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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. I just immediately thought of Noctis when I saw this.
  2. Lions gate is making money from this, we all know that or else they wouldn't keep making them. It still can be seen as a disappointment though, even to lions gate as this should have or tracked better. It's no coincidence that LG decided to make MJ2 3D, even though MJ1 made a crap tonvof money for them, they still weren't satisfied and were dissapointed with MJ1. Companies will always be greedy.
  3. why not? Even if it opened the lowest I could see being 45M, a 2.5 still puts it at 112M.
  4. I don't like seeing movies flop or burn, I like seeing big numbers, especially out of nowhere, and tracking them. However, rare times I will like and be pleased to see a movie flop if it deserves too because it's truly garbage.
  5. 4.1M preview number is disappointing, considering it had 3D. There's no hate, it's just a fact. It could still do well for the weekend, but it's not off to a good start.
  6. Obviously for me it's The Hunger Games. -First film of a YA trilogy, and just knocks it out of the park. Not only beating the rest OW, but just completely destroying them, enough so to be close to even TDK's OW. -It knocked the box office out of the park with probably the most weirdest, darkest, twisted story people could hear about, kids killing each other on national television. Definitely not the storyline you look at and go "oh man, that's gonna go big!" -It took and still has the top biggest opening in March (again, it opened in March and not in the summer where usually big blockbusters open) ever, and did for awhile have the biggest opening for a non-sequel, now in second place. - It had no 3D. - It went from being an unknown months away when the trailer was released in November, to being one of the biggest blockbuster hits from the amount of hype that came from nowhere. It was never expected to do even half of what it did OW (unlike TDK and Avengers). -No one would have ever guessed it to make over 400M DOM. -Oh. And of course, the birth of a legend named JLaw.
  7. I'm desperate now more than ever Rth's digits to come in, I need something to lighten my mood.
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