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Last Man Standing

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  1. Well it's a movie aimed at children / families, pretty easy to avoid hearing about it if you don't hang out with kids.
  2. Yeah if this gets buzz like Saltburn did I'm sure Amazon would be thrilled.
  3. Ah, those fan accounts are sometimes absolute shitposters, wouldn't shock me if this was the case.
  4. No clue if this is reliable, but since people were curious I thought I'd share.
  5. I mean it's not that curious, low supply vs high demand. It's curious that Hollywood aren't releasing more kids movies.
  6. I thought he did a great job playing the murder victim in Tropic Thunder before he even made it big, I think he can find plenty of similar work if he's willing to keep his ego in check...
  7. Denis is probably the only filmmaker I could trust on that Akira adaptation. Would probably still be a bad idea though.
  8. Peter Jackson has been creatively exhausted for decades after the LotR shoot. Honestly, worth it.
  9. The relationship between Paul and the Fremen is a lot more complex than "exploitation".
  10. Voldemort is saying 6.5m Wedensday on twitter, but it's "very early".
  11. If according to that prophecy that is the only condition to becoming the Messiah, sure, he'd be the Messiah to the religion that follows that specific prophecy.
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