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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. That's because I supreme the mother fucking shit out of em with delicious rich Hershey chocolate chunks, along with your traditional moist chocolate chips, baked ever so lightly so the dough (that I pressed and caressed with my hands) is tender and gooey, yet still hard enough to bite into. Just the aroma along will get you to your knees smelling em.
  2. I know, I have movies eating at my brain that I've been meaning to put up, so many of em, and yet haven't. I also like putting my two cents in movies because, like treeroy said, I like to see if others have seen them and what they thought of it. I personally don't mind about lengthy requests per say, I guess the exception being if multiple users did it all at once or if you constantly spam long ones. I think a good amount is anywhere from 1-5, though if you have more than 5 movies that you really want them you can do more. It's no biggie, I think you all here are and have always been patient with us, so thank you guys for that.
  3. I'll probably make some changes to it, and I'm also waiting till late for the top 5 lowest movies (waiting to find out what will be released wide or not). Plus I'll make some edits here and there. I'm really nervous. I really wanted to just abstain from all the questions so I'd be guaranteed positive points But then I thought how unfun that would be so went for the gamble on some. I'm not very good OS wise, so I know I won't get those right.
  4. I'm assuming since we're posting our answers here that rough drafts are allowed? We can edit it until the due date I'm assuming? Top 15 Domestic 1) Avenger 2 -- 550M 2) Minions -- 332.5M 3) Jurassic World -- 285M 4) Inside Out – 225M 5) Mission Impossible – 220M 6) Ted 2 – 216M 7) Tomorrowland – 210M 8) Spy – 163M 9) Fantastic 4 – 156M 10) Ant Man – 144.8M 11) Mad Max – 135.5M 12) Poltergeist – 107M 13) Terminator Genesis -- 102M 14) Pitch Perfect – 91.3M 15) San Andreas – 86.7M Top 5 Domestic Opening Weekends: 1) Avengers – 207M 2) Jurassic World – 106M 3) Minions – 97M 4) Mission Impossible – 80M 5) Inside Out – 75M International Flair #1: Tell me what the WW top 10 of the summer will be. The point structure will be as follows: 1) Avengers 2 – 1.7B 2) Jurassic World – 1.050B 3) Minions – 950M 4) Inside Out – 780M 5) Mission Impossible – 730M 6) Tomorrowland – 675M 7) Ted 2 – 575M 8) Fantastic 4 – 550M 9) Terminator – 510M 10) Ant Man -- 500M International Flair #2: What five films will have the best weekends World Wide? 1) Avengers 2) Jurassic World 3) Minions 4) Mission Impossible 5) Tomorrowland 5 Lowest Grossing Fils of the Summer of 2015: 1) Straight Outta Compton -- 5M 2) The Outskirts -- 8M 3) Dope -- 11M 4) The Gift -- 12M 5) Somnia -- 15M FIRST PRE SEASON BONUS QUESTIONS THAT MUST BE ANSWERED BEFORE THURSDAY APRIL 30TH AT 6PM. THESE WILL BE WORTH A TOTAL OF 15,000 POSSIBLE POINTS. 15,000 IF CORRECT -5000 IF INCORRECT 3000 FOR TELLING ME THAT YOU ARE ABSTAINING Tell me, of these five films, which one will be the lowest grossing of the summer. 1) Trainwreck 2) Southpaw 3) She's Funny That Way <-------- 4) Aloha 5) The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Second Bonus Question: Tell me which of these will be the highest grossing film of the summer: Only these five films. 1) Masterminds 2) Fantastic Four 3) Terminator Genisys <----- 4) Magic Mike XXL For 10,000 POSSIBLE bonus points, tell me, within 5 million dollars, what its gross will be. Anyone who calls this within 5 million dollars (note you MUST CALL THE CORRECT FILM TO QUALIFY FOR THE 10,000 BONUS PTS) whether it is over or under the total, will get the 10,000 points. Third Bonus Question: Tell me, of these five films, which will be the highest grossing INTERNAtIONALLY (NOT WW, ONLY INTERNATIONALLY....ALL FIGURES ACCORDING TO BOXOFFICEMOJO.COM)? 1) Terminator Genisys 2) San Andreas 3) Mission Impossible Rogue Nation ß---------- 510M OS 4) Ted 2 5) Mad Max For 15,000 bonus points, call the correct film within 25 mill. TRIPLE BONUS Here are your 16 bonus questions that have to be answered before the start date. Question 1: Will more than 3 films gross at least 110 million dollars Opening weekend domestically (3 day weekends count only) No. Question 2: Will more than two films gross at least 50 million dollars on opening day? No. Question 3: Will any film this summer have a worldwide weekend of more than 280 million? (THIS WILL INCLUDE ANY 5 DAY WEEKENDS. WHATEVER IS REPORTED FOR THE ACTUALS ON MONDAY EVENING WILL BE THE NUMBER WE GO BY). But the weekend has to fall within the summer game dates. Yes. Question 4: Will any film make more than 51.5 million this summer in Australia? I’m abstaining. Question 5: Will at least two films make more than 55 million dollars this summer in the UK box office? I’m abstaining. Question 6: Will any film besides Avengers make more than 150 million in CHINA this summer? No. Question 7: Will at least 2 films make at least a billion mill WW this summer? I’m abstaining. Question 8: Will at least 5 films, listed as a comedy (could be sci-fi comedy...horror comedy...must have comedy listed somewhere in the genre ) by Box Office Mojo, make more than 120 million dollars this summer? No. Question 9: Will at least 3 action films released after May, have a WW gross of more than 500 million? I'm abstaining. Question 10: Which combination of films will make more money domestically? 1) Terminator, Spy, Jurassic World <---- 2) Entourage, Spy, Hot Pursuit, Poltergeist 3) Minions, Insidious 3, Self/Less, Straight Oughtta Compton 4) Avengers first ten days, Mafgic Mike XXL Question 11: Will any two films make more than 40 million in Russia this summer? I’m abstaining. Question 12: Will the top two films combined make more this summer than the next 5 films combined (domestic only)? So to avoid any confusion like we have last summer, the question reads like this.... top 2 spots add up to more than slots 3-7. No. Question 13: Will any of the top 7 grossing sequels domestically this summer have a second weekend drop of less than 47.5%? I’m abstaining. Question 14: Will Avengers, Minions or Jurassic World have a Saturday increase minus the preview number? So take out the Thursday number and you get the true Friday number. You guys know the drill. I’m really hesitant on this one, but I’m think I’ll go yes. Could regret it. I think Avengers will do this or even Minions. Question 15: Will Minions outgross Avengers in at least two of these regions this summer? I’m abstaining. The Ron Jeremy of all bonus questions This is a four parter: 1) Will Avengers make at least 600 million domestically? Yes. 2) Will Avengers make more than a billion internationally? I'm abstaining. 3) Will Avengers do at least 25 million for previews? I'm abstaining. 4)) Will Avengers make at least 1.8 billion WW? No. A) Will any film listed as a horror OR thriller film by boxofficemojo.com gross more than 100 million dollars this summer? Yes. Will any film listed as a horror OR thriller film by boxofficemojo.com open to more than 35 mill? Yes. C) Will any film listed as a horror OR thriller film by boxofficemojo.com have a second weekend drop of less than 47%? I'm abstaining. D) Will any film listed as a horror OR thriller film by boxofficemojo.com have an opening day of more than 13 mill? I'm abstaining. Double Secret Probation Bonus Question Very simple, but very dangerous. I'll give you a number, you tell me if Avengers will gross more or less than that number in said markets. 1) Russia: 42M --- More 2) Germany: 31.5M --- More 3) Portugal: 3M -- More 4) China: 200M -- Less Will Jurassic World and F7 combine to make more than Avengers in these markets? 1) Japan -- less 2) United Kingdom -- less 3) Columbia -- less 4) Mexico -- less Each answer will be yes or no. Nothing more. You must get at least three correct. Get three correct, get a bonus of 50,000, don't get three correct, lose 25,000, abstain, lose 10,000. 1) How many films will gross at least 100 million dollars this summer? You have a cushion of 1 film. So if you are off by 1, you still get full points. 15 2) How many films will make a billion dollars this summer? 2 3) What will the domestic total gross be for the top 3 horror films of the summer. II don't want to see anything but a number in your answer. Do not list the films. Cushion of 50 mill. 180M 4) How many films will gross at least 40 million opening day? No cushion. 3 5) How many films will make at least 500 million internationally? cushion of 1. 2 6) Will Terminator Genisys and Pitch Perfect 2 and Insidious 3 combine to gross more than F7 domestically? No. 7) Will Ted 2 make more than Ted? No. 8) Will Tele love Mad Max and will baumer love Jurassic World? You must answer both. This is an honour system question. I will tell you right now that I think i will love Jurassic World. Yes and Yes 9) Will any film released in August gross 100 mill before the end of the game? Yes. 10) Will Self/Less make more than 40 million? No. 11) How many films will make at least 750 million WW? 1 cushion. 5 12) How many films will make at least 30 million OD? 1 cushion. 6 13) Will Magic Mike XXL have a bigger opening day than Terminator genisys? Yes. 14) Will Pan be one of the top 7 grossing films of the summer domestically? No. 15) Will Ant Man gross at least 500 mill WW? Yes. 16) Will any film gross 250 million in China? Yes. 17) Will any film have a WW weekend of more than 300 million (Avengers will only count from the time the game starts) Yes. 18) Will Mission Impossible gross more than 200 million? Yes. 19) Will Vacation gross more than 70 million? No. 20) How many films will gross at least 305 million this summer? 2 21) Will Avengers gross more than the first one? No. 22) Will any film besides Avengers make 25 million in Spain? No. 23) Will any film besides Avengers make 65 million in the UK? Yes. 24) Will Entourage make 100 mill or more? No. 25) Will Avengers drop less than 55% second weekend? No.
  5. So when you say domestic weekends and international weekends, do you mean you want us to give the combined number or what opening weekend films will be the highest? And all movies we're using are from May 1st - August 14th right?
  6. It's no biggie, I actually have felt bad for aawhile. I haven't done much here for the last few weeks like I used too, work is just draining me. First time I have some down time in a long while.
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