow peers here. There's a difference.
  7. Agreed. This film is really bad. Don't know why things have to resort to name calling over this piece of poo poo film.
  8. 1. Will Gravity gross more than $33M? Yes. 2. Will Carrie make at least $22M?Yes. 3. Will Escape Plan debut in the Top 3? No. 4. Will Captain Phillips fall less than 30%? No. 5. Will 12 Years A Slave have a higher per theater average than All Is Lost? Yes. 6. Will Machete Kills fall less than 63%? No. 7. Will Rush have a Friday increase of at least 85%? No. 8. Will Prisoners have a better Sunday drop than Don Jon? Yes. 9. Will at least one film have a Saturday increase of 70% or more? No. 10. Will at least 2 films decrease on Saturday? No. 8/10 Correct = 4,000 bonus points 9/10 Correct = 6,000 bonus points 10/10 Correct = 8,000 bonus points Bonus #1) How much will Carrie gross this weekend? 23.70(please use at least 2 decimal places) [5,000 points] Bonus #2) What finishes in spots: 7. Prisoners 9.Twelve years a slave 11. We're the Millers 15. Don Jon [2,000 points each. If you get all 4 correct, you get 5,000 bonus points.]
  9. Sorry, but I really didn't like this Batman. First....really? The main villian is like, a penguin lover? Or is half Penguin? Am I getting this right? That was dumb for me, villian was a joke. Catwoman was decent, probably the only bright spot in the film. The story was boring/terrible for me. I hated this batman, easily the worst one. D overall, 4/10
  10. Omg. I don't think I've ever been so pissed off about wasting my money on a movie ticket. This movie was terrible. Like, really terrible. If it weren't for my friends that I was with (who are PJ fans) then I would have left half way through. It was so bad that I thought this movie was a parody of the REAL PJ Sea of Monsters movies and we just mistaken this sad excuse of a movie with it. I mean, what was hollywood thinking with this shit? They actually saw this and thought "Yeah, this is great, let's totally put money into this!" This movie is a joke. F. Overall, 1/10.
  11. This movie was so bad. Another blah movie with Affleck. Bad script. Just bad overall, no positive notes really. F, overall 3/10.
  12. It really was. That was completely retarded (no disrespect). One of the biggest let downs by Hollywood for me.
  13. I'm assuming you guys are being sarcastic.
  14. York, totally forgot about her. Briefly, she was
  15. In terms of who I like better as a character, hands down Peeta. Gale is a douche.
  16. There's only one team, it's team Katniss. Those who do not side with Katniss, are then by forfeit are on side with The Capital. Those are the only choices.
  17. Yeah, just saw her twitter. She is totally in love with Gravity (as she should be). She seems to be having a lot of fun on Twitter
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